Building Your Own Home: Debt-Free, Inexpensive, Healthy, Beautiful
And a great place to raise White children.
HERE’S WHAT 24-year-old videographer “Kyle’s Cabin” says about the debt-free cabin he built, on his own with minimal expenses, in a beautiful forest.
Here is a video in photos of the process of me building my remote off grid log cabin. This video shows the whole process of clearing land, hauling in materials by hand, and building the cabin. It was a lot of work but this is one way to build a mortgage free home. It is a dream come true.
People keep asking about the land. The cabin is on private land. I purchased 40 acres from the person that owned it before me. It is just surrounded for miles by federal land which makes it unique. I had to get a permit through the forest service (they came out and surveyed) for my trail I cut to the cabin since the trail is on federal land. It took about six months to get the permit, but I could legally hike to the property if I didn’t do any cutting, that’s why I had to pack everything in through the woods at the start. Everything was done legally and I gained a lot of trust with the forest service because they saw how much I respected the land.
With intelligence, energy, hard work, and pluck — something National Vanguard readers possess in abundance — you and your family can do this too. While we’re talking of relocating, one might think seriously of relocating to the mountains of eastern Tennessee — where you’ll be near the new community being built by the National Alliance.
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Source: Vermont Folk Troth
Thanks for sharing! Definitely a valuable alternative for people who don’t already own their homes.
The problem I have with this is not of
principle. It is one of chronology. This
guy is 24. I am 75.
Very inspiring. And I will be the first to admit I don’t have it in me. I like the lifestyle but could never make it happen as this young man has. Great work!
Good for him. I don’t want it. It’s great for a getaway but not big enough and too isolated. Where is the electric? Water? Toilets? Internet? Maser bathroom? Garage? Jacuzzi? Sorry but I cannot live comfortably without these things.
I am impressed. That was a lot of super hard work. That is White pioneer work at its finest.