My Friend, The Waffen SS Soldier, part 1
Part One: A Brief Introduction
I WAS FORTUNATE ENOUGH to have had a dear friend for some five years who was a retired veteran of the Waffen SS Wiking division: His name was Theodor Junker. He was born in a German village in Romania, and he retired on a small farm in southern Wisconsin.
From the years of 2005 through 2010 I visited him every weekend.
He was a surprisingly humble person, so much so that it humbled you just to be in his presence. He had a quiet tone of voice, yet he was not shy about speaking. He talked a great deal, and talked about a great many number of things. But mostly he loved to talk about Nature, and all of her various forms. Yes, he spoke often of the War, and he spoke often of Adolf Hitler, National-Socialism, and of the Reich. He also spoke of the Jews and the Aryans. But he was far from the Jewish-conjured image of a stereotypical “Nazi.”
Herr Junker loved all things Nature, particularly that which pertained to human health. His primary passion for employment was always farming, agriculture: he raised and sold chickens (mostly for eggs) and pigs mostly. In his later years he raised and sold ducks as a hobby (I can’t tell you how ridiculously difficult it is to round up a flock of ducks from a pond with paddle boat and three shirtless yahoos running around flapping their arms). So, naturally, his love of farming eventually translated into a passion for human health: What is the most natural way of human eating. He was also very fond of Nature’s “secret” medicines (he literally ate whole cloves of garlic, raw, after he spent years of studying their health benefits).
His love and passion for natural holistic health was also very strongly motivated by the death of his wife, who was taken by cancer.
Theo was always happy, even on a bad day: Nothing ever brought that guy’s spirits down. There were times when he would be recounting an age-old story about the War, about the struggles and suffering that he endured on the battlefield of the Eastern Front against the Russian Bolsheviks/Marxists, and he would beam with a youthful joy: the color would rush to his face, he would smile widely, and laugh heartily, and he would glow. His energy was palpable even in his most humble moments. The only time that Theo grew serious was when recounting his years in British captivity after the war, being driven from his village after captivity (the Russians took his village and basically gave it to Jews and Communists — some 17 million Germans were driven from their homes in various countries), or telling of how badly the Russians treated the Germans.
What would probably surprise people the most was how Theo talked about the Jews — which he did talk about often. He would always tell me (and I mean always), in his thick German accent, “Be glad ven you have enemies.” That was one of his mottos, and he would elaborate this motto at length, in great detail. He told me that without enemies we become soft, we grow complacent, and he even blamed senility on the absence of mental combat. He said that having opponents keeps you sharp mentally and keeps you young physically. He said that without his anti-NS opponents over the years, he would have been reduced to senility many years ago (I met him when he was 85 or 86 years old). So he literally thanked the Jews for being so vehemently anti-NS: He said that the stronger your enemy is, the greater was your potential for increase of strength: Weak enemies ensured weak people.
He praised the Jews for being such a powerful enemy, because they would guarantee that only the most powerful Aryans would survive, and thus strengthen our people.
He likened Jews to foxes, not for their cleverness, but simply for their natural place in the grand scheme of life. Since there were always geese on the pond on his property, he would say, “The Jews are like the foxes: they make sure that the geese do not become overpopulated and get sick. If the geese overpopulate, they will get sick, and then possibly all of them will die. But if the foxes catch and kill the weak ones, the flock will remain healthy.” He thought that Jews were only a part of Nature, and his sentiments toward them were stoic. However, Theo never, under any circumstances, trusted Jews. I can still hear him now, talking about them being a race of liars, as casually as one might talk about cows having spots.
Theo Junker built the once-famous Honorary Hall for Adolf Hitler on his farm, which made major headlines in the summer of 2006. Sadly, the powers-that-be put every last ounce of pressure on him to make sure that his dream was crushed before it began: They made it illegal for him to have more than four people on his property at all times — including himself. His property was 120 acres large, and could accommodate thousands, and yet they passed a law saying that he could only have himself and three guests there at any time — including family reunions (any liberal reading this, just try telling me that the system favors Neo-“Nazis”…).
For years afterward, whenever I would visit, there would be FBI helicopters that would occasionally fly over the property, lower themselves to the tree line and take the time to count the number of people that they could see. Once during one of these fly-overs, I was taking my friend’s two children for a swim in the pond, and I can remember them being rather terrified and just looking at me, with horror in their eyes, wondering what was happening. I told them that it was just people flying over taking pictures of the farm, like lots of people used to do. It was sickening.
