EssaysHadding Scott

René Binet and his “Theory of Racism,” part 3: The Tyranny of Gold

The Tyranny of Gold

by René Binet

From Théorie du Racisme, 1950,Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016

IN THE MOST recent historical period the appearance of capitalism, as a medium of social differentiation and as the basis for a new social structure, has momentarily distorted the whole development of the traditional struggle of races. Inequality of men — instead of being based on the unequal physical, intellectual and moral value of persons, on the inequality of their aptitudes, and on the inequality of their race — has been based on inequality of wealth. But, from the study of races and their specific tendencies, it emerges that the conception of the world that uses wealth and not personal merit as the criterion for assessing human value is the specific property of a certain ethnic group. Consequently, [this new social structure] can last only as long as the dominance of the race that bases its conception of the world upon [wealth]. This race is not Aryan.

Capitalism, as a means of expressing [that race’s] aspirations and as a social structure corresponding to [that race’s] conception of the universe, is therefore only an accident in the history of the Aryan world. It is the expression of the temporary dominance over the Aryan world of a foreign ethnic stratum, a dominance that can last only for as long as the Aryan world will tolerate it.

It is nevertheless useful to summarize in a few sentences the mechanism of the transition from the Aryan society of the feudal type to capitalist society, the modern form of the oppression of Aryans, which has been placed in power only because of the Aryans themselves.

During the decline of the Roman empire, ever larger groups of Germans were gaining entry into the Empire. The conquest itself, known as the “great barbarian invasions” was only the coronation and finale of a long established state of affairs. The Germans had occupied the Empire before invading it militarily and seizing power.

In accord with the usual mechanism of racial struggles, the old autochthonous races were relegated to economic and political second-class status in a mostly Germanic society.

If [the German conquerors] participated in Latin culture to the extent that it was valid for them, they imposed the social structure of the Nordic peoples. In particular, they affirmed, first, the contempt that one finds among all peoples of the north from the earliest periods of their civilization: contempt for gold and for the power that it could confer. Refusing to become merchants of silver, which they considered degrading, they left it to the members of foreign races in Europe regarded as less noble. Socially they left the management of fortunes and dealing in gold to lower races — Jews and others — just as at the present time one entrusts to an accountant the custody of a coffer or till.

On the other hand they devoted themselves traditionally to all creative efforts. The discoveries and conquests of lands, as well as great inventions, are uniquely their work.

In the epoch corresponding historically to the Renaissance in the European West, they simultaneously discovered new lands and new means of production.

The discoveries of lands caused enormous fortunes to flow into the coffers of the dealers in gold.

The scientific and technical inventions immediately conferred a new importance onto the fortunes that they had conquered. It is at this moment and only at this moment that the development of the means of production began to depend entirely on hoards of wealth, and not on labor alone as in preceding ages.

The products of human labor, instead of remaining individual values​​, became social values. Industrialization, to the degree that it was obliged to make an appeal to the gold-dealers in order to develop, passed into their control and escaped that of its creators.

Gold no longer served to meet individual needs but likewise became a social value, to the degree necessary for acquiring the means of production and raw materials.

The situation was as follows: Aryan man conquered fortunes that he entrusted to be managed by the men of lower races who were relegated to this servile vocation. Then he invents new means of production. He makes an appeal to utilize and to build on the fortunes that he has conquered. The dishonest treasurers and rebellious servants who keep those fortunes exert demands before returning them to their rightful owners.

They first demand economic rights, then political rights. The “bank” imposes its conditions on the Aryan men who allowed it to be born in the preceding epoch.

The bank even begins to deny the facts (1) of the Aryan origin of capital, (2) of the social rather than personal value of this capital, and (3) of the exclusive right of the Aryan to control and to own capital.

In that era, as in the preceding period, and as in all epochs of history, we witness the gradual ascent of an ethnic stratum that first seizes the economic wealth and the means of production and then attains political power:

At the time of the Roman Empire’s decline, the Germans had little by little taken possession of the means of production, land, and the means to keep it, weapons. Finally they had seized political power.

At the time of the advent of technical progress, a different racial stratum, of inferior race, little by little seizes the means of production through the agency of the bank. It then arrives at political power and general dominance.

But, there are fundamental contradictions : (1) it possesses the wealth without the genuine entitlement that comes from superior merit, and (2) it has no control over the means to keep it: weapons remain in the hands of the only men of merit and courage, Aryan men.

Capitalism is thus a mere historical accident and a growing-pain of Aryan society. This [system] will last only as long as the Aryans will accept it.

