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Two Cheers for White Democracy
by Douglas Mercer WHEN THEY had cleared the East of race scum the National Socialists planned to plant large colonies of German soldier-farmers there. Himmler believed that this was the White man’s ancestral homeland and that tilling the soil was the natural and healthy element of the White…

Capital Dreams of a Borderless World
by Douglas Mercer WHEN THE epitaph of America is written it will say that this was a people who loved freedom but who loved cheap labor more. Sam Dickson has said that, growing up in the South, he revered the antebellum leadership class, but that as he grew older he saw them in the same light as the capitalists…

The Wonders of Capitalism: You Must Subsidize What Only the Rich Can Get
Yeah, right. Better make that $10,000 — for the first day. by David Sims THE GENERAL public will be taxed out of a trillion dollars before an anti-aging treatment that actually works is developed. Then the price set for getting that treatment will be so high that only the rich will be able to afford…

“Set Your System on Fire, and Blow It up”
When one of censored conservatism’s spokesmen suggests that securing his children’s future might require ditching and “blowing up” capitalism and the current System, you know the times they are a-changing. AMERICAN POLITICS are increasingly divided and violent. The…

Apologists for Capitalism Say Your Life Is What it Is “Because of the Choices You Made”
by David Sims APOLOGISTS FOR capitalism are right that initial conditions don’t determine the greatness of a person’s life. The human experience is chaotic, which means that little changes can lead to large differences. An example: Suppose that you only met your wonderful wife because…

Will the Capitalist West Learn the Lessons of COVID-19?
Coronavirus shows the state-sponsored corporate capitalist West the error of Its ways by David Sims THE SARS-Cov2-19 pandemic has, or by now should have, taught the capitalist West a lesson about its unwise business model, which was designed for maximum short-term profits, but which was always rickety,…

Capitalism Is The Real Disease, Bailing It Out Only Makes Us Sicker
THE FEDERAL RESERVE recently announced a $1.5 trillion dollar coronavirus “stimulus” package, $500 billion of which will go to incentivize banks to keep lending. Another maneuver, cutting Federal Reserve interest rates from an already low amount to effectively 0%, means big banks…

Vulture Capitalism, Jews — and Hollywood, Part 2
by Edmund Connelly THE BIG SHORT. Did things get any better in 2015 when the star-studded film The Big Short came out? Definitely not. Here we had Brad Pitt, Steve Carell, Christian Bale and Ryan Gosling — goys to a man — acting out the script of the book of the same name by best-selling author Michael Lewis…

Sorry, Rush — That’s Not Capitalism
Rush Limbaugh and the Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock by Hadding Scott ON 26 November 2014, Rush Limbaugh ended his daily three-hour show with a parable about the Pilgrims who legendarily inaugurated the American holiday known as Thanksgiving. He read about it from his book See I Told You So. What the Pilgrims…

Vulture Capitalism is Jewish Capitalism
by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. “If man will strike, strike through the mask!”
— Ahab, Moby Dick IT WAS VERY gratifying to see Tucker Carlson’s recent attack on the activities of Paul Singer’s vulture fund, Elliot Associates, a group I first profiled four years ago. In many respects, it is truly remarkable…
— Ahab, Moby Dick IT WAS VERY gratifying to see Tucker Carlson’s recent attack on the activities of Paul Singer’s vulture fund, Elliot Associates, a group I first profiled four years ago. In many respects, it is truly remarkable…