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WLP90: The Rule of Law
This week we honor William Luther Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism, of the National Alliance, and of National Vanguard on the 90th anniversary of his birth by presenting classic articles of his, nearly all of which haven’t appeared on this site since their original publication more than two…

The Utter and Total Corruption of the Political Class
(above left to right) Boris Johnson, now Prime Minister; Zac Goldsmith; and then Prime Minister David Cameron during a rally for Goldsmith’s 2016 London Mayoral campaign Dodgy billionaires, Prime Ministers, and Spanish royalty – three generations of an elite political cabal ONE OF Britain’s wealthiest…

Putin’s Corrupt Oligarch Profits While His Soldiers Starve
VLADIMIR PUTIN’S invasion of Ukraine might have fared better if his circle of oligarchic cronies had been just a little less corrupt. Reports tonight that Russia is asking China to supply basic food rations for its invading army indicate that the existing food supplies are woefully inadequate.…

Suffer, Little Children
by Revilo P. Oliver A READER of Liberty Bell has sent me, apropos of my article on the sexual molestation of children in the August issue, a copy of the November 1991 issue of Inside News, a periodical published in Australia (P.O. Box 311, Maleny, Queensland, 4552). That issue is devoted to describing…

Two Cheers for White Democracy
by Douglas Mercer WHEN THEY had cleared the East of race scum the National Socialists planned to plant large colonies of German soldier-farmers there. Himmler believed that this was the White man’s ancestral homeland and that tilling the soil was the natural and healthy element of the White…

PC Leftists Corrupt and Distort Ancient Nordic Religion
The Icelander Ríkharður Magnússon discusses our Old Norse beliefs and the ways in which they have been distorted in the modern era. I WON’T DELVE deeply into the Old Norse beliefs in this article; rather the purpose here is to confront and clear up some of the distortions and false information…

Land of the Fee, Home of the Depraved
by David Sims THE “swamp” is a euphemism that refers to the bureaucratic, unelected part of our federal government. It refers most particularly to the arrogant, legalistic part of the Executive Branch, but it has its minions in the Legislative and Judicial Branches of government also.…

Shall We Have Law, or Shall We Have Justice?
Kamala Hateswhites, her Jewish husband Douglas Emhoff, and an Alzheimer’s patient IT NOW SEEMS increasingly likely that Joe and the Ho’ have gotten away with blatant election fraud and will be sworn in on January 21. The courts at every level have deemed the overwhelming evidence insufficient…

Sanctuary State
Gavin Newsom by John Randolph IN HIS inaugural speech as the governor of California, notorious anti-White politician Gavin Newsom sent a clear message to the world by promising that the most populous state would be a “sanctuary to all who seek it.” Apparently forgetting that civilized nations…

Of Jews and Quacks and Compulsory Vaxx, of Chinese and Pharma Kings
by David Sims THE CHINESE Communist Party isn’t the only group to bear blame for the coronavirus pandemic. It is, rather, one of a number of blameworthy groups. These days, we all have subscriptions to cyber security services, which claim to protect us from computer viruses, of which there are…