Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

Ardern Apologizes Again

Ardern and her pucker

by Douglas Mercer

NEW ZEALAND PRESIDENT JACINDA Ardern is the Western world’s Apologizer-in-Chief — whenever the Jews say a darkie has been wronged, they’ll wheel this horse-toothed mutant in to crawl on her knees and obsequiously beg forgiveness for all the greatness of the White past. When it comes to saying ‘sorry,’ this mentally deranged harpy makes the Gay Mulatto look like a piker, and she makes the Pope look amateurish. Some hack writer said love means never having to say you’re sorry, but she thinks being White means always having to say you’re sorry. First she’s donning the hijab and saying Muslims are the quintessential New Zealanders, then she puts herself under a tarp and pleads with those atavistic throwbacks, the Maori, to “pardon” the White race. The Maori are those people whose main claim to fame is grunting and grimacing while performing their barbaric dances, and now Ardern is going back to them for a second trip to the trough of mea culpa and telling them (you guessed it) she’s sorry. What is she sorry for? Did a White ancestor in New Zealand do it? That’s what she’s sorry for.

Jacinda Ardern has issued a long overdue Crown apology to the Maori tribes for warmongering and almost two centuries of breaches to New Zealand’s Treaty of Waitangi. The prime minister travelled to the King Country settlement of Te Kuiti to issue the apology, the first she has delivered personally as part of reconciliation and treaty settlement efforts.

The first — but you can be sure not the last. Ardern’s future is going to be a long series of never-ending apologies that get more and more pathetic until, finally, she quietly checks in to one of those facilities they have at the end of Soylent Green. There she’ll check out from the Earth while watching images of strong and noble Negroes ruling a continent free of White people, and tears of atonement will slowly roll down her cheeks as she heads into her final coma.

“The Crown profoundly regrets its horrific and needless acts of war and raupatu (land confiscation) which have caused you and your hapu (tribe) inter-generational suffering,” Ms Ardern said. “Instead of respecting your mana whakahaere (authority), the Crown killed and injured your people, and pillaged your land and property.”

Rapatu? Hapu? Mana Whakahaere? Speak English please; we’re White!

Let’s get down to brass tacks here. Her first world-famous bout of groveling was in front of Muslims after that guy screwed up the optics and went in; her second was for the fact that back in the 1970s (when New Zealanders had a modicum of self-respect) her countryman deported some island-hoppers who had invaded the country — deporting them seems innocent enough, but she went full canopy on this one. Now this third one has the horse-faced lass with the glaring overbite doing something which is a horse of another color: This last one (though it won’t be her last, by the gods!) has her apologizing simply for Whites being there. You heard that right. She is apologizing for the “warmongering” of White people when they made the island nation their own. News flash for the sick, sorry, and sycophantic: When one people take over the land of another, “warmongering” — or in plainer English, simply war — is what happens. It’s the oldest one in the book. And the dark-skinned savages who inhabited this island (though only for a few hundred years before the great White man arrived) were warring among themselves. So big deal, right? But oh, it is a big deal to her and her kike overlords. She’ll tell you so right before she walks into the clinic where the final guilt-cleansing ritual awaits her. She is apologizing for a White New Zealand. So by rights she should either get the Hell out, or start plugging those end-of-life videos they are pushing up in Canada (though only for White people).

After 30 years of negotiations with the Ngati Maniapoto tribe, the government agreed to $NZ165 million ($A155 million) of financial and commercial redress, and the return 36 sites of cultural significance to Maori.

It’s always the gibs with these savages, is it not? They will talk the “moral” game, the so-called rights and the so-called wrongs, but in the end they stand there with their begging bowls and scoop up the gold and silver. That was the whole point of the high-minded moral game to begin with. As for those cultural sites, they must be using the word “culture” rather loosely. From what I can glean, Maori culture consisted of canoes, crudely carved artifacts, equally crudely carved totem poles, spots where they practiced their odd superstitions, traditional villages with more totem poles, and unsettling ritual dances where fat anthropoids with physiques like sumo wrestlers hop, grunt, grimace, and for some reason stick their tongues out. The shame of it is that, in this day and age, young White New Zealanders are taught to worship the Maori and Maori lore is promoted as if it was on a par with science. This augurs ill for the White future there.

