David SimsEssays

Will We Survive the Great Filter?

by David Sims

THERE’S SOME ARGUMENT about whether there is a Great Filter for the evolution of Life that lies in the future. We can recognize some achievements of the Life of Earth that occurred in the past:

• The formation of replicating molecules
• The formation of single-celled organisms via specialization among replicating molecules
• The formation of multi-cellular organisms
• The formation of ecologies from competing multi-cellular organisms
• The formation of complex brains and a specialization for intelligence as an adaptive strategy
• The rise and persistence of civilization
• The rise of large-scale generation of exosomatic energy (fossil fuels, nuclear power, etc.)
• Spaceflight

And we can recognize some that may reside in the future:

• Interplanetary colonization
• Interstellar colonization
• Intergalactic colonization

I propose that there is an obvious Great Filter that comes somewhere between the rise of civilization and interplanetary colonization. It has to do with whether the spaceflight-capable part of the civilized species can disentangle itself from the selfish parasitism of the parts of the same species which are not spaceflight-capable.

Given that nascent spaceflight occurs when the civilized species has a sharp racial gradient in the relevant attributes and abilities, it seems likely that the more numerous and least gifted part of the species will have the bulk of political influence. If this mass of parasites has its way, then the species probably will fail to colonize other planets in its own system, and it will almost certainly never launch spaceships to the planets of other stars.

That’s the Great Filter that we have entered. It is going on presently, and it will continue for the next hundred years or so. It is what might limit our existence to the period when Earth shall remain habitable, even if nothing else drives us extinct before then.

You can look at this as a struggle between good and evil, or as a war between the forces of Life and the forces of death. And whether the Life of Earth has a long future, in which it continues to exist for billions (or even trillions) of years depends on whether we can survive this presently on-going Great Filter.

The idea makes for good fiction, too. Parts of this essay, in fact, are taken from my novel, a few chapters of which have been published on National Vanguard:

“Given that nascent spaceflight occurs when the civilized species has a sharp racial gradient in the relevant attributes and abilities,” said Brenda, “it seems likely that the more numerous and least gifted part of the species will have the bulk of political influence. If this mass of parasites has its way, then the species probably will fail to colonize other planets in its own system, and it will almost certainly never launch spaceships to the planets of other stars.

“With the Solar System Empire, I have pierced this Great Filter. It has been surmounted. We need worry about it nevermore.”

* * *

Source: Author

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10 January, 2022 2:28 pm

I see it as a multi – level filter. And you get two, maybe 3 or 4 chances total at two main filters.. First level is to make it by throwing baby rattles of 9 million pounds fire (Saturn V’s), from the cradle. We failed that filter when we let Jews derail the German-American Apollo program. So we failed the Rocket Equation filter. (There is a harmonic Echo of this filter that has near-miraculously opened, been opened by one determined character — a White South-African no less! — and admittedly instead of the pure white / right stuff of the Apollo program this is presented as a diversity sewer-pipe to Mars — it could still, just barely, serve the purpose. Of course (((they))) and their servants and dupes are trying… Read more »

10 January, 2022 10:04 pm

Bring it on!

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
11 January, 2022 7:21 pm

As far as I am concerned, this is it.
No holy ghosts, no “savior” up in
the sky or on the back side of the
Moon. Christians can pray all they
want…there is no one “up there” to
hear them. If you want the hard
facts, hear them here:


Axis Sally
Axis Sally
12 January, 2022 7:33 pm

From whence shall you spring when you make your great leap for the stars? Even Elon Musk’s science-fiction comic book “Starship” needs a launch pad. I’d venture the “sharp racial gradient” has already missed the boat in that respect. That boat sailed, or rather, was torpedoed in ’45.

We Aryans need to resume evolving our race, and the Will to do so. We need territory of our own to do it. Then, and only then may we rebuild science–real science–Aryan science, here on Earth. Let us establish our feet firmly on the ground before we begin dreaming of the stars.

Reply to  Axis Sally
13 January, 2022 11:51 pm

Anti-gravity craft regularly operate without infrastructure — like a bush-plane, lol, like a “bush-plane to orbit”, an inter-planetary bush-plane. But I agree, we need to get back to where our science was and move it forward. The Electric Universe folks are doing part of that, but we need to follow up Tesla, Heaviside, revisit Maxwell’s Equations (and not drop out the inconvenient (to mainstream science parts), and take seriously the tapping of vacuum energy that is blatantly implied by the equations, and experiments including things as occult as Tesla’s “dynamic electricity” (i.e. vacuum energy), and as right in your face obvious as the Casimir Effect. Also agree we should establish our feet firmly on earth, but as we are currently at a disadvantage as far as controlling our ground on… Read more »