Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

It Can Happen Here

by Douglas Mercer

IT CAN happen here. You bet it could.

I for one certainly don’t see why not.

That’s their dire warning: it could happen here. “It” of course being the awakening of the long-slumbering berserker rage of the White race, once the terror of the world, lately nowhere seen.

Recrudescence is their term of art — atavism and nativism close behind. What makes them afraid is that something basic and primordial in the White race has not been extinguished as they hoped, but is still latent — and ready to emerge.

It could happen again.

You bet it could.

“It” of course refers to what happened in the 1930s in Germany, when a downhearted people suddenly took up the reins of their destiny; when that nation, rallied by a great leader, began unexpectedly to expel the poison in their midst.

It could happen again. The phrase is a play off the title of that bush-league novel of the 1930s called It Can’t Happen Here. Which of course was a sly way of saying it can happen here. It was a novel described as (wait for it):

A cautionary tale about the fragility of democracy, it is an alarming, eerily timeless look at how fascism could take hold in America.

I detect a theme.

It can’t happen here. It can happen here. As indeed it could have; and indeed it can.

They say that Adolf Hitler was an uncanny individual because he succeeded in imposing his fantasy life on world history. It’s true that here was a man sleeping on a park bench in Austria among the down-and-out who had dreams of great detail about re-ordering Germany — and the world. Apparently, he had a special sense which permitted him to peer straight through the dark abysm of time and see the future unfold. Had the conventionally “wise” and “rational” seen him on that bench, and spoken to him about those dreams, they would have considered him mad indeed. And yet, as the course of time unfurled, the details of his dream came true, one by one — every last one. Through the tenacity of belief alone, he had managed to make it all a reality.

It is always a matter of will; it is the will alone to which the world succumbs.

It could happen again.

Indeed, it is already happening.

You know it is. You know it will.

* * *

Physiognomy is destiny: Jonathan Greenblatt

Jonathan Greenblatt, the head vampire at Vampire Incorporated, is about to enter the Jewish literary sweepstakes alongside Bari Weiss wither her execrable How to Fight Anti-Semitism and Deborah Lipstadt with her egregious Antisemitism. Greenblatt’s book, which is clearly intended to become a mega-ten-ton blockbuster bestseller which will knock the socks off Jew and goy alike, is called (hold the phone) It Could Happen Here (set to be published January 4 2022).

It Could Happen Here.

What is the message of this book? What is the prime vampire of Vampire Incorporated going to tell us?

The message is: It could happen here.

Of course it could. In fact it’s already happening.

That is, his message sent out to Jews and Jew-lovers everywhere is that he doesn’t want you to get smug about “liberal democracy”; it is such a fragile thing. He wants all to know that “democracy dies in darkness”; that the tiki torches and the pitchforks are in storage now, but can come out at any moment; that, believe it or not, not everyone is absolutely crazy about unending hordes of immigrants invading their land; that not everyone is keen on “diversity” and “inclusion”; not everyone wants their hospitals and schools humming with a cacophony of indecipherable languages; that there remain some White people (believe it or not) who are not looking forward to their race becoming a minority; that the doctrine that “all men are created equal” has not been accepted equally by all segments of society. And, he says, the specter of a rekindled White race acting in its own self-interest is only just one rage-filled demagogue away.

So don’t think (he says) that the arc of the moral universe will naturally bend towards justice, no; the moral universe is a cold and forbidding place, Jews know that better than anyone, and for justice to reign requires (he says) eternal vigilance, vigilance on behalf of the “rule-based order of liberal democracy,” and (most of all) vigilance on behalf of Jews, who are the eternal keepers of the eternal moral flame. If not, if we let our guard down for even one minute (he says), don’t be shocked if the hoods and the nooses come back; don’t be shocked when the trains begin to roll and the ovens are fired up. Because all it will take is one flip of the switch for all the bad old things to be back again. Indeed, if they ever left.

That is: It could happen here. So don’t fall asleep, he says.

And of course the old Vampire is right about that.

It could happen here. Indeed, it’s already happening.

* * *

You know they want to pull out all the stops on this one. This is their head man, the man who has worked tirelessly around the clock to strip White people of their rights and voice, the one who is never-ending in his work to foment the long awaited genocide of the White race. He’s plugged a myriad of books about the nobility of the Jews, the tragedies that have befallen the Jews, and how all of society should be ordered to protect and exalt the Jews, no questions asked. And now here he is with his hopeful entrant into the anti-White book club.

