Not a Coincidence: UK, Like US, to Adopt New “Definition of Anti-Semitism”

This is planned. The Guardian‘s subheading — “Britain among first countries to use new definition that includes ‘over-sweeping condemnation of Israel'” — indicates that this is a worldwide initiative to criminalize criticism of Jews.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The controlled media article quoted below is 98 per cent. Newspeak: It would be clearer and more accurate to say that Jews are forcing our politicians to define as “anti-Semitic” any and every revelation of the truth that Jews constitute a privileged overclass that rules over us illegitimately (the existence of such laws as this are proof of that, actually) and are in fact an alien biological parasite that has its talons around our throats and its probosces inserted into our societal jugular.
THE GOVERNMENT is to formally adopt a definition of what constitutes antisemitism, which includes over-sweeping condemnation of Israel, with Theresa May saying the measure will help efforts to combat hate crime against Jews.
Britain will become one of the first countries to use this definition of antisemitism, as agreed last May at a conference of the Berlin-based International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), the prime minister will say in London.
A Downing Street statement said the intention of such a definition was to “ensure that culprits will not be able to get away with being antisemitic because the term is ill-defined, or because different organisations or bodies have different interpretations of it”.
The IHRA’s definition reads: “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
More detailed guidance on this, released by the IHRA in May, said this could include criticisms which target Israel, if this was “conceived as a Jewish collectivity”. It added: “However, criticism of Israel similar to that levelled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.”
The guidance says it could be considered antisemitic to accuse Jews of being more loyal to Israel or their religion than to their own nations, or to say the existence of Israel is intrinsically racist.
Concerns about criticism of Israel as a state potentially crossing into overt antisemitism has had particular recent resonance in British politics over recent months, with the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, commissioning a report into the issue in his party.
In October, the vice-chair of the Corbyn-supporting group Momentum, Jackie Walker, was removed from her post in the wake of remarks questioning the need for security at Jewish schools, and about Holocaust Memorial Day.
A series of Jewish MPs have also faced online abuse. In October, a man was jailed for sending antisemitic messages to the Labour MP Luciana Berger. In December, a man was convicted of harassing the same MP with antisemitic rants.
A spokeswoman for Corbyn said he and Labour agreed with the IHRA’s definition. She said: “Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour party share the view that language or behaviour that displays hatred towards Jews is antisemitism, and is as repugnant and unacceptable as any other form of racism.”
According to excerpts of her speech released in advance, May will say: “It is unacceptable that there is antisemitism in this country. It is even worse that incidents are reportedly on the rise. As a government we are making a real difference and adopting this measure is a groundbreaking step.
“It means there will be one definition of antisemitism — in essence, language or behaviour that displays hatred towards Jews because they are Jews — and anyone guilty of that will be called out on it.”
Police forces already use a version of the IHRA definition to help officers decide what could be considered antisemitism.
In a speech last month, the home secretary, Amber Rudd, recommitted the government to providing extra security for Jewish schools, synagogues and other community buildings.
Referring to the threat both from Islamist militancy and from a renewed surge in rightwing extremism, she said: “We take the security of the Jewish community seriously, and we will continue to put in place the strongest possible measures to ensure the safety of this community and all other communities, too.”
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Source: Guardian
Yehuda Bauer looks and acts like a poison dwarf.
Gee, another bloody holofraud survivor. Just another typical, lying kike. Cromwell, you bastard for allowing the tossers back into our Britannia.
Puritans are like any Protestant, a crypto-Jew…with hindsight he was also an inevitability …that’s our problem; there’s never a time when we catch up with the complot and clean house although I can think of one exemplary regime that came too late, in Napoleons faltering footsteps, who came in Julius Kaisars…. Juden are that fossil twin, gnawing at us.
1) Is Theresa May now purporting to make law by fiat? Perhaps it’s all that judicial discussion of the Royal Prerogative vis-a-vis Brexit and Article 50.
2) Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.
The object of the ‘antiSemitic’ accusation Jackie Walker is herself a female of mixed Jew/Negro antecedents
NB that article reproduces her posting which contains most interesting remarks concerning the North American slave trade.
May and Rudd are constitutionally cosmopolitan.
In The Jewish talmud : Yebamoth 98a., it says: [all gentile children are animals].This is far worse than anti semitic., this is blatant racism against non jew, and White people. God instructed 3 races of mankind. The White Japheth. The Black Ham and The mixed race Shem., So it is also Blasphemy to call man, which God created , anything other than,especially an animal., that is unconscionable . and a blatant violation of human rights, to teach such doctrine. I`m highly Surprised that the White race hasn`t hammered down on legislators for this hate speech against them, far worse than any anti semitism.
ANTISEMITISM WHY DOES IT EXIST? WHY PERSISTE? The truth was not and will never be anti-Semitic: the description of the nature of something or someone does not have the same subjective meaning as a defamatory opinion or statement; The truth always shows the reality, nature and substance of something or someone impartially. To say that you are black, Indian or Jewish will never be racism, as you call the Vivendi mode repulsive, as it may be. Description and report, faecal properties do not have the same meaning as a biased opinion about this substance. Anti-Semitism defames and invents something false about Semites. The Semites “, according to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in ” Unveiled Isis,” the less spiritual race, have never been able to develop a language through which high… Read more »
“Anti-Semitism” Is Often the Purest Form of Truth-Telling