SpaceX: To Get the Funding, You Must Comply
by David Sims
RACIAL POLITICS is already beginning to corrupt the renewed campaign of spaceflight. Apparently, as part of getting $2.8 billion, SpaceX was required to agree to put a woman and a non-White person on the Moon. Up until now, all persons who have been to the Moon have been White men. And the majority of talent and effort to put them on the moon has come from more White men.
Putting a non-White person on the Moon will give leftists something to point at, but it won’t change the fact that non-Whites have never landed on another world under their own sails. A Black in a spacesuit is like a monkey in a spacesuit. Neither deserves any of the credit for the achievement of spaceflight.
Of course, Whites can put Blacks on the moon! There simply is no reason for doing it. Except to provide the Left with a talking point. [Unless, of course, you could engineer an economical way to put them all there! — Ed.] The racial distinction of importance is that Blacks can’t send anything whatsoever there.
And if this sending of non-Whites becomes a habit, then sooner or later the cost of having incompetent and under-performing POCs in space, trying to deal with an emergency that they aren’t mentally equipped to handle (e.g., you have 30 minutes to find a transfer orbit with a non-programmable calculator, or you get lost in space forever), will have to be paid. A lost spaceship. A lost colony.
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Source: Author
I would be willing to help fund a program that sends all of the worthless, waste-colored animals and cucked White females to the moon if once there they will have to figure out a way to survive without further funding.
The program lost my support when its apparent objective was to “put the first woman and next man on the moon”. I don’t think the program will succeed. NASA barely had enough money to award SpaceX the contract for the lander. Each mission will require multiple launches for refueling before the lander even leaves low earth orbit. The refueling operation has never been done in orbit on a scale this large and SpaceX’s proposed method that does not rely on pumps does not seem feasible. These refueling tankers will have to be launched, recovered and refueled in quick succession. Landing such a tall spacecraft on an unprepared lunar surface seems dubious. The wide landing footprint required is sure to include craters or boulders. As I said, I think financial constraints… Read more »
This “hero worship” and waiting on Superman to come save us, is going to be the death of us.
nothing scares me more then then incrementally normalizing even this insanity and by the time most people figure out no one is coming, it will be too late .
Musk, faceberg, bezos et al are all frontmen for the jewish cabal. They are trying to make us believe these billionaires are all self-made and not part of the cult. truth is they’re all just actors playing the role of successful “individuals” to hide the fact that a sadistic criminal network has hijacked all our businesses.
Unbelievable that Taylor doesn’t make clear to this wanker how
many negroes there are in the world by now THANKS to white
inventions. Isn’t the “reparation” done with that slowly enough?
Shortly after the 1st moon landing, the astronauts from all the countries got together
for a conference. The Polish astronauts claimed they were going to the sun. The question came up “What about the heat?” The Polish astronaut answered “Oh, we’ll go at night”.
As I recall, this was an old Bill Dana shtick from the sixties portraying a fictitious Mexican astronaut, “José Jimenez.”
To Axis Sally aka Mildred Sisk: Please go to this URL for your full story. Write me [email protected]
Bill Dana was a jew.
I grew up in a city that had a sizable Polish population, so I’ve heard many of the Polish jokes. Given how the Poles have made an effort to resist globohomo, I have to respect them. I wish their leadership in the late 1930s would have resisted Britain, France and the US.
Jews created the lie of the moon landing hoax in 1969. So I say go ahead, put a monkey on the moon, I dare ya. Going through the Van Allen Belt will be like being in a microwave on high. Ahhh – toasted monkey, what would Derek think! Of course, like they faked the hallowedhoax, trade towers and Covid scam, Jews can always fake another moon landing for propaganda purposes. One small step for Kawanza land, one giant propaganda leap for they wuz kangs. For those among the computer literate still believing in the moon landing, here is something to consider. The moon flights were made with a “woven” memory core that contained a whopping 72 KB of memory. Remember when ol’ vaccine Bill was striving to achieve… Read more »
My old Commodore 64, which had less than 40 kb of usable memory space, could crack encrypted HF RTTY transmissions which were then considered fairly secure, with ease. (And when networked to an equally antiquated remote computer, it could do far more.) I know that David Sims, an author we publish here on NV, is able to make astronautical orbit and trajectory calculations using a hand-held calculator, though I am not sure which model he uses nor the minimum amount of memory one would need to do that. Of course, if your memory unit is too small, just use ten memory units. Or slow the process down so that your software only uses a manageable amount at any one time. Or off-load some of the calculations to a network of… Read more »
If anyone watches the HBO series “From the Earth to the Moon” you will see the best Hollywood special effects technology as of 1998 – 29 years after the lunar landing. You can still tell it is fake. For example, there was no way to slow down the lunar dust kicked up by footsteps and still have any kind of realistic walk.
