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David SimsEssays

And why the economic propaganda of both Marxists and free-enterprisers should not be believed by David Sims AYN RAND (pictured) wrote that the purpose of government is to protect the rights of individuals by banning the initiation of force and thus “making all relations between men peaceful,…
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David SimsEssays

Three easy-to-understand ways that capitalism literally sucks — sucks unearned money away from the rest of us, that is. by David Sims AMERICANS HAVE gotten used to third-rate grocery goods. They buy supermarket coffee and drink the beverage that they make from it, even though it tastes like…
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David SimsEssays

Kinship-based socialism can work; class-based socialism cannot. by David Sims MARXISM ISN’T the only kind of socialism. Marxism is class socialism, based on the idea that socioeconomic class is the fundamental division of mankind. The tragedy of the commons leads easily to Marxist societies…
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by K.R. Bolton THE PARTY-LINE of the Left is that Fascism and Nazism were the last resort of Capitalism.[1] Indeed, the orthodox Marxist critique does not go beyond that. In recent decades there has been serious scholarship within orthodox academe to understand Fascism as a doctrine. Among these we…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

American Dissident Voices Broadcast of January 15, 2000 by Dr. William Pierce I WAS AMUSED last week when America’s top baseball commissars ordered that Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker (pictured) undergo psychiatric testing because he said he finds New York City a depressing place, filled…
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Classic Essays

This is the transcript of a speech made to a working class audience in 1884 by Karl Pearson, F.R.S., Professor of Applied Mathematics at University College, London. by Karl Pearson (pictured) DURING THE PAST YEAR there was a great deal of discussion in the newspapers — and out of them –concerning…
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David SimsEssays

A debate with a libertarian, Ockjay, on the merits of the system that is failing us, and would fail us even more if it were unrestrained by David Sims My Opening Statement CAPITALISM has proved to be another system for economic organization that fails in the long run. Both capitalism and socialism work…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims The End of Industrial Civilization INDUSTRIAL CIVILIZATION will finish, and it will have been a singular pulse in the history of Earthly life. Humans might become extinct. If humans continue to exist, their culture will be that of a Stone Age impoverished by the way their near ancestors,…
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