Theo was a great guy all around. Things were always casual at his place. Most of my days there with him involved nothing formal or professional. We’d sit in the back on the little sandy beach on the pond that he had paid to have built, our toes in the sand, just yammering about his life in the United States.
Theo started off as a janitor in Chicago, and saved up to buy the farm in southern Wisconsin. He moved there and had four children. They used the property as a summer camp for other German families (until his wife passed away), and so I heard all kinds of neat little stories about how they spent their time. I heard stories about unique children that he remembered vividly. He told me how within the first week he could tell who the leaders were. He’d say, “In Nature, there vill alvays be two leaders: a good leader and a bad leader. And there vill alvays be two groups of people: those who follow the good leader, and those who follow the bad.” He said that he would sit back and watch them, and every year it was the same thing: Two groups of kids would form: the good kids, and the trouble-makers.
Theo was wounded a total of six times during the war, and some of them severe. He once took a Russian grenade blast directly between his legs. It landed several feet in front of him and went off before he could even run. He then had to take an eight hour train ride to a hospital capable of sewing his manhood back together. He said that they had to tie it off with string, which drove him insane, because for the entire eight hours he had to urinate. It was a nightmare. And yet, the guy managed to have four children. Apparently those German doctors really knew what they were doing.
Theo would do anything for you if you needed it. I can say with certainty that he was the most generous person I have ever met. He offered strangers the bed of his own room, while he would sleep on his couch. People came from all over the world to visit him, and I was fortunate enough to be there and give tours of the property alongside my dear friend. He would invite them to camp at his place and stay for weeks on end. He always said, “Dis is de best place in de vorld.” And if they did want to stay, he’d let them stay in his own home and dine with him at his own table. Many times, while Theo was napping in the afternoon, I would be given the honor of giving the usual tour of the Monument to curious guests. I felt honored that Theo would let me handle the show while he was out of town or napping.
I know this is a bit of an aimless recounting of the years with my friend of the Waffen SS, so I will stop rambling for now. But if anyone has any specific questions, I’d be glad to answer them as thoroughly as I am able.
But I will end this by saying that Theo Junker remained loyal to Adolf Hitler and to National-Socialism until the last time that I saw him in 2010. He never once questioned his years of service in the struggle for Germany against Bolshevism on the Eastern Front, and he never questioned the NS worldview or its immortal Leader. He loved Adolf Hitler dearly and said that he was an SS until he died. Even during the years of threats of violence that ensued after his grand opening of the Adolf Hitler Honorary Hall he never questioned anything. He never feared the countless death threats that poured in daily. He always said, “I’m a soldier. I’ll die for this.”
* * *
Source: Nature and Race Archive
I look forward to subsequent parts! Thanks for sharing this.
Good and interesting account.
But I was wondering, is there a book that codifies these principles of nature? I think that would be a very interesting book.
Arvin, were you referring to the part about human health? Or was it about a human life-philosophy by Aryans for Aryans?
More like a life philosophy, a sort of guidebook as to how the real world works.
For example, this man appreciated the Jews and the tension that they caused, so one could make a maxim like this:
It is not conquering your enemies that makes you strong. Actually, after you conquer them, you start to lose your power. You are made strong by the eternal tension between you and your eternal enemy.
Cosmotheism by Invictus Books fits what you’re after then, although I would not expect pedestrian, everyday kinds of axiomatic expressions which you referred to. If you’d like to obtain your own copy, try here: or you can contact the publisher directly.
This is a wonderful article about a very impressive guy. But I do have a question that I would have liked to ask him and maybe you know the answer. I have always felt that regardless of the positive statements that can be said about Hitler during the early part of his rule, did he nonetheless not almost completely obliterate his own country? Did he not make one misstep after another that cost him the war, his life and, almost cost the German people their country?
Hitler didn’t obliterate his own country–and is on record preferring peace and acting towards this with the British, France, and America (the three principals who initiated war against Germany). Check out historian A.J.P. Taylor’s excellent book on the events leading up to that war, The Origins of the Second World War, as a beginning.
And also, the leader of a country of 80 million people can’t afford any mistakes at all while facing 3 Jewish-dominated empires (who also made many mistakes) totalling about 600 million people—or more. We humans aren’t perfect, you see, not even Hitler. But consider: That the German people and their leader were able to accomplish what they did was quite remarkable considering the long odds against them.
