Posts Tagged
Space Exploration

Governing Mars: Elon Musk’s Vision of Direct Democracy
by David Sims HERE IS A RECENT quote from Grok (Elon Musk’s dedicated AI LLM on X):
Elon Musk has proposed that Mars should be governed by direct democracy, where Martians [human colonists from Earth, living permanently on Mars] would decide their own governance, rather than extending Earth’s…

No Blacks on the Moon After All?
by David Sims YOU MIGHT REMEMBER that NASA’s Artemis Project was supposed to put a Black and a woman on the Moon? It might not happen after all. The builder of the SLS rocket used by the project, Boeing, is being sued for stealing the intellectual property of Wilson Aerospace (the lawsuit’s…

Grandeur and Envy
by David Sims THE WHITE RACE HAS a grand history; it is perhaps the grandest history of all the races of mankind. The discovery and mathematical description of electromagnetism was a White achievement, and so was the industrial use of electric power. So was the internal combustion engine. So was nuclear…

The African Space Program
Plastic, slopped-on adhesive, silver paint, and four-for-$5 solar panels from Dollar Tree yard lights: a photo of “Cadimella” from an African news site by David Sims MY COMMENT on the Facebook page of the African Space Research Programme (ASRP) prompted a discussion about the relative…

The Race that Has Earned Glory
Across the nations, no matter how multiracial they might be, and across artificial lines drawn on maps, it is one race of man that has led the way to the stars. by David Sims IT IS WELL TO be proud of one’s species, but that is the sort of over-generalizing that Star Trekish fiction does. We never see…

The Choice: Interstellar Pioneers — or Gibbering Apes
by David Sims “WILL interstellar flight ever be possible?” Sooner or later it would be. Many of mankind’s limitations are self-imposed, the result of power being in the hands of people who prioritize goals incorrectly. Unfortunately, the Universe’s natural laws, particularly…

Will We Survive the Great Filter?
by David Sims THERE’S SOME ARGUMENT about whether there is a Great Filter for the evolution of Life that lies in the future. We can recognize some achievements of the Life of Earth that occurred in the past: • The formation of replicating molecules
• The formation of single-celled organisms via…
• The formation of single-celled organisms via…

A Stark Choice: Blacks or the Stars
by David Sims BEFORE committing to any particular social model for space colonization, take notice that there are certain problems that mankind has not been able to solve in regard to demographics and the problems that arise from racial differences and from racial mixing. Elon Musk is from South Africa.…

Envy, Hate, Violence, and Space Exploration
by David Sims THE REASON for the non-White hatred of Whites is envy, which causes resentment, which leads to a deeply ingrained hatred. Which also results in their continuous violence against our people. What are the non-Whites envious of? Just as an example, Whites can climb the sky, while Blacks and…

The Show Goes On
Far from realistic: Judith Resnick figurine produced by Disney by Revilo P. Oliver (1986) WITHIN THE space of a few months, from last autumn to this spring, the United States was, as Albert Wheelon, a ranking member of old Ronnie’s Advisory Board, said quite bluntly, put out of the space business.…