For this occasion they have dusted off and trotted out and stood up straight that Jewish one-trick pony, mediocre comedian, and Jewish executioner of speech, Sacha Baron Cohen:

Refreshingly candid, get off Instagram and read this book.

Cohen, did they say?

Indeed, they did.

It can happen here.

They will do anything to make sure it doesn’t.

Today, as CEO of the storied ADL (the Anti-Defamation League), Jonathan Greenblatt has made it his personal mission to demonstrate how antisemitism, racism, and other insidious forms of intolerance can destroy a society, taking root as quiet prejudices but mutating over time into horrific acts of brutality.

Storied? Storied in lore? You mean like that story of how the ADL started in defense of the rapist and murderer and Jew Leo Frank? — the one who raped and murdered that young innocent White girl? You mean that story? Because that’s one story the facts of which the “storied ADL” doesn’t want known too widely. Why, if it were, and people came to see the ADL as the boy who cried wolf, or the wolf that cried pogrom, as the one who cried out as he struck you, and began disbelieving them — why, it just might happen again.

It can always happen again. Trust me, it’s what keeps them up at night. They know what they’ve done. It’s not for nothing that an old Jewish saying is that every Jew should always have a packed suitcase by the back door.

In this urgent book, Greenblatt sounds an alarm, warning that this age-old trend is gathering momentum in the United States — and that violence on an even larger, more catastrophic scale could be just around the corner.

You certainly do see it picking up speed. Right around the corner? Why, it’s already at our door. The old adage that there’s only so much excrement people will eat is a good one. It has been painfully slow but you see it in fits and starts, and then you see it some more, in places you never thought you would, this age-old trend. And it’s a trend for a reason, for, wherever you have Jews, you will have people who hate Jews. The one follows the other like night follows day. The reason is that, if there is a more obnoxious or subversive people ever to walk the Earth, I’ve never heard tell of them. I doubt you have either.

It’s almost impossible to imagine that unbridled hate and systematic violence could come for us or our families. But it has happened in our lifetimes in Europe.

Clearly they can imagine it. That’s what those books are about; that’s what Greenblatt’ new vile tome is about. Imagine it, Hell. They are obsessed about it. And for a very good reason.

Greenblatt offers a bracing primer on how we — as individuals, as organizations, and as a society — can strike back against hate. Just because it could happen here, he shows, does not mean that the unthinkable is inevitable.

No, it pretty much is. And it’s not unthinkable; we think about it all the time. It’s actually like clockwork, you see. Different day, but same story line. Jews move in and are hostile and aggressive; they buddy up with the treacherous elites of the host country; and pretty soon they start acting like they own the place — and that’s because they do. Pretty soon they’re odious and distasteful and appalling, as they start bossing everyone around. And if you say anything about it, well, there will be Hell to pay. The repeated scenarios are all like this, and it never varies much, and in the end they are always wholly unsupportable. When the Romans finally tired of Jewish tricks and depradations, they sent in the legions and leveled Jerusalem and sent the remnant scurrying and packing (many in the wrong direction, unfortunately). In countless European countries of old, the righteous citizenry did the same. Problem was that, as time wore on, the elites laid low, and the Jews laid low, and they were brought back in, and the thieving and the blood and the rapes and the drama happened once more. Big mistake.

And now what Jonathan Greenblatt is saying, in essence, is that if we don’t learn from history it will repeat itself. But the man who came up with the phrase once stood on a table in a Roman restaurant and gave Mussolini the Roman salute as Il Duce passed by in his car. And, anyway, we don’t plan on having history repeat itself exactly. No, this time we’ll do it right.

* * *

And so on January 4 2022, when this book is released to the uneager public, don’t mark your calendar. Just know that this book is not so much a warning to the world but a vivid representation of their deepest and darkest and most mortal fears, the fallout from their most desperate phobias. For what causes their black hearts to skip a beat is that one day all of the indoctrination, all of the propaganda, all of the lies, all of the brainwashing will be washed away like watercolors on a rainy day. That it will all disappear in an instant — because, outward appearances to the contrary, it never took root. Because in the end it was not compatible with the spirit of the Aryan race.

Drawing from the Anti-Defamation League’s long history of advocating against antisemitism, Greenblatt asserts that a tipping point in hateful rhetoric is fast approaching. He argues that hateful ideas can spread slowly and eventually become normalized.

Yes, indeed — it’s the best part of waking up.

They say that when fascism comes to America it will come wrapped in the American flag and it will be carrying a cross. Perhaps, though it more likely will be wrapped up in a blood flag and be carrying a torch and marching to the sign of a rune. And — believe me — it will be way beyond mere fascism. But the one thing you can be sure of is that they won’t know what hit them.

