
Four Wars that We Lost, part 3

Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin

by Wolf Stoner

The Second World War

THE FULL MEANING OF World War 2 is yet to be understood. It is still too early to draw definite conclusions. But we can make some important observations about this war.

The official historiography of what Russians know as “The Great Patriotic War” is obviously and utterly misleading and has a self-serving purpose of counterfactual justification of all the atrocities committed by the Allies. That is why the System needs to project onto Axis countries all those crimes that were committed by the Allies (in the case of Soviet crimes, many were committed long before the war even started). They need to paint the Germans in such a way as to look good themselves in contrast to their concocted image of Germany. And it requires quite an effort to look good after such crimes as the obliteration of entire cities without any military purpose, or the starving to death of hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war. Acknowledging the truth about the Allies’ atrocities would eventually require accountability (at least in an historical sense, because it is too late to punish the actual perpetrators). That is why “official” history tries to create such an awful image of “Nazi Germany,” one so over-the-top malevolent and insanely cruel so as to eclipse — and put aside any lingering questions about — Allied crimes. It is a very simple trick: If you brutally kill someone, but can prove in court that it was done in self-defense, you are set free. The rationale is very simple and all too obvious.

There were multiple historical studies, done by more or less objective writers, that sought to rectify some of the most blatant lies that had been firmly established in our collective perception of the war. Most of those studies deal with some specific problem, such as the division of Poland, for example, or with the Red Army’s plundering and killing spree in eastern Europe in 1945. All such topics are very important. Historical truth matters because there cannot be an effective civilization without a correct historical record. A society built on lies is bound to fail, and fail soon. Recognition of truth, be it in astronomy or history, is a main prerequisite for a society’s success.

But here we will concern ourselves not with any specific issue but with the big picture; with the significance of World War 2 as it pertains to the destiny of the White race.

The leadership of the Allies were always clear in their war goals: the total destruction of Germany and the traditional continental European order. Additionally, Roosevelt envisaged an abolition of the British Empire, despite the fact that it was an ally in the war. Also Roosevelt and Churchill had agreed to provide unconditional help to the USSR — the most hostile force to Europe. The shipment of weaponry and strategic materials into the Soviet Union was priority number one. It was put above all other deliveries to Allied nations authorized by the March 1941 Lend-Lease Act.

Roosevelt started to send aid into the USSR almost at once after the 22nd of June 1941. The Lend-Lease deliveries played an essential part in the Soviets’ ability to defend Moscow in October-November 1941. Lend-Lease, in essence, saved Stalin from defeat and the USSR from collapse that year.

Even Japanese entry into the war didn’t change this policy of prioritizing shipments to the USSR. Roosevelt and Churchill were ready to sacrifice their possessions in the Asia-Pacific region to shore up the tottering Bolshevik empire. Yet more astounding was the fact that all those massive shipments were unconditional. America and Britain never put any political preconditions on their aid to Stalin, even though that would have been easy to do in 1941, when Stalin had no alternative except to agree to any terms. For example, the Americans and British could easily have stipulated that Lend-Lease deliveries could be made only if USSR acknowledged all European state borders that existed before 1 September, 1939, and rejected its claims on Polish, Romanian, Finnish, and Baltic lands. This condition could easily have prevented the catastrophic outcome that followed the end of the war — and even prevented the entire Cold War period.

But European security wasn’t a priority to Churchill and Roosevelt. They simply didn’t care what happened after the war. They had a fixed idea of destroying Germany at all costs. Actually, it was not Churchill’s and Roosevelt’s idea at all, but the obsessive dream of their handlers, their real masters. Neither Roosevelt nor Churchill cared about the interests of their own people, let alone other European nations. Their only worry was to please their true paymasters. The main goal that those real initiators of the Anglo-American policy in World War 2 had in mind was to destroy Europe as a whole, to kill as many White people as possible, and to dethrone European civilization from its dominant position in the world. That is why, even after Japan struck Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt reasserted his “Germany first” strategy.

