
Support Anti-White Capitalism? No Thanks!

OBVIOUSLY, YOU should never support any company that displays BLM or “gay” flags or other Cultural Marxist / Jewish agenda political messages.

Is the company publicly traded? If so, definitely don’t support it. It’s likely owned or partly owned by Vanguard or Blackrock or one of the other Jewish financial predators. It may have slightly lower prices — until they’re the only game in town, and then you’ll be gouged. Probably 90% of “woke” companies are publicly traded.

Can you make the product you need instead of buying it? Obviously this isn’t practical for everything, but sometimes this can save money, add beauty to your life, or be a chance to learn a productive skill. For me, I enjoy woodworking when possible and cooking my own food instead of going to restaurants. I know people that sew their own clothes or clothes for children, etc.

Can you just do without whatever you’re about to buy? I estimate that probably 60% of the things the average frugal person spends money on don’t really need to be purchased. It’s amazing how important some things can seem at first — and then when you don’t have them anymore you don’t even notice. Before I was aware, I used to get expensive cable packages to watch live sports because it was something I’d done for years, but now I watch almost no sports — and I barely notice.

If a company appears to be a private business, do some digging. Who owns them? If they have a Web site but don’t say anything about who owns them, then don’t support them. If they were a small, independent business, they would be screaming it to anyone who would listen because everyone loves that. If they don’t say so, it means they’re owned by some billionaire or conglomerate.

E-commerce can be a great way to support independent businesses, but stay away from Amazon, Walmart, and the like. There are a lot of little guys out there but you have to look for them. For example, I needed to buy some lawn care stuff and found a company called Seed Ranch which had plenty of things I was looking for — but isn’t supporting the Amazon cartel. I ended up not needing the item I was looking for, but I’d definitely go there in the future. There are other places like that out there for niche things that are often cheaper than Amazon if you buy enough to get free delivery. All it takes is a little time to find them. Another example, and this goes right to the heart of things because this store is in the truth-telling business: Get as much of your reading material as possible from Cosmotheist Books. They’ve been banned by the big bankers’ credit card payment system — another sign that you should support them. But you can still send a check in the mail, or pay them using Bitcoin — and saying “I don’t know how to do that” is not an excuse; it’s a skill you need to learn for freeing yourself from the bankers’ rotten system.

Another technique for liberating yourself from “woke” capitalism is to move to an area where housing and other costs are extremely low, and where farmers’ markets and other direct access to White producers is easy. And, for God’s sake, stop buying new clothes or new anything if you can avoid it. There are many, many extremely livable, high-quality, overwhelmingly White neighborhoods in the Rust Belt with extremely low home prices and taxes. In the Cambria County, Pennsylvania area, for example, it’s possible to put $20,000 down on a decent home and have a house payment smaller than your electric bill. That, coupled with buying almost everything second hand, can make many opportunities and freedoms open up to you, including quitting your System job, or reducing the hours you slave for the System — and allow you to spend much more time teaching, and being with, your children.

* * *

Source: compiled from several sources including Parallel Society

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26 August, 2022 10:01 am

“BOYCOTT” is a spear in the jew’s heart, and is their favorite tool used against us white goyim. Apparently we are not smart enough to use it on the parisites who want us gone. It’s hard to find a non-jew owned source of goods, thanks to the jew FED/central banks money machines. They bought and plundered anything of value.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Jim
26 August, 2022 1:49 pm

We Whites value the prices Jews offer to buy our businesses out more than we do our posterity. Or, we refuse to support White owned businesses when the dirty financial tricks are employed to run our businesses into bankruptcy and then are forced to sell at fire-sale prices.

In a White world we in the National Alliance are striving for, this couldn’t happen. We Whites have to build that world of White solidarity and for our kind only though, it’s not going to happen merely by talking about it.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
26 August, 2022 3:28 pm

White lack of solidarity has a biological/evolutionary basis and this is why White people exalt Individualism over Tribalism, no matter how naïve this belief is.

