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Shinzo Abe’s strategy is working in the short-term. The businessmen are creating monopolies in their industries and will continue to rake in profits as their people age, die and are replaced. But hopefully soon Abe will be forced to answer the most important question of all: does honor have
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims REGARDING the political pressure on the government of Hong Kong by landowners in the country, the libertarian (who sometimes just barely wets his toes in the waters of race realism) Stefan Molyneux asserts that “It’s a political problem, so you can’t blame capitalism.”…
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For previous installments of this series, see Parts I, II, and III Managed Obsolescence: Homelessness in America’s Gilded Cities
by Jacob Siegel I STARTED READING about the homeless camps spreading across the western United States around 2014. My initial impression was that the stories were paranoid…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims “I’m not sure what the long-term effect is of everyone playing games where meritocracy is actually a system that works.” Matt Lees, a London-based gaming journalist (and Marxist propagandist). MERITOCRACY is a characteristic of any economic system that works,…
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by David Sims IN YEARS ending in 1, raise the price of a loaf of bread. In years ending in 2, cheapen the ingredients. For example, increase the sawdust in the dough from 1% to 2%. In years ending in 3, decrease the length of loaves by 5 millimeters (and slice the bread thinner to keep the number of slices the…
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Capitalism’s White victims — According to statistics released in September 2018, there are 17 million White people in the United States living below the poverty level — more than any other racial or ethnic group. In a National Socialist America, this figure will be reduced to zero
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In Hitler’s Germany if you were an unemployed man, you could join the Reichsarbeitsdienst. A response to Jean-François Gariépy by Hadding Scott THIS PIECE WAS originally a response to some comments hostile to National-Socialism, from a video by Jean-François Gariépy. I had not yet decided…
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IN HIS NEW TOME Suicide of the West, Jonah Goldberg refers to the miracle of Western civilization as “capitalism.” While it is generally true that the nations that have most readily embraced the free market and free enterprise are indeed the freest today, even that statement comes with asterisks galore.…
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by David Sims I’VE BEEN contemplating capitalists and their pet-poodle philosophers, like Ayn Rand and Stefan Molyneux. The imagery here goes like this: Capitalist: “Capitalism is the best. It always works. Isn’t that right, Fluffy?” Fluffy says “Arf!”…
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Classic EssaysJohn Young

Both systems view man and society as purely economic entities; both crush the human spirit, both lead to enslavement and destruction of culture, nation, and race.  by John Young MOST AMERICANS have grown up under the erroneous assumption that capitalism and communism are polar opposites, because…
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