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Starbucks is Imploding Because Two Black Men Didn’t Want to Leave a Store by Zach Smith Poe’s law has been in action again: you can’t satirize the left without being taken seriously by them. Pranksters recently made hoax pictures mocking Starbucks’ pandering to leftist mobs after a store manager…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims STEFAN Molyneux occasionally says something wise, and one quote of his I just heard is this: “Hard times build strong men. Strong men build good times. Good times breed weak men. Weak men bring hard times.” Breaking that cycle so that men stay strong even when times are good…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

By Dr. William L. Pierce Nordic Virtues Led Romans to World Domination
Etruscan Kings Paved Way for Rome’s Fall
Levantines, Decadence, Capitalism Sank Rome TODAY, WHEN WE SPEAK of “Latins,” we reflexively think of short, swarthy, excitable people who are inordinately fond of…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims LET US BEGIN our examination of typical capitalist behavior with a discussion about the cost of bread. In years ending in 0 or 5, the companies that make sliced bread get their boards of directors together and raise their prices. And, after the vote, the company’s directors all laugh…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE WORLD’S economic systems generate 2 billion metric tons of waste each year. The average density of landfill waste is 600 kilograms per cubic meter. A year’s worth of waste will therefore occupy 3.3333 cubic kilometers of volume. If all this trash goes into landfills,…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims IT IS not necessary to be miseducated or otherwise inferior in order to fail in a business venture and be left thereby with so much debt that it will be 20 years before you can try again. In all the talk we often hear about how “wonderful” capitalism is, I believe that I detect a selection…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims HERE ARE SOME illustrations of the behavior you can expect from capitalists. Scotland’s Tay Bridge was built in 1879, becoming, for a time, the world’s longest railway bridge. On 28 December 1879, storm winds blew part of the bridge into the sea at exactly the moment a passenger…
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by James Harting I WAS DOWN at the county dump the other day, where I was astounded to see a huge pile of discarded shiny refrigerators and other late-model appliances. One might imagine the very phrase “pile of refrigerators” to be an oxymoron — that is, a phrase that contradicts itself. But I assure…
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Classic Essays

They well knew that America, riddled with Blacks and Jews, and with a ruling class that had lost faith in itself, was doomed to self-destruction anyway. SO MANY BOOKS are published each year by major U.S. publishers that one or two, even though they have committed the cardinal sin of containing a paragraph…
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by James Harting SCHOLARS tell us that there are more words in English than in any other language. Estimates run between 600,000 and 1 million words. (Swahili, in contrast has 20,000 words.) Most of these words are technical terms, and no one is expected to know every word in the English language. (ILLUSTRATION: …
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