Posts Tagged
White Community
No to Hopelessness; No to a Brown America
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 9 March, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom IN PHILADELPHIA — America’s first capital city, now a quarter-White, half-Black Hellhole trending rapidly toward the civilizational level of Haiti, a city that was once unironically called the City of Brotherly…
The Only Real White Redoubt
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 2 March, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom IT’S ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to raise a child in a 100% racially White and culturally White environment these days. You move to a 95%-White county. And then the Jew-dominated federal government makes sure that your county…
Support Anti-White Capitalism? No Thanks!
OBVIOUSLY, YOU should never support any company that displays BLM or “gay” flags or other Cultural Marxist / Jewish agenda political messages. Is the company publicly traded? If so, definitely don’t support it. It’s likely owned or partly owned by Vanguard or Blackrock…
Dependence Day
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 3 July, 2021 2021-0703 Dependence Day.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE NAME of this “holiday weekend” needs to be changed. Forget “Independence Day.” Until we — and I mean…
Uniting Our People
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 26 June, 2021 2021-0626 Uniting Our People.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom A LISTENER AND friend has asked me to comment on how we can unite — unite the race-aware and the enemy-aware; and unite our people.…
Building Volkish Networks
“A SMALL NUMBER of dedicated folks can pool resources. If they wanted to buy physical space in the form of a business, land, or other useful assets it would be enough for say, three guys working two jobs each (for a length of time but not permanently) to save up money. Find a method of passive income, and from…
by Kurt Eggers
translated by the Wewelsburg Archives Translator’s Note: The terms ‘law’ (Gesetz) and ‘order’ (Ordnung) lose a lot in translation. ‘Law’ here does not mean the formal law found in the books in a lawyer’s office, rather something akin to the ‘laws of Nature’, or more accurately,…
translated by the Wewelsburg Archives Translator’s Note: The terms ‘law’ (Gesetz) and ‘order’ (Ordnung) lose a lot in translation. ‘Law’ here does not mean the formal law found in the books in a lawyer’s office, rather something akin to the ‘laws of Nature’, or more accurately,…
Toward a Racial-Nationalist Society
by T.S. Francis What is Society? SOCIETY is the social organization of any like-minded, blood-related, indigenous people. And since man’s nature is that of the social animal we must have societal structure of some kind, for our very survival and for our progress. The level of culture, progress and…
The Words of Adolf Hitler, part 1: Nature; Race; Community
As we are about to start a new year, let us begin by meditating — and acting — on the words of the man whose life on Earth will one day be seen, we believe, as having cut human history into two distinct parts. Introduction EVERY AGE on Earth is represented by a name, by an extraordinary figure who…
We Had Paradise in Our Grasp
THIS NEW video by Poseidon has the ability to inspire new people who see it. Here’s what some are saying about it: “The last three movies I saw I forgot about the second I left the theatre. But this video Made me feel something. Thanks brother.” “Fully white kids. The biggest…