David SimsEssays

“White Racism”: It’s Everywhere, It’s Everywhere!

Ibram X. Kendi

by David Sims

THE Wall Street Journal recently presented the words of Black racist Ibram X. Kendi:

“The ‘discrimination’ critical race theorists want to ‘remedy,’ through still more discrimination, is any failure to meet a racial quota. As Mr. Kendi puts it, ‘When I see racial disparities, I see racism.’ So if a nuclear weapons lab is full of Asians and Whites, not Blacks, he sees it as ‘racism,’ even if everybody was legally hired based solely on their qualifications, not their race.”

Sometimes a lie is repeated so often that you forget that it is a lie. Sometimes the repetition of the lie takes the form of a tacit assumption. In Kendi’s case, the lie has its explicit wording as follows:

Lie: “There are no differences between the races having a social significance that impart to non-Whites any innate, natural disadvantage versus Whites.”

Or, in other words, whenever there exists any performance metric (the math part of the SAT, for example) when Blacks consistently do less well than Whites, the reason is “White racism,” not any real shortcoming of Blacks.

And that’s not how it is. Racism isn’t why Whites out-perform most Blacks in intellectual pursuits. The reason is that Whites have a higher average intelligence than Blacks. That higher average IQ comes from the fact that Whites have brains that, on average, are about 100 grams heavier than the average Black brain.

Blacks are, however, strongly averse to the truth of this matter. They like Critical Race Theory because it comforts them and gives them a structure for talking points.

* * *

Source: Author

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14 June, 2022 12:16 am

The lack of intelligence in Blacks is unbelievable they couldn’t find their way out of a paper sack. I wish more people knew the facts about their brain size and level of stupidity.

Reply to  Caitlin
14 June, 2022 6:37 pm

It is a fact that is well known but scrubbed now in our society. As a whole they are lower IQ. Not all are lazy, stupid or violent but we know the ratio is higher.

Reply to  Clapper
14 June, 2022 8:58 pm

I not sure it is well known.

Reply to  Caitlin
17 June, 2022 2:04 pm

Their entire discussion about race is a scam and a “money grab.”

Reply to  Friendo
17 June, 2022 7:39 pm

Money grab for Black’s and any other sorry race trying to cash in. Of course at White people’s expense.

Dave Nichols
Dave Nichols
14 June, 2022 1:14 am

GIVE BLACKS THEIR OWN COUNTRY IN AMERICA. Am I the only one who sees the obvious solution to their complaining??

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Dave Nichols
14 June, 2022 7:26 am

Who is doing the giving, Mr. Nichols? You don’t own it and neither do I.

Dave Nichols
Dave Nichols
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
15 June, 2022 1:51 am


Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Dave Nichols
15 June, 2022 4:51 am

Congress, eh? Thanks for the laugh, Mr. Nichols, the absurdity of that suggestion is hilarious.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
16 June, 2022 8:33 pm

OK..We’ll do it the hard way, then….

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  chopper
16 June, 2022 9:23 pm

As if we have a choice. Getting CONgress to send Congoids back to Africa en masse, indeed. That’s rich. Why don’t we ask them to round up every single Jew and take away all their toys at the same time?

If it is of interest to you, I will keep my mind open as to alternative methods. For now, the National Alliance’s short term goal is to separate ourselves as best we can is the one plan I’m following.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Dave Nichols
14 June, 2022 11:17 am

Perhaps you are referring to
that part of the continent known
as Central America. An attempt
to resettle American Negroes
there by post Civil-War USofA
political figures. The attempt
was a failure. None of the
Central American countries
wanted them. Shipping them
back to Africa was deemed too
expensive. Thus today, there
are approximately 45 million
feral Negroes roaming about
the continent.

Dave Nichols
Dave Nichols
Reply to  Walt Hampton
15 June, 2022 1:54 am

Did I say Cental America?? And shipping was NOT to expensive. There were ships going there all the time that they could have been thrown on for FREE.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Dave Nichols
15 June, 2022 4:47 am

Wherever they were to be sent to, it didn’t happen.
The political will was absent. Building political will to accomplish anything is necessary, something we in the National Alliance are working towards among other things. It’s slow going as too many Whites want to sit back and comment incessantly without putting their time, resources, and/or effort into the hard work of Alliance building.

Reply to  Dave Nichols
14 June, 2022 8:59 pm

Or just send them back to their mother land. AFRICA!