This is a momentous occasion for both Maniapoto and the Crown and marks the beginning of a renewed relationship, Ms Ardern said, reading the formal apology in both English and the Maori language at a ceremony attended by 3000 people on Sunday (December 4 2022).

The sad sack says she’s so sorry, sorry for living — though she’s made a nice living off it.

To the furthest reaches of the world the White man arrived in force, and carved out of the wilderness a homeland for his people. That was the first step to the stars, but then came the recessional; the foothold in the furthest reaches didn’t fully take, a wobbling of character took hold, and the apex achievements of our race were subjected to a ubiquitous, relentless, and insincere criticism by a certain tribe of malevolent, hateful aliens among us: the Jews.

“Historic wrongdoing dates back to the mid 19th century, when the New Zealand colonial government fought with Maori over land. In the late 19th century, locals were pressured to open up to European settlement and run a railroad through Maniapoto territory, which led to aggressive land acquisitions from Maori hands.”

Now they apologize for Industrial Revolution, for the very notion of progress itself. In one of the farthest-flung outposts of the world is a gleaming, progressive First World White nation — and apparently that’s the worst thing there ever could be. This on behalf of a savage people who were mired in tribal warfare and cannibalism when the Whites arrived.

Bella Takiari-Brame, who will administer a trust arising from the settlement, said the impact was still felt in 2022. “We lost our land. We lost our language. We’ve lost our identity and it created inequities and disparities since for our people. We have clear aspirations to ensure we return back to who we were. We were entrepreneurs. We were exporting overseas. We were thriving.”

Bella Takiari-Brame (if that’s her real name) claims that when the White man arrived in New Zealand they cut the Maori off in midstream, that there was about to be an explosion of Maori culture and riches, that they were exporting overseas, they were entrepreneurs, they were thriving — indeed, given a few more decades without Whites, they would have taken the mud from their mud huts, created cold fusion, and zoomed to the far side of the galaxy in no time at all. The hopes and dreams of hundreds of “hidden figures” were dashed and stunted by the new White overlords, and they were reduced to dreaming all those quadratic equations while they grunted and grimaced.

Ardern acknowledged the government of the day was responsible for devastating long-term prejudice. “As a result, your hapu and whanau (families) have faced significant socio-economic deprivation and lived in worse conditions than non-Maori. You were prevented from reaching your full social and economic potential and had to fight to maintain your Maniapoto identity and language.”

No, they had reached their potential. They’d been in existence for millennia, just like any other race, and had a White-oppressor-free existence until practically last Tuesday. This notion that they were about to skyrocket into world-historical greatness is a bad joke, though one that perhaps makes them feel better. But they had reached their ceiling, and it was very close the floor. You could have given them eternity unmolested and they would still have been carving those crude figures, erecting yet another totem pole, paddling those simplistic canoes, fighting among themselves, and eating each other. You can no more get the rudiments of civilization from dark-skinned anachronisms than you can get nobility and truth from Rachel Maddow.

The Treaty of Waitangi, signed in 1840 by representatives of the British Crown and hundreds of Maori chiefs, is considered NZ’s foundational document. Misunderstandings over its meaning and translation continue to hound reconciliation efforts and full participation of Maori in modern life.

First off, even a modicum of research shows this “treaty” to be no treaty at all, but an “agreement with no independent legal status,” which means in plain English it’s not worth the paper it is printed on. And moreover the Maori language is so impoverished and backward that it proved impossible to translate many of the words of the document. Apparently in Maori you can say “big” or “small” or “here” or “there,” but anything much more complex than that leads them to scratch their empty heads in bewilderment. Like the Amerindians of the North American continent, they had no conception of property, of “yours” or “mine” — and the document broke down when it tried to render “sovereignty” into Maori or whatever their godforsaken pidgin is actually called. And in any event it was signed in 1840, just as a century and more of technical marvels and unprecedented progress was about to ensue, so it’s not surprising that the White men who came later weren’t too wound up about a few meaningless words full of blather on a meaningless parchment. “You see it says here we can take it, and anyway you got a receipt?” It turns out they did have a receipt; it’s just that no one could agree on what it meant. But the idea that a swarm of totem-worshipping primitives were going to stop the upward progress of the great White race beggars belief. When White people actually ran their own countries, no one would have believed such a thing possible. But now that the Jews have entered stage left, all vile and foul things are possible.