The Pacific war theater was ascribed a secondary role, despite the fact that Japanese conquests in 1941-42 were much greater than Germany’s territorial acquisitions during the entire war. The loss of Singapore and the Philippines happened mainly because, in 1941, critical weapons and supplies were directed to the USSR instead of going there. The death or capture of tens of thousands of British and American servicemen during the initial period of war in the Pacific was in great measure the result of those Lend-Lease policies, prioritizing Stalin’s demands above the needs of their own troops. But Roosevelt didn’t care; he had a “grand vision” of a “new world”; he had openly declared so on numerous occasions.

It is impossible to understand the underlying logic of the Allied powers if you look upon them on the basis of traditional foreign policy. Their actions simply make no sense in that context; they seem to be folly, or utter stupidity. But not so. The only way to make sense of all those seemingly illogical decisions made by the Churchill and Roosevelt administrations throughout the war is to analyze the intentions of their shadowy handlers. If we consider their goals, the American and British policies start to make sense. And once we understand that connection, we also learn something very important about our own history: Already, back then, at least since 1939, the ruling classes in Britain and the US were already thoroughly infiltrated by alien elements hostile not only to Germany but to the entire White race. It was these alien, Jewish elements’ agenda that those puppets, Churchill and Roosevelt, had vociferously advanced, disregarding the true national interests of their countries.

* * *

The Second World War was a collision of two diametrically opposed world views. On one side were states conducting traditional policies in the interests of their respective nations — and on the other was a bunch of treacherous rulers who duped their peoples into a war in order to bring about their “New World Order.”

The only correct way to look at World War 2 is from a racial perspective. It was a war for the destiny of the White race and European civilization. It was clearly stated by Hitler in his written order to German soldiers that was read to them before the attack on the USSR. It ends with these words:

…If this greatest front in world history is now going into action, then it does so not only in order to create the necessary conditions for the final conclusion of this great war, or to protect the countries threatened at this moment, but in order to save the whole of European civilization and culture.

German soldiers! You are about to join battle, a hard and crucial battle. The destiny of Europe, the future of the German Reich, the existence of our nation, now lie in your hands alone.

For the first time in European history, the leader of the mighty German nation openly declared its racial and ethnic priorities to be above all other considerations. And what is even more important, he prioritized not just exclusively German interests (as is falsely claimed by lying historians), but the preservation of all Europe, and by implication the whole White race.

Although Hitler doesn’t mention race explicitly, he means precisely this. Hitler wasn’t just a German leader but the leader of our race. That is why he was so vilified at the time, and is even more so now. It is why Hitler’s role is even more relevant today than it ever was before. He was the only politician in modern times who fought for our collective interests, for Europe, and for the White race. Therefore, any vilification of Hitler is tantamount to vilification of the White race.

Hitler’s life was dedicated to the service to his people, to the German nation and to other European nations; he had no concern for his private conditions; he didn’t accumulate riches or accept bribes, like all others did (Churchill, for example). His very life was an embodiment of White racial virtues. That is why he is hated so much by our racial enemies.

It is understandable and logical that Adolf Hitler is hated by those who hate our White race. But, when millions of White buffoons gleefully repeat the same litany of hatred against Hitler that is constantly preached by the Jewish media, it can evoke only our profound disgust toward all such contemptible creatures. They are worse than our enemies; they are either traitors — or too stupid to be of any use in the future White state. But we don’t even need to deal with this problem. Their Jewish “friends” will arrange their wholesale annihilation. This herd of White cattle, who choose to follow their self-appointed Jewish masters, have certified their own death sentences. And, should any survive the ministrations of their “friends,” those who vilify the best men of their own race in exchange for temporarily high social positions and incomes will have no place in the future healthy society we will build.

* * *

Liberal/communist propaganda has always tried to present Germany under Hitler as an ultra-dictatorial state; that it suppressed all “human rights” and demanded total conformity with state ideology. But that is a lie.