The fact that that one candle was lit, holds out hope for us all.
Thanks for your reply. Britain and France declared war after Germany invaded Poland, and after they warned Germany not to do so. So one could argue, Germany brought those nations down on itself. I agree the Germans accomplished remarkable things during that period. But it seemed like the missteps totally eclipsed those accomplishments in the end. Poland, Dunkirk, Stalingrad, Battle of Britain etc, Hitler’s micromanagement of tank design and production, etc. So many bad decisions. One can read Albert Speer’s “Inside the Third Reich” to see how dysfunctional it all became. I would love to go a museum for one of the most notable men in history, Adolf Hitler. But it seemed his flaws far outweighed his strengths – both were massive. This seemed like a good chance to become… Read more »
I’ve read Speer’s book, and that was a rather flawed work itself. The man was capable at what he did, no doubt, but he was not a National Socialist himself and retained his middle class perspective in the production of his work. A historian he was not. However, there is some value in what he produced. Also, do you really believe he’d have been allowed to publish his book if he were a National Socialist? Not through any Jewish publishing houses (and they’re all the large ones) you can be assured. In any state with a large political apparatus you’ll find “dysfunctional” individuals gumming up the works—and that includes White ethnostates such as National Socialist Germany. Hitler simply was not permitted the time to bring along the several generations required… Read more »
If Hitler had not invaded Poland, then Germany would have continued to be cut in half, its two parts separated by a “Poland” that had been established after WW I. This was an intolerable situation because millions of Germans lived in Poland, just as Palestinians live on land occupied by Israel. Poland had been given a huge chunk of Germany by the treaty of Versailles. And Britain’s guarantee to defend Poland, which it was incapable of honoring, emboldened the Poles to persecute the German population. Oddly enough, France and Britain didn’t declare war of the Soviet Union for invading the eastern half of Poland almost exactly at the same time Hitler invaded the western half. This was done without any provocation, and Stalin seized the Baltic states into the bargain.… Read more »
Some day, men of Theo’s ilk will be entirely vindicated. We’re almost to the bottom sewer level now, so when that is finally reached, there will only be one direction and recourse available.
Did your ancestors obliterate Washington D.C. by resisting the British in 1812? When one is faced with the alternatives of resistance or slavery in a war of attrition, foist on you by a barbaric enemy, there is obviously but one honorable choice.
The Anglo – French – Russian Alliance thrown against Germany. Smothered by an unlimited supply of blood and war appliances.
It’s interesting that the Waffen SS received more volunteers from France than any country in Europe. France is a ringer state like Texas. Either have the ability to lash out at any given time for any given reason.
When the New Reich escaped the international monetary system, the guardians of Jewish Democratic Capitalism collapsed into a malignant rage. Jealous War Mongers: We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not.” — Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast) “Germany becomes too powerful. We have to crush it.” — Winston Churchill (November 1936 speaking to US – General Robert E. Wood) “This war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany.” — Winston Churchill (- Autumn 1939 broadcast) “The war wasn’t only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have, if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn’t want to.” — Winston Churchill to Truman (Fultun, USA March 1946) “Germany’s unforgivable… Read more »
Great quotes.
We have been told so many lies about WW2 and also the American Civil War.
When I was in Germany, many Germans told me that they liked that tv show about the two southern boys and their car, which had a confederate flag on it. I cannot remember the name of that show. But I tried to draw a parallel between the way the South has been demonized, and the way the Germans have been demonized.
They did not want to talk about it.
It made me very weary. . . and sad.
The tv show you’re referring to is “The Dukes of Hazzard.” I also thought of the parallels between the real causes of WW2 and the American Civil War versus the “official” causes that we’ve been taught. Just as the real causes of WW2, and WW1, were fear of Germany’s economic might, the real cause of the Civil War was the North’s not wanting to compete with the South. But just as the “official” cause of the Civil War was slavery, the “official” cause of WW1 and 2 was evil Germany.
I appreciate all the responses which I found very educational.
Sounds like some anti-Russian bullshit. The belligerents were Soviets, not simply Russians. Why is this retard calling them Russians?
This is still a great article, but I agree that that distinction should have been made.
Sehr Gut! Ist ein guten mensch. Mein ehre ist treue