Therefore only an evolutionary/biological solution can change it. That is to say, those Whites bearing the “racial solidarity” gene must reproduce while those who don’t should perish.

This would allow for the evolution of racially conscious Whites who would be immune to Brood and Klepto-parasitism, which is what Jews exercise.

Harsh as this might sound, it’s the way of natural selection. Alternatively ,constant exposure to Jewish parasitism could ,potentially, cause the Caucasian race to develop some form of resistance.

The latter seems more and more unlikely ,at least to me, considering how thorough of a job the Jews have done..

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Joseph
26 August, 2022 9:33 pm

Joseph, you wrote: “…constant exposure to Jewish parasitism could ,potentially, cause the Caucasian race to develop some form of resistance.”
I agree. And we in the National Alliance are the resistance. Numerous articles here on National Vanguard and in our other platforms have borne witness to this for over 5 decades now.

Join the Resistance. Join the National Alliance. Time is short.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
27 August, 2022 5:03 am

Thanks for the reply, and I do think that you are Caucasians who have a resistance to Jewish parasitism, however this is not the case for the majority of our race. So I must clarify a few things. First of all by Resistance I mean it in the Biological sense not as in we are the Partisans or the underground resistance etc. That is to say the appearance of such a genome sequence that would endow Caucasians with an instinctive resistance to Jewish manipulation. Emphasis on the word “instinctive” because it’s not enough for whites to be taught how to resist, it must come to them naturally, like walking. Allow me to elaborate: Like any parasite, Jews are born knowing how to exploit their hosts. It’s instinctive to them and… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Joseph
27 August, 2022 1:50 pm

Joseph, we in the National Alliance are actively engaged in organic community building of the Whites you are describing as having that racial consciousness. Marriages are performed, children birthed, friendships among us are made for purposes of advancing our kind–which is what happens in any real community in the biological sense. When I say Resistance, it is of this that I speak.

Perhaps a better explanation of what we seek to achieve can be found here:

Brother Art
Brother Art
Reply to  Joseph
2 September, 2022 1:57 pm

“. It’s instinctive to them and it’s how natural selection prepares them for their role, which is to keep the Homo Sapiens numbers under control.” Are all races considered homo sapiens? If Jews instinct is to as you say “keep homo sapiens numbers under control ” , why do they subsidise and expand races, for sample blacks, who naturally never expanded beyond that of near starvation level? Jews have it seems been the strongest component in making numbers rise, that is if you consider blacks homo sapiens… The “genetics necessary for tribalism” sound interesting, can you please provide a few references to data on this subject? “This happens in a never ending arms race between host and parasite. This happens in nature all the time as well actually” Can you… Read more »

Reply to  Brother Art
3 September, 2022 2:47 am

I’ll answer as best I can provided I can’t post all sources in one comment.. 1) First of all it’s no secret that the Jews caused the many revolutions which destroyed the old Aristocracy (French revolution, Russian revolution, Chinese Revolution etc), as well as the two world Wars. These alone killed countless millions. Communism ,a Jewish ideology, did the same globally. This is population control on a massive scale. There is a speech even, by Rabbi Yoseph Ben Porat, where close to the end ,he analyses Mein Kampf and how Jews dominated German society and caused the Bolshevik Revolution-Communism : 2) The never ending struggle between host and parasite can be observed in Cuckoo birds vs their hosts e.g. Reed Warblers. The Cuckoo lays its egg in a Reed… Read more »

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Joseph
3 September, 2022 5:03 am

I found another link to

The genetic composition of the inhabitants of Greece (by Konstantinos Triandafillidis

as scribe never works properly for me.

While looking for it, I found this interesting paper on the genetics of Crete and relation to Greeks.