Reply to  Dave Nichols
15 June, 2022 6:38 am

For the sake of conversation, I’ll imagine we have the ability.

There are so few of us that we’d be better suited to have our own equivalent of a large reservation. Without a doubt we would thrive, Whites have the distinct capability to turn even barren wastelands into livable areas given the necessity or opportunity.

Hard going at first but that is where we do our absolute best. Look at colonized Africa versus areas where the inhabitants were left to their own devices. The same goes for the semetic deserts, had we ignored them (we really should have or atleast entirely exterminated them upon arrival) they would be living in the same conditions which their ancestors had thousands of years ago.

Reply to  Dave Nichols
17 June, 2022 1:24 pm

There is only one solution the “negro problem” in America–it is wholesale and complete repatriation of every last negro in America to sub-Saharan Africa, where, once home in their “mudda land,” they can romp freely through the jungles and grass fields in their grass skirts, while they chuck spears to their hearts’ content, dine on ghetto lobster, live in their primitive mud huts (that the beaver does a better job of constructing), dance their “wild-swahili” dance all the livelong day, and call upon the tribal witchdoctor for free medical care and health care. What I’ve just described would be the ultimate Shangri La for every barbaric negro who was once-upon-a-time unlawfully domiciled in America.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  White_Vengeance
17 June, 2022 2:42 pm

Whites individually cannot send anyone anywhere, but together as a team we can do a lot.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
17 June, 2022 4:22 pm

I wholeheartedly agree. My post was a bit of wishful thinking and a bit “tongue-in-cheek.” Nevertheless, I can still dream. Regardless of the fact that America is a failed nation-state, it would still be a better place in which to forge our future in the National Alliance without dealing with one of our most mortal, sworn enemies–the subhuman negro.

14 June, 2022 11:28 am

u want racism ? try the racism of non-white and Judisitic extortion of never ending of $s from Whites.

Reply to  Howard
14 June, 2022 6:40 pm

Jews are only out for their individual selves. They don’t even trust each other and for good reason but will band together to destroy lives for monetary gain and power.

Reply to  Howard
15 June, 2022 6:09 am

Howard, please keep in mind that this is constructive criticism, not an insult. Try to work on using better spelling & sentence structure even if only on this website. The reason I bring this up is say for example a visitor comes along who is possibly on the verge of having their all important revelation as to which side they need to be on. If they see good articles but the comments are all over the place in terms of quality, some might think “Why bother if I’m going to encounter this? I came here in an attempt to avoid it.” Sure it saves time but we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard in all regards. Be it in “anonymous” internet posts or face to face interactions, we… Read more »

Robert Speer
Robert Speer
14 June, 2022 12:17 pm

The presumption of equality is every bit as much a prejudice as the presumption of inequality. Prejudice is inevitable. The only moral option is to choose the prejudice that is substantiated by facts.

16 June, 2022 4:19 pm

Average IQ of the Negro is 80

Reply to  WhtNProud
17 June, 2022 4:26 pm

In some parts of the world it has been found that the average IQ for the ignorant negro is 75 IQ points. I recall reading that in sub-Saharan Africa negroes routinely register IQs in the range of 65 IQ points.

For the fields that classify categories of intelligence (or lack of intelligence), any IQ below 80 IQ points is classified as “mental retardation.”

Reply to  White_Vengeance
24 June, 2022 5:46 am

The IQ of blacks doesn’t matter. All that matters now is how well we can fight them and their leadership, the jews.

Reply to  TOMIRON
24 June, 2022 3:38 pm

Your statement is mostly correct, but not entirely correct. Yes, the most important thing is how well we Whites can fight the barbaric negroes and their “leaders,” the zionist jews.

But the IQ of ignorant negroes DOES matter if you are the owner of a medium-sized business and, due to affirmative action and job quotas, you are forced to hire low IQ negroes; or if you are a manager in a major corporation and over half your workforce is comprised of low IQ negroes. Being forced to deal “up-close-and-personal” with indolent, low IQ negroes day after tragic day takes its toll in many areas.

Reply to  White_Vengeance
26 June, 2022 12:58 pm

The diagnosis previously termed “mental retardation” is currently referred to at “intellectual disability”. Mild ID criteria include a full scale IQ ranging from 50-70, moderate ID includes a FS IQ ranging from 35-49, severe ranging 20-34.

You are absolutely correct that IQ scores DO MATTER in hiring practices for many/most jobs. Even simple tasks such as counting/quantifying objects, which most jobs require, is a function of one’s intelligence.