It’s not that it will come out of left field, no, the signs are there. It’s that it will come from the hearts of the people.

Can it happen again?

Open your window; you’ll see that it already has. You’ll see that it’s already coming, coming like a hard and cleansing spring rain.

* * *

Source: Author

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mortal goyal
mortal goyal
21 December, 2021 10:36 am

let us hope.

i don’t see it happening.

i see complacent cowardice and amusement distracted peasantry….oh , and manufactured fear of fake Kike virus variant hoaxes.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  mortal goyal
21 December, 2021 8:38 pm

Yes. The sheeple totally bought into
“the omicron variant.” What they lack
in intellect, they more than make up
for in cowardice.

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  Walt Hampton
22 December, 2021 12:53 pm

Indeed Sir…the real waves of contrived hysteria and Jew Fearporn haven’t even hit us yet. This winter is going to be exceedingly tiresome for those of us who are at least half awake.

This, as usual, sloppy , low-agency Jew Hoax would be harmless and laughable, if it didn’t directly effect the people in our immediate circle of life…
who believe every word these criminal , Satanical scumbags say.


Reply to  mortal goyal
23 December, 2021 2:29 pm

This lockdown is intentional mockery of what authority stands for, to get even the sheeple against order that brings about strong cohesion. They aim to put all to sleep while they distract us with all the semitic/negroid “pleasures of life,” total libs***ness that makes the soviet union pale in comparison.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
21 December, 2021 10:45 am

Wonderful Yuletide message!

21 December, 2021 12:58 pm

In reality the bloodbath will be inevitable, if the anti-white agenda continues, the goal is to shed the blood of the white lamb as an offering to the Jewish god. The path of white survival is the racial-territorial secession of the USA, be it peaceful or violent, the opposite is the path to perdition.

I am you, Whitey.jpg
Reply to  Panadechi
22 December, 2021 2:44 am

Beat to vote with your feet now, away from areas of heavily concentrated potential executioners, yes? Even better, go to be with friends of the White persuasion. And best- those friends would be of the same ideological frame of mind.

My friends are in the National Alliance.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
21 December, 2021 3:25 pm

I can certainly see it happening on
and around Toronto’s Church Street!

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
22 December, 2021 7:38 am

A fundamental aspect of legitimate law is that it is proscriptive, setting out what not to do. This is the essence of how society works by allowing its members total freedom to create but at the same time proscribing harm by law. Or, another way to put it – intolerance for evil. Intolerance is good. The magic of the Jews is that they can change the intent of words. Intolerance of evil is turned around to mean that there are things worse than evil and that is to hate evil, and then the word evil is removed and it is bad to hate anything and then we get to “Hate Speech.” Add in the fact that the Jews control the media and soon all our children hear is that the… Read more »

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  Patrick Pappano
22 December, 2021 1:09 pm

well put. i have sadly lost family members to this malevolent Jew hypnosis ….they are completely “captured ,” to the point where they actually worship these maligning termites. A very frustrating situation . all WE can do is see to it that WE go to our graves with our Blood Pure….and our minds devoid of the filthy, pernicious KIKE lies that have poisoned and corroded OUR culture. F@$K the stragglers and all the rest of the deceased, empty husks. I’ve tried til I’m blue in the face to make certain people come to grips with the situation they’re in. Most are indifferent ,and impatient to get back to whatever latest distraction Big Jew has placed in front of them . The rest look at me like i’m some alien, interplanetary… Read more »

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  mortal goyal
23 December, 2021 10:41 am

We are the enemy. The more we pursue truth the more dangerous we become to them. Yes is no and down is up and they believe it.

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
26 December, 2021 6:28 pm

“The magic of the Jews is that they can change the intent of words.” There’s nothing “magic” about these psychopaths. The slight-of-mind trick they’ve used is our innocent ignorance (we had no idea the extent of their manipulations) and the institutionalized atomization of us, compared with their post WWII collectivization (strenght in numbers) which has enabled them to buy out our mass media, then use it to drill holes in our heads. Jews are simply working as a team against us, and we are social tossed salad. Our political parties have been corrupted beyond repair and it’s safe to assume they’ve either blackmailed or bribed the sorry lot that make it into office. We need professionals to develop a new party with the expressed platform of, not only removing this… Read more »

Reply to  zinger
26 December, 2021 7:49 pm

NSDAP did come to power using their nation’s institutions, agreed.

