Out in the Open

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 28 August, 2021
https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2021-0828 – Out in the Open.mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE ENEMY is increasingly out in the open. For a hundred years, he tried to keep in the shadows. But as his plans for open rule begin to converge with the political and racial awakening of White Americans, the enemy reveals himself — or herself, as the case may be — more and more. What sometimes we’re tempted to see as relentless “bad news” — anti-White pronouncements, increased censorship of White voices, criminalization of White resistance to our ongoing genocide — is really good news in that our enemies are forced to show their hand to the whole nation, pushing millions of White people out onto the path from which there is no turning back.
And the issues themselves which are behind this showing of the enemy’s hand, the issues that are driving our people’s awakening, are also peaking, culminating, boiling over — and that is good news, too.
Both of these trends mean that Whites are increasingly aware they have been targeted and marked for replacement, genocide, and death. Both of these trends mean that more and more Whites now know that it is the Jewish power structure that is the driving force behind the genocide.
Let’s meet the enemy. Self-described “conservative” Jennifer Rubin is a perfect example. Rubin is a Jew, a Jew with a fairly obvious Mulatta look about her. She’s one of those Jews that practically no one, even the most clueless, would mistake for White. The biological mimicry gene is just a tad weak in her line, I suppose. Rubin’s New-York-Jewish family relocated to LA back at the height of the counterculture revolution in 1968. She became a high-powered labor lawyer. Hardly a typical CV for a conservative pundit, you’d think, but that’s exactly what she became despite a distinct lack of writing and speaking talent. Must have had some solid inside connections, though, since in just a few years after starting from nothing she became a Washington Post heavyweight columnist and pet “conservative.” After 15 years she finally dropped the “conservative” label, because, she said, there were too many racists and nationalists on that side.
Now she’s come right out with it, and that’s a good thing. She’s celebrating the death of the White race, specifically the decline of White Americans as described in a recent release from the 2020 US Census. The Census reports that the White population in the US declined for the first time since 1790, receding from 63 to 57 per cent. of the total, with the White percentage of under-18s dropping even more precipitously to 47.3 per cent. Rubin sees this as something to celebrate, Tweeting (quite ungrammatically for an alleged writer) “a more diverse, more inclusive society. this is fabulous news. now we need to prevent minority White rule.” Perhaps she was so overcome with happiness that she could barely type through tears of joy.
How much more obvious does it have to be? A talentless Jewess ensconced at a high level in the media through the near-universal nepotism of our ruling class, ecstatic with joy at the also almost-universal White despair, death, and decline. A Jewess who presumes to dictate what our morality should be, and what our future should be. A Jewess who looks like Maxine Waters’ second cousin once removed. A Jewess who pied-pipered stupid conservatives for over a decade into supporting Israel, Israel’s wars, and Jewish capital’s rape of the world through “free trade” — and who then drops the mask and essentially says die, just god damned die, you racist nationalist Whites. Conservatives who still don’t get it after that — well, there’s no hope for them and they deserve everything they get.
The Post article linked by Rubin has a promo at the bottom for another Post piece on the consequences of the Browning of America, with the title “Prepare for a long period of political rage. The new census data shows why” — to which I say, you got that right, Charlie.
When one considers what kind of person you have to be to be one of Jennifer Rubin’s Twitter followers, and when one considers how many purges upon purges of independent thinkers Twitter has had lately, it’s amazing and hilarious to see how much pushback Rubin is getting for her gloating. I’d say half of the responses are from racially conscious Whites castigating her and laughing at the Jews’ over-the-top hypocrisy when it comes to open borders for all White countries and closed borders for sacred Israel.
One commenter says “Open borders for Israel.” Another rewrites Rubin’s tweet so that it closely follows the sentence structure of Barbara Lerner Spectre’s famous admission of the Jewish leadership of the anti-White campaign in Europe. Yet another says to Rubin “Maybe you should give up your job in favour of a person of colour, so as to make the press more diverse as well?” Another comments, “Jewish journalists, don’t you just love ’em? I mean, they really don’t seem to like we White folks much, do they? The contempt is age-old….” Another asks “Why don’t you just kill the White people like they did in South Africa?” to which yet another answers “Oh, that’s in the plan but we’re not at the stage where she can openly say it yet.”
I’d add that we’re just two steps away from that stage now. Things escalated pretty quickly in 1920s Russia, too. It just took a few months, really, to go from, “all power to the Soviets” to knocks on the door at 1 AM, bloody clubs, and rooms you don’t leave alive. That’s how Jews roll when they hold all the cards. The thought of such things makes a certain kind of person ecstatic. It makes a certain other kind of person join and support the National Alliance.
On the bright side, all this increasing awareness means Jews like Rubin may have a really good fight on their hands before they get hold of the requisite cards. They may never get hold of them, if, as National Vanguard star writer Douglas Mercer puts it, the first wave of arrests goes well. Rubin may well have signed her own arrest warrant.