The good news is, for the Greeks at least, there is very little genetic mixing. Even though miscegenation is pushed very hard, I think far less White girls do so than is let on.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 September, 2022 1:12 am

I agree, and now here comes the crucial part. Greeks ,of the time the study was made because now I can assure you that 40% of the population is immigrants, were very closely related to the ancient ones. Also they exhibited the same traits that are common to Whites and to the Ancient Greeks too. One being individualism to the point of egotism and naivety. I can tell from personal experience, that these traits are genetic having observed them in my fellow Greeks, time and time again. So ,if a proper study was made, we could locate their place within the DNA helix. Then we could alter them in a way that would make Whites more racially conscious, tribal and less naïve/superstitious. That could ,potentially produce Whites immune to parasitic… Read more »

Brother Art
Brother Art
Reply to  Joseph
4 September, 2022 7:45 pm

Sub human apes and sub machine guns are an unatural combination.
Perhaps a brilliant White genetic engineer may devise a gene sequence transmission system that will give our fallen race the backbone and big balls of our fore fathers…
Perhaps a kind of genetic radar detection system that emits a deadly electro magnetic pulse, disentigrating all parasitic alien anti-life forms from the White man’s civilization would do the trick…
If it is so that we are Nature’s Finest, and I whole heartedly believe we are, in time we will reign victorious over our earth and reach heights never before imagined…

Reply to  Brother Art
5 September, 2022 6:11 pm

I really hope so, that in the end we’ll be victorious. However there are a couple of points I’d like to make before closing the subject. 1) We are not natures finest. I agree with Nietzsche on this that humans are an intermediary evolutionary step between animals and the Ubermensch. However I do think that if there is a race capable of producing one, it is the White race. 2) Evolution via genetic engineering isn’t something as ground breaking or difficult as it might sound. Technologies like CRISPR and mRNA/DNA vaccines can alter the genome and even introduce new genes into a mature organism. They can be used to improve our kind in ways that would take millennia with natural selection. 3) Don’t be surprised by what I just said… Read more »

Brother Art
Brother Art
Reply to  Joseph
8 September, 2022 9:25 am

If the White race is not nature’s finest, who is?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Brother Art
8 September, 2022 12:05 pm

The races that survive to see the 22nd century will be “nature’s finest” if we don’t get our collective acts together and prove we’re fit to simply be present on this planet. Past accomplishments have shown we’re great, but be honest: none of it matters if we don’t prove it in the future and pull together as a team to reverse our present misfortunes and get back on a better path to this future.

The National Alliance has put together an excellent framework through which individuals can contribute their time, talents, skills, and resources towards building a new order among Whites. No one man can do it by himself, but together we can conquer the universe.

Reply to  Brother Art
8 September, 2022 7:18 pm

In nature there is no such thing as “Finest”. There is only survival of the Fittest nothing more. Finest implies superior which doesn’t exist in nature. The Cuckoo isn’t superior to other birds because it can exploit them. Nor are its hosts inferior because they fall prey to its parasitism. If that wasn’t so, then the Jews are superior to Whites because they can manipulate them. In reality they are parasites which have evolved with the purpose of population control. They are obsessed with depopulation for that reason. It’s in their genes to destroy, to be the servants of Chaos. They can’t help themselves. Elli Ravage in his “A real case against the Jews” clearly stated that : “We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken… Read more »

Reply to  Joseph
11 September, 2022 9:25 am

For anyone trying to follow the link that I’ve provided, to LovinglifeTV, you can’t anymore. Over the last week or so, the entire site has been taken down and it seems for good. I’ll give you a summary of what you would see there. This site was hosted by a White South African who ,on a regular basis, had as a guest Dr Philippe van Welbergen. This doctor is treating vaccinated patients who had serious adverse side effects from the Covid vaccines. He showed slides of vaccinated blood and in them you could see graphene microstructures that exhibited self assembling and magnetic behaviour. His videos covered the changes in the blood of vaccinated and unvaccinated who had contracted these microstructures due to shedding from the vaccinated. It was a truly… Read more »

Brother Art
Brother Art
Reply to  Joseph
3 September, 2022 6:30 pm

Thank you sir. I appreciate your feedback and dedication to our bright brilliant, yet in the shade of a dark cloud White Race! We will win!

