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Peaceful Neighborhoods Are Racist
Faribault, Minnesota by Douglas Mercer IT’S SAID that in 2020 Trump pandered to the Negroes and the Mestizos, but not to Whites. He certainly did the former in the most craven way imaginable, but it’s not altogether true that he didn’t talk to the Whites. He certainly didn’t…

Building Your Own Home: Debt-Free, Inexpensive, Healthy, Beautiful
And a great place to raise White children. HERE’S WHAT 24-year-old videographer “Kyle’s Cabin” says about the debt-free cabin he built, on his own with minimal expenses, in a beautiful forest. Here is a video in photos of the process of me building my remote off grid log cabin.…

Jewish Scam Makes Home Ownership Nearly Impossible
by David Sims LESS THAN sixty years ago, a US citizen could buy a good house for his family with less than his income over two years. If he made $9,000 per year, then his house probably cost him $12,000. Today, the man might make $81,000 per year, but his house costs upwards of $600,000. It makes sense that…

Forgotten History: The Chicago White People’s Uprising of 1966 — Conclusion
by James Harting THE “Chicago White People’s Uprising” is the name given to a series of events that took place in the summer of 1966. Beginning in July, and stretching through into September, White workers, homeowners and youth took to the streets of that city to physically defend their neighborhoods…

Facebook Advertisers can Exclude Racial Groups in Housing Ads
All the double-talk about “bad actors” is just a cover for what amounts to this: The government and mass media and Facebook all agree; it is fine for Blacks, Jews, and others to use advertising targeted toward members of their own race — but it is forbidden, even criminal, for Whites…

Shelley v. Kraemer: The Case That Started White Flight
AS MANY OF America’s largest cities sink into a slough of desolation, crime and vandalism, it might be instructive to look for causes in the dusty files of a long forgotten court case. Prior to 1958 deeds to desirable real property generally included a clause or covenant restricting the sale of…

Manspreading for Lebensraum, Part 2
by Alex Fontana
Integration and the Jewish Solution to the ‘Jewish Problem’
“We must work superficially and in large groups, altering the conditions of life and improving the rules of the game.” — Louis Wirth
Integration — the attempt to place large numbers of Blacks in…

Manspreading for Lebensraum, Part 1
by Alex Fontana
“Integration is the time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out” — Saul Alinsky
As is the Microcosm, so is the Macrocosm
THE FEMINIST ‘social justice’ campaign first launched on Twitter against “manspreading” has made the…

Cohousing: A Basis for Aryan Communities
IN 1516, Sir Thomas More published his now-famous work, Utopia. One of his recommendations was that housing be constructed for groups of about 30 families in order to create small villages which share common facilities, dinners, and child care. This idea has recently been expanded considerably…