Hitler’s state was much less repressive than all its adversaries. People were allowed much more personal freedoms there than in other supposedly “free” countries. The German state didn’t try to change people’s lifestyles. The only categories of people in Germany whose “rights” were curtailed were deviants whose behavior threatened the moral well-being of the public.

There were many more volunteers fighting on Germany’s side than on the side of her enemies. The German people supported their state much more than the populations of the Allied countries supported theirs. That is why Germany was able to put almost all its fighting men on the front lines, instead of keeping half of them at home for internal security tasks, as the Soviet Union did. Hitler didn’t fear his people like Stalin feared Russians.

The Third Reich was a noble endeavor to save White civilization, to stop its decay and self-destruction, to cleanse it of the most dangerous alien elements that had infiltrated it in previous centuries. The endeavor failed in the 1940s mostly due to the inability of Whites in other countries to understand what was actually going on. That inability led to a situation wherein the main enemy of our White race was able to use the potential of the most populous White country – the US — to destroy the European core of the greater White civilization.

The Allied arrangements agreed upon in 1945 leave no doubts as to who were the real beneficiaries of the war. Neither of the European nations who “won” the war — neither Britain nor France — gained anything of substance. The biggest result of the war was the catastrophic decline of the whole White race. The events immediately after the war — the collapse of the British and French colonial empires and the gradual influx of non-White masses into Europe, beginning at the end of 1940s — leave no doubts about what were the real purposes of this disastrous war. The Second World War was a war against the White race. It never was about “saving Poland,” or “saving Britain,” or “defending democracy,” or to “stop Hitler’s aggression.” These were mere pretexts used to justify war to the suggestible domestic mass audience.

Though World War 2 was an Allied military victory, it was more of a moral victory for Germany (as an historical entity, a concept, and the center of European civilization), which was able to withstand an assault by the whole world for so long and fight to the last meter of its soil. This military defeat, this last stand of heroes overwhelmed by savage hordes, if looked upon from the long-term perspective, turns out to be a foundational event for the creation of a new White civilization. The fact that now, 77 years after the events, the campaign of vilification against Hitler is even more intense than it was in the years immediately after the war, supports this hypothesis. Our enemy would not be attacking something that is irrelevant and dead. The intense hatred that Hitler and his new Germany evoke today is the best testimony proving that Hitler — and all he stood for — are alive and full of massive potential to this very day.

In fact, Hitler is now more relevant than when he was alive. Back then he was only a great man, but now he is a rallying symbol for our entire race. At the same time, he is the dividing line between the worthy ones and the unworthy multitude. Never before has such a symbol existed; never before have the lines been so well defined.

History can forgive the stupidity of the White masses who fought against Germany in World War 2. It was impossible at that time for many to understand reality as it was. Almost all informational flows were controlled by our enemies. For those who lived in the USA or the USSR, it was extremely difficult to discover the truth. But now that excuse is gone. Now ignorance is no excuse, but a voluntary choice. Everyone can obtain any information now, at no cost. The only obstacles to discovering truth today are stupidity, laziness, cowardice, or conscious treason. Therefore, people who even now continue to believe in the official lies about World War 2, cast themselves aside as unworthy, and superfluous to our race’s future society. We don’t need them. They have chosen their road; let them follow it. We don’t owe them their salvation.

The Second World War, marking the defeat of the old White civilization, and plunging Europe into chaos and destruction, signified the end of the old era and the dawn of a new one. The scale of coming changes will surpass anything that has happened previously. The civilizational paradigm created by the Romans and continued under Christian dominance has outlived itself and is in its final stage of decay. Something qualitatively new is to come and the process of its birth is sure to be exceptionally bloody and violent. Nothing of value comes cheap.

To be continued

* * *

Source: Author

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27 August, 2022 4:23 am

What can we say but thank you.

Truth is necessary to defeat the cancer on creation and secure the future of our race and children.