Reply to  Joseph
9 September, 2022 6:27 pm

This is not only a case of a people’s or race’s qualities, but also of the natural circumstances around it in that era. Rise and fall, I’m afraid. Many fit and brilliant people perished once times changed. Take Greeks (whom you talk about) for instance: the Greeks of nowadays have little to do with ancient Greeks, as everyone knows it; they’re a heavy mix of semitic people over the old people. Even their physionomy shows it.  The darwinist success of the Jews over the White race was possible due to the economic circumstances of the era combined with their actual characteristics. The parasitical qualities of the Jews wouldn’t (and didn’t) serve them with anything in wilderness, but latched on phenomenally on the hard-working, unsuspecting, accomplished white race. Once we’re gone,… Read more »

George S. Brown
George S. Brown
Reply to  Guest
9 September, 2022 9:43 pm

There’s much to agree with in your comment, Mr Anonymous, but I do take exception to your assessment of modern Greeks. I lived and worked in Greece for a time. They, like today’s European-Americans and all European nationalities, have devolved somewhat from their greatest heights, but with few exceptions they are unquestionably White. Today, we have even sequenced ancient Greek DNA, among others, so we know. Most modern Greeks are positioned genetically almost equidistant between “Aegean Bronze Age” and “European Bronze Age” peoples.

It’s true “they’re not what they used to be,” but the same is true of White Britons and Americans. Civilization and cushy life causes devolution. Unique genetic combinations that make for unusual genius (as in ancient Greece) never seem to burn at maximum brilliance forever.

Reply to  George S. Brown
13 September, 2022 12:32 am

I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings if you’re a Greek. I visited, and like Greece, and have Greek friends. I wish you were right but my direct impression is that many of them, present semitic features. That would be also extremely probable given the heavy mixing that followed Alexander’s conquest of middle-eastern lands, and the Jews’ steady infiltration of prominent Greece. I’m not sure if Greece becoming a hotbed of oriental dogma and Christianity is adding to that. Thank you for your charts, though I wish the data was more clearly interpreted. The “white” one seems to refer to a rather limited study. This is obviously just my opinion. I think that one issue should be clear, however. Devolving and miscegenation are completely different things. Also, the physical devolving… Read more »

George S. Brown
George S. Brown
Reply to  Guest
9 September, 2022 9:46 pm

Another chart showing that the Levantine contribution to modern Greek genetics is minimal, and is vastly, vastly overwhelmed by original ancient Greek, ancient Mycenean, and Slavic elements.

White Enlightenment
White Enlightenment
Reply to  Joseph
10 September, 2022 3:37 am

You are right, our Individiualism is the reason why we could die out. But on the other hand, our Individualism is the reason why whites are most creative and intelligent people. Do you think it’s possible to keep the positive part, while the negative part will vanish? The National Socialists said that we need “Volksgemeinschaft” and strong personalities.

Reply to  White Enlightenment
10 September, 2022 12:36 pm

Yes, but not by natural selection. If you re-read my comments you’ll see that I’m a proponent of artificial evolution via genetic engineering. Building smarter, stronger and most of all tribal Whites is the way to go. On a side note, individualism can never produce anything remotely close to what collectivism can. No matter how smart or creative the individual is it can never surpass the collective efforts of an entire race. The Jewish people have proven this beyond doubt. If you listen to the speeches of Mr Revilo P. Oliver you’ll see that he calls the Jews “A unit” due to their racial cohesion. An individual no matter how gifted can never match the collective efforts of a race. This is why all White leaders ,including the old Aristocracy,… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Joseph
10 September, 2022 6:38 pm

I agree with you about nearly all that you have to say, the exception being at the end where White evolution can be done only artificially. We can do it that way, yes, but by natural and conscious selection, it can be done that way as well. In fact, that’s part of our program of the National Alliance and just as importantly it is a tenet of Cosmotheism.

