Three Ways the Justice System Is Increasingly Broken
by David Sims
ONE THING WHICH I don’t like about the justice systems in most countries is their two-tiered structure, in which poor people who steal $100 go to prison for five to ten years, while rich people who cheat people out of $1,000,000 go to prison for one to five years. [And sometimes they don’t go to prison at all; billionaire Jewish financial vultures whose companies or hedge funds, after stealing billions, end up paying a million-dollar fine (the same as a $50 fine to you and me) and who never go to prison is one example).]
The penalty for a crime shouldn’t depend on how rich the criminal is. Let the penalty for theft be determined as follows:
Amount Stolen: Punishment
$1 to $100: One month in jail.
$101 to $60,000: (Amount in dollars divided by 100) months in prison.
Over $60,000: Death.
No exceptions for rich people.
No exceptions for famous people.
No exceptions for lawyers.
No exceptions for politicians.
No exceptions for public officials.
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Another way in which the system is broken is the increasingly thug-like actions of some police officers.
Mr. Policeman, your job isn’t supposed to be safe. Risk is your business. You face it so that we don’t have to. You were hired to be our buffer against crime. We pay you with money, not with the loss of our Constitutional rights. Nobody has required that you become a police officer, and nobody is forcing you to remain one. America isn’t supposed to be run so that the police can be as safe as possible, but rather so that the public can be as free as possible. Labor is specialized here, and your part of it is risk. Don’t shirk that duty. And if you are shirking it, quit.
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More men than women commit crimes deserving of the death penalty. Just as more Blacks than Whites commit crimes deserving of the death penalty.
The demographics among those being punished should not necessarily follow the population’s demographics; rather, the demographics among those being punished should follow the demographics of those who commit the crimes.
Some groups are less moral than other groups, and those are the groups who should, therefore, get punished for misbehavior the most often.
The kind of “equity” that requires all outcomes to be equal, regardless of the broad differences between groups, is unjust, unfair, and immoral. That goes for the death penalty, and it goes for hiring policies too.
Affirmative Action is unjust, unfair, and immoral for the same reason. Some groups are more qualified than others to hold a particular job, and intentionally choosing, for reasons of racial politics, less qualified job applicants at the expense of job applicants who are more qualified is wrong.
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Source: Author
Our problem today, which began decades ago, perhaps even a century or more is purely RACIAL. I could add, moral, and I could make a list. But these are essentially ramifications of the one grand ¨problem,¨ the RACIAL problem. Here is how this is easily seen – imagine America as 100% white. ALL…thinking, discussing, policy-making, and behavior (attuned to the present racial reality in the US) would be completely ABSENT…of RACIAL considerations. I´ll stop there. Just imagine the Pacific Ocean of GRIEF that would be non-existent in such a scenario. I can imagine it…and NOT…imagine it. At the same time.
The justice system is certainly rigged and has been for a long time. For some decades now, whites have been railroaded primarily via civil law – divorce financial rape, lawsuit rape, etc, often targeting white-owned small business and so on … however despite whites being bankrupted and impoverished like this, they haven’t looked at the bigger picture Which includes the fact that despite a large amount of black crime … many blacks arrested and jailed, were not the guilty party in a case, just someone the cops and prosecutors grabbed to ‘solve’ the crime … and now whites are increasingly railroaded into jail, as white-destruction agenda accelerates. The whole system needs upheaval. And death penalty doesn’t help. USA did fine with no executions 1967-77. Mostly only Muslim countries do it now,… Read more »
“The only thing worse than niggers and jews are the pigs that protect them”
-Joseph Tomassi
All men are NOT created equal. One can walk down the street to see that this is true. The Jews and their lies must go!
The Four Aryan Truths
1. Suffering is inseparable from existence.
2. Craving is the root cause of suffering.
3. Ending suffering can be attained by ending craving.
4. There is a path to ending craving and suffering.
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