And the truth you give here is core truth and a map to all history, a bottle neck, the forge of fire we must pass through to heal our wounds and get our spirit back.

There really is no other way than the truth, including this truth.

Hard responsibilities and the time that comes.

Fear not though, out of this hell, through that fire, burned clean and brighter than ever our our race will never fall again, and never stray from the upward path.

Thank you again for this brutal, necessary, life and race saving truth.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
27 August, 2022 6:01 am

An outstanding article by Wolf Stoner. He lays out the whole thing including the martyrdom of Adolf Hitler, that like all martyrs, come back after life to be more relevant than ever. JFK went from being only a little known national politician to world icon, and he stated that the day would come when the lies about Hitler would be exposed and the real Hitler would be revealed to the world, a champion of his people and a champion of all his former enemies who finally learned that they had been duped. Hitler even forecast this awakening.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Patrick Pappano
27 August, 2022 7:42 pm

Mark Weber starts his lecture about Hitler with describing this fact about JFK. Hitler will be the most revered historical figure in the future; and after a millennium he will be considered as the main prophet of the White race. Malice and slander on his name that don’t abate for 8 decades are sure signs of his enduring greatness. All his denigrators will be forgotten in a few decades time but Hitler will live in memory and admired by mankind for thousands of years to come.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
28 August, 2022 8:13 am

Thank you for the link to Mark Webber’s talk on Hitler. I watched it and lo and behold, I came upon a nugget of inestimable value. I am a Roman Catholic treated regularly to the “greatness” of Pious XII. Christopher of Defeat Modernism, contrasts a Hitler speech with a rebuttal by Pious XI, condemning Hitler and implying that the German Catholic Church is being suppressed by Hitler. The nugget in the Webber talk is the intelligence that the Bavarian Catholic Church, as an organization, urged the people to vote for union with Hitler’s Germany during that unification vote. This, nugget confirmed me in my view, that the Jews did not wait until 1958 to take over the Vatican, they moved right after the death of Pious X, Giuseppe Sarto, who… Read more »

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
28 August, 2022 8:16 am

Correction to my comment, not Bavarian Catholic Church, but Austrian Catholic Church.

27 August, 2022 6:05 am

The only Allied vets whom I personally knew over the years that were privy to the lies all fought in the Pacific theatre, they seemed to have the realization rather early after the war, some during. The conversation which always comes to mind was with a rather nice neighbor who was a Marine, his flamethrower was hit & that was the end of the war for him. I always wondered why other neighbors spoke ill of him or outright refused to acknowledge his presence when not only was he kind/offered help to all but raised a large family & took care of his mother until she passed away in her 103rd year if I remember correctly. Family, heritage & improvement of himself/those around him were his focus in life. One… Read more »

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  Forsaken
29 August, 2022 5:58 am

Another disillusioned Pacific war American vet is Gordon Kahl. He became a tax protester and was gunned down by a combination of FBI, local police and Delta Force. One report has an FBI agent chopping off his hands and feet. But Gordon was a straight shooter, in both respects, exposing government corruption and killing two U.S. Marshals in self-defense.

29 August, 2022 4:21 am

Hello, Wolf Stoner, I’ve got two questions for you: what do you think about general Vlasov, and idea of “third force between Stalin and Hitler”? What do you think about the Pacific front, where we’ve got non-White, pro-Hitler Japanese and White, anti-Hitler Allies? Whom would you sympathise?
Thank you for your answer

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Ivan
31 August, 2022 8:55 am

These are very important questions that would require lengthy articles each to explore. But I will try to give short answers. First of all, I think that it was one of the grave mistakes on the German part not to establish local governments of the newly liberated lands. It would greatly facilitate the whole effort. The restoration of independence in Baltic states should had been proclaimed in the first week of the war; the Ukrainian independence in a month’s time and a bit later the creation of independent Russian republic should have been proclaimed. The sooner the war effort would be downloaded on the shoulders of the local populace the better. Redistribution of agricultural lands and privatization of non-essential industrial enterprises too would be of great boost in the overall… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
1 September, 2022 12:21 am

