Posts Tagged
U.S. Government
Land of the Fee, Home of the Depraved
by David Sims THE “swamp” is a euphemism that refers to the bureaucratic, unelected part of our federal government. It refers most particularly to the arrogant, legalistic part of the Executive Branch, but it has its minions in the Legislative and Judicial Branches of government also.…
Trump Not in Charge? — US Agency to Transmit “Overthrow Orban” Propaganda to Hungary
PERHAPS NEVER in American history has there been such an utter disconnect between the words of the President and the policies pursued by his administration. President Donald Trump appears to have almost no control or awareness over what the American government does. Hungary’s Viktor Orbán…
Why Revolution is Necessary
William Rehnquist by Dr. William L. Pierce ONE OF THE MOST interesting developments that I’ve seen since September 11 is the public hinting by people in the Federal Bureau of Investigation that it really would be helpful to them if they were permitted to torture suspects or other people from whom…
So, Who is Really Running this Sideshow?
ON THURSDAY, March 7, 2019, the US Congress voted to approve House Resolution 183. This resolution condemns both verbal and physical attacks against “African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other people of color, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, the…
Muh 22 Trillion
THE BEST PART about the kosher money magic is there’s somehow always shekels for the things that really matter. How about 100 billion to pour into the “African-American” chasm? Don’t forget money for Israel, our greatest ally. Also, more wars for the Jew. This is the sole…
The Regime in Washington Can’t Be Trusted With Our Data
For more reasons than you can imagine — but especially because of multiracialism and Jews WIRED MAGAZINE TELLS us that a solution may have been found which will allow government to access private data on smart phones without compromising everyone’s privacy:
A few months after the San…
Nationalism vs. the New World Order
by Dr. William L. Pierce AN INTERESTING THING happened recently. The government of India detonated five nuclear warheads in underground tests, and the establishment in the United States reacted with shock and dismay. This is good news for at least six reasons. I’ll name them, one reason at a…
Will the Real Donald Trump Please Stand Up?
by Val Koinen THIS IS THE MAN who could have gone down in history as having:
Deported the illegal aliens and protected his country from further Mestizo invasion by building a southern border wall.
‘Drained the swamp’ in Washington D.C. and in the process made a real start toward fixing…
Woe to Our People’s Enemies!
by Dr. William L. Pierce I’VE HAD SEVERAL film crews visiting my office during the past few weeks: BBC, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, Arts and Entertainment; you name it, they’ve been here. Reporters and photographers from the print media too: the Washington Post, Rolling…
Degeneracy Watch: Northern Virginia Elects “Transgender” Legislator
“Danica” Roem will soon be making law in Virginia; district that elected him is full of Washington, DC political hacks; Jewish and pervert money, largely from New York, along with controlled media coverage, gave Roem huge advantage. (Note that out-of-touch NBC confuses Virginia with…