I agree that it’s possible that the idea of the lunar landing hoax, the flat earth and that nuclear weapons are fake could be deliberately created to lead people astray and undermine genuine, grounded skepticism. It’s discouraging that so many fall for them.
I don’t know man are we sure whites made this? If we did do we really want to take credit for it? Cause it looks an awful lot more like it was made by someone like this honestly to me this is very compelling evidence that it it more BS I mean does anyone really think that a great German engineer like Wernher Von Braun would ever approve of that abomination of a lander? This statement from the comment kevin made above “I am not at all convinced that the Moon landings were hoaxed. Being a broadcast engineer, I know how radio antennas and propagation work. In my opinion, it would be impossible to fool hundreds of RF engineers and communications technicians as to the distance, location, and… Read more »
If the lander was faked, they would have made it look a lot sleeker, I suspect. As it was, it was functional though not pretty. And the RF delay from the Earth to the Moon is only about 1.25 seconds, almost instantaneous. You can hear the echo at times, when an astronaut’s microphone picks up the radio’s speaker. Some modern recordings edit out the brief delays to speed things up.
Having been alive and fully conscious at the time, I recall that Herr Doktor von Braun did not approve of the lander. The lander, called the Lunar Excursion Module or LEM in the early days was the product of a lunar conquest strategy known as Lunar Orbit Rendezvous or LOR, where the actual surface landing craft detaches from the command module and later is disposed of after returning from the surface and transferring the lunar crew back to the CM. The idea being to minimize the total mass and fuel requirement of the combined trans-lunar package at the expense of considerable risk of failure. Von Braun, on the other hand, advocated a strategy called Earth Orbit Rendezvous (EOR) where first an Earth orbiting space station is constructed from which a… Read more »
Greetings Kevin. Memories, memories. My first printer was a Model 15 teletype and a Sorcerer computer.
Now that’s really going back!
Of course RACIAL POLITICS is corrupting space exploration; absolutely well said and well done ! Should anybody be surprised that this is going on ? If you are surprised then you are somebody who is either completely on board with this charade or is a part of it! You wouldn’t have any neggers, or slants or kikes in space whatsoever if it wasn’t for those so-called bad, bad white people who happen to discover the fundamental laws of the universe to begin with and not only that but put the human race on the road to the concepts of science which has given its blessings (when applied correctly) to ALL of mankind from the very beginning of when people begin to use their minds in an analytical way. You wouldn’t… Read more »
“[Unless, of course, you could engineer an economical way to put them all there! — Ed.] “
I’m sorry to usurp the editor here on his own website and publication, but don’t you mean to say that you would like to have ALL nonwhites AND Jews to be on the moon ?? I mean to send only Blacks to the moon exclusively and not have their stoic Racial Comrades with them, would be a travesty !! I’m sure you meant to say that and not just have Blacks alone exclusively go to the moon by themselves !!
To do so otherwise would be RACIST on your part ! Don’t you agree ?
You’ve got an excellent point, Howard!
Speaking of putting monkeys on the moon, I’m pretty sure mice were there when they landed those craft.
And I don’t mean lab mice, I mean ‘illegal’ stowaways.
Mice are very, very small, very, very quiet and they are EVERYWHERE…..
Well, as a woman, I personally think woman think too much about feelings and should NOT be on the moon. Never mind a black one. Hahahah
Everyone knows the first person on the Moon was a black woman named Neela Armstrong! Learn your history!
Back in the late 90’s, I and
the late Dr. Ian Gale were on
our way to a regional NA
meeting in NC. The good
doctor made a comment about
American Negroes I still
remember down to this day:
“They used to know their
place – now they’ve got
an attitude.” That was
almost a quarter-century
ago and I would like to
add…”in addition to the
attitude, they have also
acquired a chip on the
Greetings Walt. Have none of them ever raised enough money to enable them to escape from us evil White people and return to Africa? There are plenty of ocean liners available and I am sure they would get a good deal.
Haiti is much closer and just as wretched.
… we need ecomomists like Feder to manage govt projects, …