The question I have for you is, which method do we have access to right now? For our own part, I believe that the latter is all we’ve got at present. If you believe that artificial ways of improving our breeding are open and available to us now, I’d like to learn more.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
11 September, 2022 9:05 am

A simple enough question which I’ve answered in my previous comments. However for the sake of saving you the time of having to go through all of them, I’ll answer it here.

Gene editing can and is already being done via CRISPR and mRNA/DNA “vaccines”. The latter also introduce, in the human body, self assembling graphene oxide nanoparticles. It’s a blend of genetic engineering and A.I./ nanotechnology.

I’ve already posted a link to the videos of Dr Philippe van Welbergen , but it seems that the entire site has been taken down since I posted the link, imagine that.

Oh well, like I’ve said our enemies are moving faster than us. Whites, as usual, run behind the facts.

27 August, 2022 7:03 am

When buying second hand, the same diligence is needed. One store which had some odd practices I decided to look into. Turns out for a short while a group of former employees had a website up called “Red White & jew”, mocking the red white & blue store name. They claim to only hire vets of the zio-wars & donate profits to related causes. Not the case as they explained. The heebs who run said rip-off joint (they’re also commercial property realtors) hardly hired who they claimed to be helping. Turns out they own a bunch of similar stores under different names where they obtain ALL of their wares for free & sell them at rather high prices saying it goes to xyz charity, their excuse for pricing the way… Read more »

Fear of destruction
Fear of destruction
Reply to  Forsaken
2 September, 2022 9:07 pm

GameStop is a great example of this when it comes to the used gaming market. They are absolutely hated by gamers for around 2 decades because of their shadey practices such as pathetic trade-in values, opening up sealed games & still sell them new so people can’t get refunds, & the fact that they throw away games that they can’t sell, whether the games are good or not. They would destroy the games themselves so no one can have them.

Now, their practices sounds extremely jewish. & if you look up the key people for the company, the chairman is Ryan Cohen, who is a jew. Which makes me question, does GameStop have jewish roots since the beginning because their practices are jewish by design?

Fear of destruction
Fear of destruction
2 September, 2022 8:57 pm

I speculate that one of the reasons why jews call for diversity in white nations (i.e. America) is so they can destroy the 2nd hand market, meaning that the whites would have to buy the products new because they don’t want to deal with running the risk of getting dirty products.

If you look at Japan’s (& maybe S. Korea’s) 2nd hand market, it’s one of the best 2nd hand markets in the world. It’s to the point that Westerners go to them because of how good the condition the used products usually are. I’d imagine that if white countries like America remain white, then the 2nd hand would be just as good if not better than Japan’s.

4 September, 2022 4:23 pm

do some digging”: I usually Google the company’s name followed by “LGBT” and then “BLM”.

8 September, 2022 6:54 am

The other day my local electronics store wanted to charge me $100 for a new mobile phone cover. In fact every store I payed a visit to wanted to charge me the same price. I finally got fed up and left. latter on i found the same phone cover online for $34 with free postage minus the packaging. Yep, funny thing about the packaging adding cost to the product since we all just throw it away anyway. There’s a lot of good deals online if you really look and the best part about it is you can contact the seller or read about what there policies are and who they support before you buy. White country folk in the middle of nowhere seem to be the best to deal with… Read more »

Douglas Mercer
Douglas Mercer
25 October, 2023 10:34 am

comment image

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Douglas Mercer
28 October, 2023 4:29 pm

Thanks for that reminder, Douglas. I’ll never again purchase a Coca Cola, and not only because each Coke is loaded with sugar, but because the company is boastfully anti-White. Speaking of beverages to boycott, to your point, may I add: I’ll never again be entertained by Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) on TV. The other day I saw an interview with Dana White, the big wig who practically owns the MMA franchise. He proudly announced he has thrown in with Budweiser’s Bud Light — that adult beverage that recently lost its top spot in the light beer market by foolishly promoting LBQT freaks enjoying Bud Light — to now be MMA’s top sponsor. You may find, Mr. White, that most fans of MMA don’t care for queers. They may even come… Read more »