Thank you again for great, detailed answer, I appreciate your superb analysis. I am going to read this excellent book about Guadacanal. By the way, do we have an example of long-lasting guerilla warfare, conducted by a White soldier like Japanese Hiro Onoda, who have fought on Philippines since 1944 until 1974? Philippenean authorities had to call Onoda’s sergant from Japan, who gave him an order not to surrender, not to suicide and don’t believe Allied propaganda that the war is over. There was no other way to persuade Onoda to surrender.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Ivan
1 September, 2022 9:14 am

I didn’t know this fact about a lone Japanese soldier holding on up to 1974. There were similar examples in Western Ukraine. The last guerilla was liquidated in 1970es too. The small-scale armed resistance continued in Western Ukraine and in Baltic states up to 1955. Only the policy of mass terror and depopulation of the whole territories has allowed to quell the guerilla movement. Putin’s special services tried to implement the same tactics of mass terror when they occupied parts of Kiev’s region. But now it can’t be done secretly. The main advantage of the Stalinist system was that it could suppress information about its crimes. Putin has no such advantage. 

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
1 September, 2022 12:26 am

I have another question for you, if you don’t mind. Have you read Anatoliy Golitsin’s Perestroika deception?

Do you think that Perestroka was a genuine attempt to reform the USSR, or it was KGB strategy to decieve the West? If it was KGB strategy has it failed or succed?

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Ivan
1 September, 2022 9:02 am

Yes, I know this book. I didn’t read the whole book but listened extended presentations about it on Cliff Kincaid’s youtube channel yet in 2012-15. He and his guests had a few programs devoted to this subject. Actually, I have known about this book from their programs. Afterward I have downloaded it and read some excerpts. It is a worthy book because it provides correct evaluation of the Soviet system, its ability to transform itself and to use deceptions in order to cover the truth. From the very beginning Bolsheviks were experts in deception and were never constrained by any moral principles. But whatever the merits of the book, I doubt that all those events in 1989-91 were an orchestrated theater. Much of it was really unexpected. But the system… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
2 September, 2022 4:16 pm

Sean McMeekin’s “Stalin’s War” has a good discussion of Lend-Lease. The Japanese never interfered with US Lend-Lease shipments to the USSR through the north Pacific knowing it was material that would not be used against them. The Soviets, in turn, imprisoned US pilots on missions against Japan who had to make emergency landings in Soviet territory. Though there is no hard documentary evidence that FDR or Harry Hopkins were Soviet agents, I would at least respect them for a job well done if this evidence existed. The Japanese were desperate for oil by 1941. There was a debate between the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy about whether to push south toward the oil resources of the Dutch East Indies (favored by the Navy) or east against the Soviets (favored by… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Guest
3 September, 2022 11:46 am

Thank you for your knowledgeable commentary. Yes, McMeekin describes this whole situation in detail. Those facts, although not secret, are not widely known among general public. In this regard “Stalin’s war” is very valuable. It shatters the long-standing fairy-tale version of WW2. I fully agree with your evaluation of Japanese reasoning about whom to attack first. Back then Siberia and Far East were considered as being too wild and unworthy to fight for. But the main mistake of Japan was the inability to understand where the shwerpunkt of the whole war laid. If Soviet Union was successfully knocked out in 1941 or 1942, the whole war would take totally different turn. In this case even American industrial might wouldn’t be enough to defeat neither Germany, nor Japan. So, the decision… Read more »

31 August, 2022 1:24 am

Mr. Stoner: Since it is impossible for me to contact you outside the website of the National Alliance, I am sending you a link to a Russian article about Gorbachov, whom I consider a lackey of the international Jewry since he was idolized by the (((Western))) media. I managed to translate the article using special software but the text seems ridiculous to me. According to the author, Gorbachov was Jewish and everyone around Gorbachov was a Jew. Of course, as I do not know Soviet history in detail I cannot say if the author is lying but it seems he exaggerates a lot. I would appreciate it if you could let me know your opinion about this article. Thank you very much. PS: Perhaps the staff of the National Alliance… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Angelicus
31 August, 2022 2:29 pm

