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Get a Job! (Capitalist and Republican Misconceptions)
by David Sims I’D LIKE TO LET the air out of some Republican misconceptions about the realities of living under modern capitalism — specifically, what it’s like to be a job-seeker. One important fact: It costs money to look for work. When you are out of money, then you are also out of…
Sell All Your Boeing Stock
by David Sims HARKEN UNTO THIS ACCOUNT of “woke” politics within Boeing. This is why Boeing is failing as an aerospace business. In order to be Politically Correct, Boeing hired an incompetent Black, named Jamal, with a watered-down (bogus) degree in “engineering science.”…
The Black Heart of BlackRock
Fink American Dissident Voices broadcast of 17 June, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE JEW Larry Fink’s BlackRock, Inc., was founded in New York City in 1988. BlackRock is a hedge fund, a financial firm that invests the money of the very wealthy, performs many of the functions of a bank (such as creating “derivative”…
Support Anti-White Capitalism? No Thanks!
OBVIOUSLY, YOU should never support any company that displays BLM or “gay” flags or other Cultural Marxist / Jewish agenda political messages. Is the company publicly traded? If so, definitely don’t support it. It’s likely owned or partly owned by Vanguard or Blackrock…
Dead Ends All: Capitalism, Objectivism, Marxism
by David Sims AN “OBJECTIVIST,” that is, a follower of the Jewess “Ayn Rand”’s extreme libertarian philosophy, once tried to explain away the deep flaws of capitalism as mere personal corruption and adherence to “bad philosophy”: As Ayn Rand would say, the…
Values, Churches, and Constitutions
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 9 October, 2021 2021-1009 – Values Churches and Constitutions.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom RACIAL survival is the necessary basis for having a future. If we as a people make money our primary value in…
René Binet and his “Theory of Racism,” part 6: Birth of a Racial Consciousness
by René Binet From Théorie du Racisme, 1950,
Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016
BUT IN THE END nobody can permanently oppose the laws of his own race, and all the development of the existing societies is only a long struggle of the biologically healthy forces against the anti-natural rules…
Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016
BUT IN THE END nobody can permanently oppose the laws of his own race, and all the development of the existing societies is only a long struggle of the biologically healthy forces against the anti-natural rules…
René Binet and his “Theory of Racism,” part 5: Capitalist Barbarism
by René Binet From Théorie du Racisme, 1950
Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016 INDIVIDUALISM and the thirst for loot, which is to say the desire for profits obtained without labor, are the only motive forces of capitalist society. The ethical values of capitalism are founded upon …
Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016 INDIVIDUALISM and the thirst for loot, which is to say the desire for profits obtained without labor, are the only motive forces of capitalist society. The ethical values of capitalism are founded upon …
René Binet and his “Theory of Racism,” part 3: The Tyranny of Gold
The Tyranny of Gold by René Binet From Théorie du Racisme, 1950,Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016 IN THE MOST recent historical period the appearance of capitalism, as a medium of social differentiation and as the basis for a new social structure, has momentarily distorted the whole development…
Denationalized Elites
by Douglas Mercer NO GREATER tragedy can befall a people than to have denationalized elites. In the old days it would not be uncommon for the boss to marry his secretary. Nowadays he might have an affair with her, but it’s unlikely he would marry her and form a family with her. Assortative mating…