Shut Down the TERF Rally Next Week!
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article — from the Leftist “Indymedia” site — should not be read by children. It is republished here primarily to indicate the self-destructive madness to which the unnatural, anti-Life philosophies of “equality” and “feminism” ultimately lead.
For those confused by the terminology, “TERFs” are feminists who are actually women. They are attacked by “radical transvestites” because the TERFs don’t believe that men who wear women’s clothes are actually women. The “trans” faction — who often call themselves “trans*” (the asterisk means the term could mean “transgender” or “transsexual”) — call them “Trans Excluding Radical Feminists.” In the Byzantine complexities of far Left politics, sometimes the “E” is said to mean “exterminating” instead of “excluding.” SWERF stands for “Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist,” similar to TERFs, but who believe that prostitution and pornography degrade and exploit women. With all this factionalism — which far outstrips that in White nationalism — it’s no surprise that leftist events often devolve into chaos these days. The video above — in which the motivations of the group of leftists disrupting a leftist event is not even clear — is but one example.
by Portland Anti-TERF/SWERF Action Team (PATSAT)
PORTLAND’S most militant Trans* and GenderQueer Liberation group, PATSAT, in solidarity also with PDX Trans* Pride organization, protests and pledges an end to upcoming TERF anti-Trans*feminine, anti-CAMAB, cis “rights” rally sponsored by Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival, a known anti-Trans* defamation and hate group.
Attention all CAMAB Trans*feminine and GenderQueer folks, CAFAB allies, and Cis Male allies!
Next Saturday, April 18 is the Day of Reckoning for TERF/SWERF group Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival Portland Chapter. Michfest Portland is bringing in TERF Heavy-Weights such as Lierre Keith, Rachel Ivey, Samantha Berg along with live entertainment in order to finance Michfest, the annual anti-Trans* rally and indoctrination camp. Their political and economic influences are so powerful that Michfest literally has succeeded in lobbying Michigan legislators to resist any state bills that seek to end discrimination against gender identity and sexual orientation (TERF/SWERF claim to be feminist lesbians, but many of them are pre-Vatican II Roman Catholic nuns in disguise, secretly affiliated with the Society of St. Pius X, if they are not members of the Dianic Wicca sect which believes in lesbian sex and nudist rituals as integral parts of their “religion”). Their blackmailing has also succeeded in forcing Equality Michigan and National Center for (Real) Lesbian Rights to retract their opposition to Michfest.
Regardless, we are in Oregon and we fight back.
All Trans* and GenderQueer folks must stand in Unity, Solidarity, and Single-Minded Loyalty to defeat Michfest in Our fabulous Portland, the historical Trans* capital of the world. All our allies are also welcome in joining this Struggle of the Century.
Michfest is TERF, and TERF has recently doxxed the leader of Portland Trans* Pride, Rebekah Katherine Brewis, publicly outed her, harassed her, and libeled her in their hate speech websites. The same TERF group also doxxed and defamed Trans* activist and community organizer Norma Bullhorn, who is now a martyr to the cause of gender liberation.
Saturday, April 18 will be the day to remember for all TERF and SWERF in Oregon as our direct action will stop their evil terrorist “fundraiser” from even happening. You are either with us, or with the TERF. Those who do not stand in solidarity with us are enemies of all Trans* people of the world, and they will be exposed and named. Especially those TruScums and “Gender Critical Trans*” must watch out because we will deal with traitors and fifth-columns among our ranks severely.
This is a Diversity of Tactics action. We encourage everyone to form their own autonomous affinity group and respect other groups’ autonomy.
March starts: Holladay Park, NE Multnomah & NE 11th, 6:30 PM
Rally in front of TERF-Owned Cotton Cloud Futon (701 NE Broadway) from 7:00 PM until all TERF and TERF-sympathizers give up on their hate rally and leave (as long as it takes).
Here are suggestions (thanks GenderAngel):
[1] BRING DILDOES and STRAP-ONS , hundreds of ’em – TERF hate Penis. Lets welcum TERF with massive show of Phallic salutes
[2] Read out the names of Our Fallen (google “TransGender Day of Remembrance” for a big list of Our Gender Martyrs and Trans Saints) and each name respond in unison “PRESENTE”
[3] Coffins representing Our Fallen
[4] Sidewalk Fabulous Drag Show – lets show TERF we are more fabulous
At MichFest, effigy of stereotypical Trans Woman was created each year, and the effigy is crucified upside down at night before the end of the Fest, so TERF and TERF-trainees (all MichFest attendees are subject to mandatory “workshops” on how evil Trans Women are and how to eliminate their human rights, it’s called Consciousness Raising) would throw rocks and soaked menstral pads/tampons at the effigy until the effigy is half destroyed and smeared with TERF blood, and then the effigy is burned as TERF celebrate another successful MichFest.
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Source: Portland Independent Media Center
I’m confused how “equality” and “feminism” led to this when the sentiments expressed in the posting are about as anti-equality and anti-feminist as you can get.
FYI the white cultures you claim to want to revive were very pro-woman before the advent of Christianity so if all you are going to do is replicate Middle Eastern patriarchal values, STFU basically, you’re wasting everyone’s time.
Every male in that room looks like a beta male cuck, straight out of central casting. When one thinks of what beta male cucks look like, they are it in a nutshell.