Mr. Angelicus, your email address has been passed on to Mr. Stoner, but with a caution: As you’re not a trusted and committed National Alliance member, Mr. Stoner is advised that care be taken for his own safety.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Angelicus
1 September, 2022 3:33 pm

I have read the article about Gorbachev. I don’t know whether he was a Jew or not. His mode of behavior and loquaciousness suggest it to be so. He was very adroit and sleazy man who wormed his way upward the very competitive party structure and became its leader at a fairly young age. But officially he is not Jewish. Regardless of whether Gorbachev was a Jew or not, the article is of low quality. I can’t even say whether it is some kind of mockery or real piece of crude smearing.  The whole site is very suspicious. They even claim that Russian emperor Peter the Great and Russian writer Leo Tolstoy were Jews. It is ridiculous. I think that it is an attempt to discredit the whole theme about… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
1 September, 2022 10:25 pm

Thank you very much for your prompt reply. You confirmed my suspicions. As I said, although I know very little of late Soviet history, the style and content of the article seemed suspicious to me, and the work of either an idiot or a Jewish troll to spread misinformation.

What you said about Peter the Great proves clearly that the article and the website are pure trash. I did not reach that part of the article because its language put me off very quickly.

I never liked Gorbachov because I was aware of the adoration of the Jewish/Western media for him. The guy was Mr. Right for (((them)))

Again, thank you very much for taking the time to read that article and your reply. Regards.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
9 September, 2022 11:52 am

“The Great Patriotic War”, “The Worker’s Paradise”, “Homeland Security”, “Build Back Better”, “Yes We Can”, “Patriot Act”, “Our Friend the Atom” – Are not Jews veritable fountains of stupid, smarmy demagoguery? Trouble is, the gullible goyim go for it every time.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Arch Stanton
9 September, 2022 9:06 pm

Wouldn’t it make sense to build our own voice in as many media as possible in order to bring Whites over to a way of thinking and feeling about our own race that isn’t Jewish, Mr. Stanton? I would say yes and participate in an organized and intelligent fashion to accomplish this and make it so it is sustaining generation after generation. It beats leaving our people’s minds in the clutches of the Jew. “Our program, therefore, must have as one of its goals the attainment of governmental power. Nothing short of this can be meaningful in the long run. By governmental power, we mean, of course, the power to make and to execute all government policy. This implies a massive replacement of the existing power structures: legislatures, courts, military… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
13 September, 2022 1:32 pm

You are quite correct, the question is how? For decades Dane Wigington has been trying to sound the alarm about weather warfare, the evidence of which can be clearly seen in play around the world; yet very few look and very few listen. Look at the Covid insanity that swept the globe virtually overnight. Suddenly, with no questions or critical analysis of the situation, the vast majority began marching lockstep in line with the Jews’ official Covid story and mandates. Even doubters were coerced by economic intimidation. These doubters that chose the privilege of laboring for the almighty Jew-American shekel are now paying the ultimate Jewish price for their decision with their careers and their lives. For decades, I have been trying to awaken people to the reality of the… Read more »

9 September, 2022 5:37 pm

Thank you. We know this. It rocks me out of my deep, existential numbness every time I come across this anew, and then I’m shattered for days. That “A society built on lies is bound to fail, and fail soon.” is ice-cold comfort, if not all dismissable. We don’t know. If history and logic matter, then we are all bound for miscegenation and extinction, perhaps with one last stand sometime. Lies and evil clearly prevailed, ladies and gentlemen. What is Egypt nowadays? What is Greece nowadays? What is England nowadays? We shall preserve our dignity until we perish, however – perhaps that’s all that matters.