The Race that Has Earned Glory

by David Sims
IT IS WELL TO be proud of one’s species, but that is the sort of over-generalizing that Star Trekish fiction does. We never see distinctions of race in Andorans, in Cardassians, in Klingons. Those aliens are there, in the story, to emulsify the differences in human races.
But, to return from fiction to the real world, let’s ask ourselves how many launches to space have been carried out exclusively by Black Africans. There have been launches from African soil, but those were done by the Italians (in Kenya) or by the French (in Algeria). The governments of these African countries did not do these launches, themselves, but only leased the land for the launches to European countries.
Likewise, although it is true that several African countries have legal ownership of satellites in low Earth orbit, none of them was launched by the Africans themselves. All of Africa’s satellites were launched by contract with one of the following: the Chinese military, Roscosmos, JAXA, United Launch Alliance, or SpaceX.
When Africans get up a “space program,” it usually involves Blacks doing exercises that resemble training for an American football team (quick-stepping through old spare tires, etc.), or building a wooden “spaceship” from a glider blueprint in the builder’s mother’s back yard, and telling tall tales about flying it to the Moon just as soon as the jet engine, ordered from Amazon, arrives in the builder’s mail.
The point is this: It isn’t the species that has earned your pride.
It is, first of all, the individuals who contributed to the achievement who have earned glory, and, if a particular race is most prominent among those individuals, then that race has earned glory for being capable of having produced those individuals.
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Source: Author
I’ve always been a fan of manned spaceflight. But given that the Artemis Project’s avowed objective is “To land the first woman and person of color on the moon”, I hope it fails or gets cancelled due to budget overruns. I think the latter is what will eventually happen. Boeing is the private company that integrates the system for NASA and the company that has had its airplanes fall out of the sky, its prototype spacecraft goes into the wrong orbit because of numerous software errors has fully embraced “diversity and inclusion” in its workforce. So it is no surprise that Artemis is years behind schedule and billions over budget.
That has been my feeling. I had relatives that worked at NASA during the glory days of Apollo. I met and talked to Buz Aldrin in person. So the mission of NASA is no longer exploration and colonization but instead is to spread diversity among the solar system? It is disheartening and sickening. NASA does have a channel on satellite TV. Every time they mention Artemis they emphasize it will put the first woman on the moon or person of color. Why stop there? Is there not a biracial bisexual lesbian transgendered person who could check all of those boxes? Just send her/him/it! She could plant the LGBT banner on the moon not to mention a few Black Lives Matter signs. (Remember the American embassy in Afghanstan?) Don’t laugh. What… Read more »
I hope you understand that people of color, or of a different sex can still do what white people do on a NASA mission? I don’t understand why you would be mad that someone isn’t a white man doing it.
The Space Station has been forced to include mongrel races that have done nothing but destroy. Now I think a few jews from Israel are floating around up there and are sure to fleece and cause dissention among others up there and claim racism and holocaust denial by the whites who are the real heroes and not parasites. Jews bring destruction in their wake.
I always rooted for the Klingons. At least they had a code of honor and appeared to be a mixture of Viking and Japanese Samurai as regards culture. Some of the architecture on their home planet (Praxis) does like Viking in nature. I did read in a book(The Making of Star Trek? I am not 100% sure) that Roddenberry intended the Klingons to be the Vikings of space. But Earth in the 23rd century (classic ) or the 24th century( New Generation) has a classless society, nobody is poor, and Earth has one government with a benevolent Socialists ethos. Roddenberry, after all, was a Globalist. Diversity in Star Trek is how Liberals envision diversity. A few non-whites sprinkled here and there but otherwise, Federation ships are mostly majority White. Will… Read more »
“If our race dies out all the spaceships of the future will be 100% Han Chinese. That is the reality that is coming if we do nothing..”
Let’s have more Whites of good character step up and take responsibility now for our racial lives and to put us a path to godhood so we can see what the 23rd or 24th century looks like. We can talk about it endlessly or we can act.
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