Since 1975 – when the Waitangi Tribunal was founded – governments of all political persuasions have pursued treaty settlements as a means of rectifying those wrongdoings, signing dozens of settlements and apologies.

Apologizing has become the national pastime in New Zealand of late.

Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little said he wanted Sunday’s apology “to lay the groundwork for a new partnership to provide for the future wellbeing and prosperity of Maniapoto. When Maniapoto rangatira (Maori chiefs) signed the Treaty in 1840, they expected to build a partnership with the Crown. For more than a century after this, the Crown repeatedly broke the promises it made leading to devastating loss of life and land, and social and economic deprivation.”

They even have a Miniter of White Guilt. This little fellow went all the way to Geneva to speak of “human rights” and said that the breaking of the treaty turned the Maori into “strangers in their own land.” He then laid on the canard that the “poorer outcomes” (of just about everything) among the Maori were the result of the “legacy of colonization” and “entrenched structural racism.” When, of course, everyone in the know knows that the Maori scrape the bottom of the barrel due to the fact that they hit an evolutionary cul-de-sac and were only rescued from what would have been eternal torpor by the arrival of the Whites on the scene.

The apology followed a two-day celebration of a new whare tupuna (ancestral house) built in Te Kui.

And so Jacinda Ardern, the Bootlicker-In-Chief of the Western world, had a smashing success. they say, in her adventures in “anti-racism” and her forays into lowly groveling. Now she’s made the big regret public — the regret that the White man ever existed; the lamentations occasioned by our great and numerous successes; the wailing and rending of garments over the fact that our race towered over the others like giants unto pygmies.

She’ll be back, of course, on her island-roving apology tour, putting that repellent pucker on her face once again, taking another very low bow as the eternal “soulful mourner.” She isn’t good for much of anything else.

One thing is sure — when the Hebrews who write her checks finally get what they deserve, she will too.

* * *

Source: Author

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17 December, 2022 7:40 am

<i>…strangers in their own land.</i> This is the entire history of the human race – that one people, at any given time, had the power and will TO DISPOSSESS ANOTHER PEOPLE…and take their land AND MAKE IT THEIR OWN. That is it. That is the overarching and utterly consistent behavior of human beings from the mists of time. Human nature DOES NOT CHANGE. It has been and always will be that any given place on this earth only belongs to a people FOR AS LONG AS THEY HAVE THE WILL AND STRENGTH TO HOLD IT. I, for one, apparently unlike most who identify as White Nationalists…hold to the very human and historical cast-of-mind that we, Whites, should do as we have always done up until very recently, TAKE…what it is… Read more »

Reply to  Servenet
17 December, 2022 3:49 pm

You’re right, our ancestors were the will-to-power types who thought about the problem, came up with a solution, then rolled up their sleeves and got the job done. I’m interested in knowing how you fit into this mold of thinking then acting. Ever thought of committing your time, talents, and resources towards the goals the National Alliance espouses?

Stanley X
Stanley X
17 December, 2022 8:20 pm

Jacinda Ardern is indeed a hopeless white hating crank. But we have one here in Canada, a very close second to Ardern – Justin Trudeau.

23 December, 2022 1:53 am

Skeletons IN the cupboardA great documentary demonstrating that NZ was populated by Celtic Whites long before the polynesians ever set foot on that hallowed land.

Reply to  Konrad
27 December, 2022 10:44 pm

Wonderful documentary indeed.

However, it is not the lack of evidence about our people’s greatness, but rather the huge amount of self hate and guilt that has been infuse in most of through Judeo Christianity.

The biggest slanderers of our race are guilt infused whites.