They also involved large numbers of their own people, organized, and inspired them to work as a team. How about joining our team, Mr. Zinger? Walk the talk!

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  zinger
27 December, 2021 7:57 am

It is difficult to get people to understand an evil act that they cannot carry out themselves. So when you admit that the Jews have taken us over, it is because we cannot imagine anyone undertaking such action as hijacking an entire people. There is no defense against it. Those whites who militantly defend the Jew, can’t see the Jew. They cannot imagine the Jew and Jew acts. It is beyond their comprehension. So you cannot fight against the Jew you can only fight for something but that “For thing,” morality, that has been taken away also. So we can’t fight for anything. We are toast. Sad to say but there it is. At least we can admit it and try another way.

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
28 December, 2021 3:25 pm

Yes, very well put…Judaism is sophistry but that is alien to Europeans, philosophy, not…we not have the equivalent of the Rabbinate with a cultus to reconvert Europeans back to racism unless it be Cosmotheism…which it is.

22 December, 2021 4:41 pm

For every Alliance sticker, each individual flier, every single business card distributed far and wide is the message: We Are Here. As Mr. Mercer pointed out, we are waking up and bringing our Rune to our people.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  JM/Iowa
18 January, 2022 8:47 pm

Old habits die hard. I’m thinking of posting stickers, which have always been ineffective, other than giving the MSM the opportunity to freak out and spew hateful propaganda about the organizations linked to the stickers.

We all have cell phones and computers. I have a list of contacts that I routinely send links from National Vanguard articles to. I also post links to NV articles online in comments sections on conservative websites.

National Vanguard is an invaluable resource. Make sure you let as many people as possible know it exists.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Old Aardvark
18 January, 2022 10:13 pm

Excellent advice, Old Aardvark, it’s very important to bring our platforms to the attention of other, healthy Whites. Stickers and other forms of print media with our website address(es) also do the same thing provided the materials display them. Whether the media used is effective or not upon target audiences is another subject entirely, though it is helpful when the information is broadcasted by the Jewed media.

Is there really any such thing as bad advertising? Better to try and have our enemies scream about it than to not try at all. And if they don’t say a word about us, is there gain in sending our messages out unrebutted by those who hate us?

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
19 January, 2022 9:49 pm

Stickers and other forms of print media with our website address(es) also do the same thing… Better to try and have our enemies scream about it… — Stickers ain’t what they used to be. Jews, their “hate” watchdogs and anti-White collaborators can scream all they want about the National Alliance’s handsome new 3″x5″ water resistant, blood red sticker. However, should they slip up and show an image of it, thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of curious young Whites can and will swipe it with the smartphones they are never found without. A certain percentage of those will get an earful about Our Cause from none other than William Pierce. Some, a minority of that minority, will follow up, discover National Vanguard, say to themselves, “Where have these people been all… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
20 January, 2022 12:00 am

“Stickers ain’t what they used to be.” Will, they’ve been advertising in the past and they’re advertising now. Never were they a ‘silver bullet’ for slaying our enemies or a magic recruiting method, but I believe they still have a place in what we do at this time. That minority of a minority that we’re attracting has to get word that we exist and has the messages they’ve been looking for, and that’s accomplished by outreach efforts of all kinds. Granted, intelligent use of the internet and smart phone applications, “apps,” are effective yet are they going to be reliably accessible in the months and years to come? I don’t know the answer to that, but using redundant methods in the types of outreach efforts can’t hurt. As I mentioned… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
20 January, 2022 1:39 pm

Jim: [i]ntelligent use of the internet and smart phone applications, “apps,” are effective yet are they going to be reliably accessible in the months and years to come? I don’t know the answer to that. — Me neither, Jim, but they are available today so well take advantage of them. I don’t use “apps,” and don’t have a smartphone, never even had a dumb flip cell phone, so our new sticker with the swipeable QR code isn’t for me or others like me. Don’t get me wrong. I feature it here for NV visitors who do have smartphones, which is most young people and lots of other folks. We have lots of other downloadable stickers available and encourage use of them: Free National Alliance Fliers / Graphics | National Alliance… Read more »

28 December, 2021 11:31 am

There was a great Sectional Awakening in the 1960s, (the South never went to sleep) but the Federals smothered us. Many of the civil rights laws were ignored into the 1980s. The offshore oilfields in the Gulf remained White. Transferring crude oil and gas from the bottom of the sea to the beach cannot be successful with racial interference. The Federals knew that. And that is why they stood-down. They sat in the corner and minded their own business.