In any case a state of affairs was created at the moment of transition from feudal society to capitalist society:

The first inventions, the construction of the first machines, then the possession of these new means of production, became the privilege, not of those who were the most capable of creating them and who in fact did create them, but of those enabled by gold to acquire ownership.

The means of production escaped their true owners. The master became not the one who ranked race before all, but the one that gold made master over the labor of others. Selection was inverted. Lacking control of the gold that had been originally only a convenient medium of exchange, the man of good race lost his independence in relation to the serf and the usurer of the ghetto.

In certain cases, and especially in the new countries, men of good race undoubtedly were able to achieve prominence, but they could do it thanks only to the gold that they had acquired, and not to the superiority of their abilities. They had to accept the rules of a game of which they were not the masters, and to respect standards imposed by the inferior races that possessed wealth.

Thus, with the advent of capitalism, the divisions of class appeared in new forms, not as an effect only of the inequality of races, but as a consequence of the inequality of fortunes. Possession resulted not from more or less profuse creativity, but from more or less aptitude for stealing the fortunes or the labor of others.

The promotion of the inferior social-racial strata, their accession to power, simultaneously compelled society to change its conception of the world and its political structure. On the way to usurping power, the inferior races were obliged to seek and to find a principle that could justify this usurpation.

To be continued

* * *

Source: National-Socialist Worldview

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
19 August, 2021 11:41 pm

Perhaps this item needs to differentiate between currency and money. They are not synonymous. As for gold itself – it is worth remembering upon seizure of the Czar gold, the Communist demagogue threatened  to melt the precious metal down into  public urinals. Of course, he did not do  this (he had better sense).   Hitler had the problem of dealing with the fact that – by the time of the early 20th Century – most gold in the Western World was controlled by Jews. He dealt with it by monetizing German labor…and bypassed the Jew-controlled apparatus. German  Reichsmarks were used only within the Reich, and could not be legally taken out of the country. Trade with foreign nations was by barter…German locomotives in exchange for Argentinian beef, for example. This mechanism… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
20 August, 2021 9:53 pm

If I am right about what’s coming, all monies will be worthless, the family cow will once again be the ‘savings account’, the family dog the alarm system, the family cat the pest control, the family horse or donkey the car. The most precious metals will be lead and steel, and the value of a man will be measured by his contributions to the community and his ability to protect and care for his family.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
21 August, 2021 8:16 am

The concept of “monies will be worthless” is a contradiction of terms. The distinguishing characteristic of “money” is that it is a “store of value.” If a given object has little or no value, then it cannot possibly be “money.” Many objects in the past have temporarily served as money. The ancient Romans often used the commodity of salt as money. Hence, the terms “salary,” or the paraphrase “not worth his salt.” On the American frontier, beaver and deer pelts were used as money – hence, the slang usage of the US Dollar as a buck. Only by trial and error spread across many thousands of years has gold (along with silver) served as a reliable and consistent store of value – hence,  by collective historical choice – determined their… Read more »

Lars Emilsson
Lars Emilsson
Reply to  Walt Hampton
30 August, 2021 8:01 am

Agree. Perhaps the more recently ( historically ) discovered noble metals such as platinum and palladium, currently minted in various rounds and ingots and having many of the same advantages as gold, such as fungibiity, durability, chemical inertness, beauty, and rarity will also become accepted as a a useful store of value, medium of exchange, or unit of account. Aryan skin often shows various subtle golden tones, as distinguished from pure white, which is technically the absence of color. I’ve always felt that gold, which is essentially a rare and precious form of stardust, was Nature’s gift to Aryan man, not only for its beauty and esthetic applications, but also for its utilitarian advantages as an honest and practical form of money that facilitates fair commerce, division of labor, and… Read more »

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Lars Emilsson
31 August, 2021 6:53 pm

Lars, I have to agree with all that you and Walt have said on this subject. It is a mistake for the writer to vilify gold. Jews never produce gold. Aryans do. How many of those 49ers in the California gold rush were Jews? How many Jews made the trek to Alaska and the Yukon to search for gold? None. Gold has been the ultimate definition of money for thousands of years. Today not one person in a thousand owns gold, but almost all central banks own gold, and most of them are now adding to their stores of gold. The problem is “paper gold,” paper contracts that supposedly represent gold, which is how our own government controls the price of gold and maintains some semblance of value for the… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
4 September, 2021 4:20 pm
Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
11 January, 2022 11:25 am

Perhaps another view. A White man invented
what led to the motion picture industry. It is
also well known that Jews now control that
industry. That having been said, is the proper
action to get rid of the industry, just because
Jews control it? I would say get rid of the Jews
that own it, and not the industry itself. Problem