“American Girl” Company Purchased by Jews, Now Advises “Gender Switching”

SCATHING REVIEWS ARE POURING into the American Girl Web site and Amazon, and social media users are blasting the popular doll brand for a book released this year that advises young girls on pronouns (as defined by perverts and their Jew backers), “switching genders,” and using puberty blockers.
Part of the criticism surrounds the Jewish-owned company’s advice to girls on how they can “circumvent unsupportive parents.”
Jeff Bezo’s Amazon, loaded with Jews and anti-Whites, claims this book is the number one seller on the platform in the category of Popular Adolescent Psychology. Many doubt that claim.
A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image — How to Love Yourself, Live Life to the Fullest, and Celebrate All Kinds of Bodies rapidly drew attention from around the world after a Dec. 6 report in the London-based Daily Mail.
Amazon suggests the book for girls ages 8–11; American Girl recommends it for “girls in 4th grade through 6th grade.”
The 96-page paperback depicts girls with “different body types” and various races on the cover. It further “signals inclusiveness” by showing a girl in a wheelchair and another with blue hair.
The 36-year-old company is best known for its lifelike dolls that can be customized by skin tone, eye color, and hair color and style.

The 18-inch dolls that stand on their own often are purchased to look like a child’s twin, and were originally almost all White and all traditional before the company was purchased by Jew-run Mattel.
The company sells an expansive line of matching clothing for child and doll, and a library of books for girls on a wide variety of topics. It was purchased by toy giant Mattel — the owner of the anti-traditional “Barbie” brand — in 1998 for a reported $700 million.
The books “Gender Joy” chapter prominently features an illustration of an androgynous child wearing “pronoun buttons” in front of a “transgender flag.” The chapter defines terms like “transgender” and “non-binary,” and suggests ways girls should “express their gender through haircuts and clothing.”
“When a baby is born, a doctor looks at the baby’s body parts to assign its sex — whether the baby is female or male,” the chapter explains. “But for some, that assigned sex doesn’t match who they know they are inside.” Being “transgender” is not an illness or something to be ashamed of, the author reassures. The text advises girls to talk with a “trusted adult” if they are questioning their gender identity:
“That person can connect you with a specially trained doctor, who can help you and your family decide what’s best for your body,” the book explains. And girls might want to experiment with wearing clothing and using preferred pronouns that make “you feel most like the true you.”
“Parts of your body might make you feel uncomfortable, and you might want to change the way you look,” the book says. “That’s totally OK!”
“If you haven’t gone through puberty yet, the doctor might offer medicine to delay your body’s changes, giving you more time to think about your gender identity,” the book advises.
Puberty blockers are hormone treatments that, in girls, can halt breast growth, cause facial hair to grow, and deepen the voice. While transgender supporters call them “reversible,” these are extremely disruptive chemicals, likely with a host of negative impacts, some of which might not be known for years — to say nothing of the fact that disrupting our natural reproduction is their very purpose. The fact that “prescribing” such things to our children is not a capital crime is a real indictment of our society. These powerful drugs interfere with fertility.
Kevin Alfred Strom, Media Director of the National Alliance, stated that his organization opposed the use of such drugs: “The Jewish power structure is using its considerable financial and media power to push sexual perversion, psychological abuse, and surgical mutilation on our children. Their real agenda is reduction of the White population. And it’s not just the drugs and the mutilating surgery — it’s the many programs, articles, and books, including this one, that are twisting the minds of our youth. We aim to build a community in which our children are protected from these anti-White monsters who would ruin their futures.”
Some in the medical field have raised grave concerns recently about the use of puberty blockers in children, citing side effects such as stopping growth in height, halting development of sex drive, interfering with fertility, and halting the healthy accumulation of calcium in bones.
The book encourages girls who’ve experienced puberty already to “see a doctor” if they’re “questioning their gender.”
The lucrative and growing “transgender industry” suppresses studies showing the damage they cause. The result is the irrevocable harm of children.
The American Girl Body Image book suggests parents don’t need to be included in these life-altering decisions. It advises young girls to seek out help from transgender groups, “if necessary.”
“If you don’t have an adult you trust, there are organizations across the country that can help you. Turn to the Resources on Page 95 for more information,” the chapter suggests.
Resources for those questioning their gender identity include Web site addresses for “The Trevor Project,” the “Human Rights Campaign,” and “GLSEN for gender-inclusive schools.” The “Trevor Project” is a sex pervert advocacy group offering so-called “counseling” and a “chat feature for youths.” The “Human Rights Campaign” pushes the “LGBT” agenda.
The “Gender Joy” chapter also introduces children to the term “intersectionality” and provides a worksheet with blanks for listing characteristics, such as gender, race, and age, under which the reader “may be a victim” of the old, traditionally White, American society.
Intersectionality is a Jewish concept used in so-called Critical Race Theory (CRT) to point out a person’s “overlapping multiple victim groups” that “subject them to discrimination” by traditional White Americans. CRT suggests a person with “greater intersectionality” is deserving of more preferential treatment as “repayment for oppression.” The book highlights the fictional character Ivy — a 10-year-old who is deaf, transgender, and Jewish — as a way of “explaining intersectionality” to young readers.
“What these Jews are really doing is luring our children into destroying their minds, lives, and futures. And then they are framing any resistance to what they’re doing as ‘oppression’ and ‘hate’,” Strom said.
Mattel’s current CEO is Ynon Kreiz, who describes himself as “an Israeli-American businessman.”
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Source: press reports and National Vanguard correspondents
Degenerate, perverted Jewish filth such as this is what the National Socialists threw into bonfires.
German National Socialists banded together and organized in the 1920s and 30s to throw the filth into bonfires, Joshua, you and I agree this is true.
We’re here and it’s now, are you banding together with responsible Whites within the National Alliance to bring our values and goals?
.. lm in ..
This is very damaging to children.
Needless to repeat, we’ve all had enough of these despicable Jews and their filth. Madagascar has beach front just waiting for these degenerates.
I am disgusted. My grandmother bought me an American Girl doll when i was 8. I think I remember there being MAYBE one single darker colored one? Not positive though.
The thought of my children going to a ‘trusted adult’, & not me or their father makes me sick. All these teachers getting caught talking to their students about sexual things.. Home school!! Everything seems to be poison.
In Germany we have a new law now. It is not longer possible for parents to prevent their child from takeing puperty blockers. That is terrible for the parents.