Reply to  aa
29 December, 2021 4:33 am


Why is it in the South, many white Southerners understand the lie of the Civil War but yet, will NOT support nor stand for Germans in regards to the lie of WW2?

Unless, many of those so-called “white” Southerners are actually Jewish and descendants of Jews who owned majority of the plantations and the like?

Which would then make sense.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  UncensoredDeutsch
19 January, 2022 11:12 pm

UncensoredDeutsch: Why is it many white Southerners understand the lie of the Civil War but yet, will NOT support nor stand for Germans in regards to the lie of WW2? — If they truly understand that the war with the Northern aggressors was not about fighting to free Negroes, but the right to seceed from the Union to have their own nation, then it’s moral cowardice — the same reason White American WWII vets — whether from the North or the South, East or West — have to be seen as moral cowards once they finally must accept that killing our German cousins for the Jew 80 years ago was catastrophic for their race. I wonder why my generation of White combatants in Vietnam, an actual shooting war where many… Read more »

Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
24 January, 2022 5:20 am

Mr. Williams, You make excellent points in regards to the Vietnam vets. Maybe we need to start asking these Vets of WW2, Vietnam and Korea to start standing up & telling the truth. But then again, maybe they’re ashamed for their own bad conduct against our own People. After all, WW2 generation are touted to be the “Greatest Generation ever!” Let’s face it, if the majority of vets have had a good life after war, why would they give it up in the end? They’ve probably heard what happened to Ursula Haverbeck, Monika & Alfred Schaefer, etc. as well as the never ending “Nazi-hunting” which is appalling and hypocritical in light that Israel claims statue of limitations for their own war crimes. An idea would to get a huge number… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  UncensoredDeutsch
24 January, 2022 1:59 pm

I don’t have enough breath to waste it on veterans who care little for truth, UD, and if they did care, lack backbones to join a supposed “hate group.” Joining NA, like I said, takes moral courage — standing up for what one knows is right.

My experience tells me to deal with those who are attracted to NA because they see that we tell the the whole truth, not with those who just happened to have been in the military. Read about the “new” military, here: (100) Where US military aid is going – White Biocentrism

29 December, 2021 11:55 am

UncensoredDeutsch: That you would call White Southerners and planters Jews doesn’t pass the laugh test. The standard of modern racism is to call anyone a Jew that is not of their persuasion. Seven thousand Jews fought for the Black Republican army. A minimum of 7 generals and 20 colonels. The blood and soil kinfolk states were short-handed. You mentioned WW2. Why did you leave out WW1? The South left to itself would not have invaded Europe. We have a long history of minding our own business. The kinfolk states went along for the ride. It’s called Federal coercion—force. It’s regrettable that Germans invaded the South in the 19th century. The government they fought for participated in their destruction twice in the following century. I’m for the Germans. They are under… Read more »

Reply to  aa
30 December, 2021 5:08 am

aa, Thanks for your reply. You are unfortunately the first Southerner that actually has SAID that they are for the Germans. I have tried to talk to many Southerners about the similarities of the South and Germany but they just wouldn’t cross that line, so can you blame me for thinking along that line? Not to mention, I understand that the majority of slaveholders and who is responsible for the slave trade are Jews, not ethnic Europeans. Ethnic Europeans were only 1-4% of the slave owners. American Indians and Blacks owned both white, black and American Indian slaves and the Jews had the majority. The Jews have slavery, suffering, sex, war, and death as their central tenets. Again, it’s not very much a leap for me to think along the… Read more »

3 January, 2022 10:36 pm

Yes indeed,
we truly are a people of compassion, patience, of high intellect and of reason.
Nevertheless, we certainly didn’t conquer this planet with our civilized values.

It’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when.

“To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late
And how man can die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his Gods”


21 January, 2022 2:16 pm

Yankee Doodle Dandy: Portions of the musical film are grotesque. The film uncovers the giddy, hyper-aggressive Northern society all aglow to fell Germany. Parading soldiers singing Over There. Ecstatic citizens lined up to join the military and wage war on the European continent. The recklessness of the course upon which Federal campaigns have adventured always include the Southern boys. Let alone, free from coercion, they would prefer to stay home and enjoy their grits and gravy and peach cobbler. Germans are the largest White subgroup in America. They heavily participated in the destruction of their ancestral homeland and say nothing of the perpetual occupation of Germany. I hope the occupied citizens of Germany are not learning the “true American principles.” The quote below mentions these principles. “In his elegant memoir, Destruction… Read more »