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New Year’s Dawn Traditional Message, part 2
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 11 January, 2025 by Kevin Alfred Strom LET US REFLECT on our dreams — and goals — for the future. And let us renew our commitment to our race and our race’s destiny of ever-expanding consciousness, understanding, mastery, and beauty, both…
Fighting to Be Who We Really Are
Based on an American Dissident Voices broadcast by Kevin Alfred Strom THIS WEEK MARKS the Winter Solstice, a sacred time for our people. The message of new life in our Solstice ceremony and this Solstice message is even more powerful for those of us involved in the struggle for the Life of our Folk. This…
Those Who Want to Live
FIRST STRUGGLE and then we shall see what can be done. Otherwise mankind has passed the high point of its development and the end is not the domination of any ethical idea but barbarism and consequently chaos. At this point someone or other may laugh, but this planet once moved through the ether for millions…
The Natural Order of Mankind: Martial Collectiveness
THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF National Socialism, the philosophy of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich, is to bring human society back into alignment with Nature, with the natural order of all life on Earth. When one lives in accordance with the natural order one lives in reality — rather than the artificial…
Nature Does Not Produce Equals
by David Sims CLAIMS OF EQUALITY BETWEEN diverse demographic groups should always be suspected of being politically motivated. In general, Nature does not produce equals. Nature isn’t required to do so. Nature has no built-in mechanism to ensure equality. Often the degree to which one demographic…
Everything Looks Permanent Until Its Secret Is Known
commentary by Blake Hood EMERSON, in his “Circles,” eloquently expressed the ever-changing nature of reality: There are no fixtures in Nature. The Universe is fluid and volatile. Permanence is but a word of degrees. Our globe seen by God is a transparent law, not a mass of facts. The law…
Real Environmental Problems
In this article, Nest Chief Daniel Gerdås explains his views on the so-called climate crisis and other more tangible environmental problems. NOBODY CAN have possibly escaped the daily climate hysteria fed to us by the media. “We have 10 years to change things before it’s too late.” “The glaciers are…
Let Nature Decide
NATURE herself in times of great poverty or bad climactic conditions, as well as poor harvest, intervenes to restrict the increase of population of certain countries or races; this, to be sure, by a method as wise as it is ruthless. She diminishes, not the power of procreation as such, but the conservation…
Nature Is God’s Word
EVERY CREATURE has its own language to enter into heaven. See the flowers, they pray with colors — and so praise the May sky with delicate scents. And hear the birds and the bees, and see the shimmering lizard, and how the mosquitoes dance around the evening rays. All of this is beautiful, and what…
Building Your Own Home: Debt-Free, Inexpensive, Healthy, Beautiful
And a great place to raise White children. HERE’S WHAT 24-year-old videographer “Kyle’s Cabin” says about the debt-free cabin he built, on his own with minimal expenses, in a beautiful forest. Here is a video in photos of the process of me building my remote off grid log cabin.…