This increasing awareness of Jewish power is a very real thing. Our educational efforts — and the Jewish power structure’s unintentional support of our educational efforts — are bearing beautiful, wonderful, fertile fruit.
Just the other day, the premier Jewish anti-White hate group, the ADL, posted what would, a few years ago, have just been another lying and yawn-inducing article on the case that was instrumental in their founding, the 1913 Leo Frank case. Frank was an Atlanta B’nai B’rith official and Jewish sweatshop owner who was convicted of the sex murder of a 13-year-old White girl, Mary Phagan. When the Jews used their muscle and money and media control to vacate his death sentence, vigilantes composed of prominent Atlanta citizens carried out the death sentence themselves. The ADL said, as an introduction:
106 years ago today, Leo Frank was lynched in Georgia by an antisemitic mob. His murder was driven by the pervasive #antisemitism of the time and his story reminds us why [sic] must continue our fight against that hate today.
The ADL’s boilerplate, repeated for at least the hundredth time, was brought to my attention by a truth-telling site run by the great-niece of Mary Phagan, Leo Frank’s victim, Mrs. Mary Phagan-Kean. She writes:
Making an Impact; ADL Narrative Highly Questioned on Twitter: We have literally never seen this level of questioning of the official narrative on the Leo Frank case before. This is truly extraordinary. After the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) published one of their typical pieces on Twitter promoting the endlessly repeated idea that Leo Frank was innocent and a victim of “anti-Semitism,” the response of people on Twitter was overwhelmingly against what the ADL was saying.
Out of hundreds of replies, over 95% by our count, were critical of, even mocking, the “received narrative.” Truth-telling websites such as this one, as well as https://theamericanmercury.org/, https://leofrank.info/ and https://www.leofrank.org/ are truly making a major difference!
And the responses are indeed 95 per cent. — at least counter — to the ADL.
This is the reality the Jews are facing. Even with a supine White majority, an ever-growing segment — the best and brightest and most free-thinking segment — of the White population is wise to their schemes and their lies. An increasing number of non-Whites is aware of them, too. Jews, and the Washington regime they control, are no one’s friends seems to be the overarching lesson that millions are learning.
Mary Phagan-Kean’s Web site, and the American Mercury, and the Leo Frank archive and Leo Frank Case Research Library, have all made a difference in the public perception of the Leo Frank case, even after the Jews had the only megaphone in sight for nearly 100 years. Things have changed now, thanks to a lot of hard work by a lot of dedicated people. The National Alliance’s educational efforts over the last half century have made a difference in the public’s perception of the Frank case and much, much, more than the Frank case. The cat is out of the bag: The White race is in danger. The Jews are the culprits. The Jews lie to you and steal your wealth. And if you let them, they will take your entire country away from you and leave you dead.
That’s the message that millions are getting now. An ominous message perhaps. But not a hopeless one. We can build a nation for our people, free of Jewish hate and Jewish exploitation and genocide.
For every one who hears that message — for every one who helps spread it — for every one who joins with the National Alliance in doing something about it — it is a ray of light and hope. Join your hope, your light, your efforts to ours today.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at whitebiocentrism.com and nationalvanguard.org. Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2021-0828 – Out in the Open.mp3
I wouldn’t place too much stock in that census number. I for one did not take part and I’m sure I’m not alone.
I didn’t either. I want California to lose seats in Congress and it looks like we did!
I like this line: Jews, and the Washington regime they control, are no one’s friends. I think more to the point, or more aptly put, is that jews don’t really have friends or natural allies, save for those they buy and bribe. Like a guy with very little physical appeal or engaging personality who is married or has a girlfriend due mainly to his overwhelming material wealth. Or something like that – works for me:) Likewise, it is easy to observe and conclude that blacks have no racial allies. Everyone who has dealings or contact with them wants nothing more but to steer clear. They are bad news as a group, and everybody recognizes it. I suppose it really is a shame that their far too many bad apples ruin… Read more »
There are a lot of people who look like Mrs. Rubin where the Semitic world meets the Negroid world: southern Arabia, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, even Kenya.
The Crime Sinister of New South Wales – a certain Gladys Berejiklian – might be a cousin of hers from further north.
Anyway, no matter how much out in the open they are , there are STILL many heavily brainpoisoned sheeple who recoil at even the slightest hint of anything anti-Jewish, calling you a ‘conspiracy theorist’ or worse.
I encourage all readers of this blog to get on Bitchute and give them a good what for.
I think that she and Nancy Pelosi just almost share the same face, making adjustments for age and plastic surgery on Nancy’s part.
Having lived in a heavily Hispanic area for decades, I’d say there is definitely less facial variety among Mediterraneans than there is among Transalpines.
Prinz Edelhart: …Anyway, no matter how much out in the open they are, there are STILL many heavily brainpoisoned sheeple who recoil at even the slightest hint of anything anti-Jewish, calling you a ‘conspiracy theorist’ or worse. — Forget the goddamned sheeple, Prinz. What good are defeatists and those who are afraid of their own shadows and who cares what they call us? Like I just reminded NV visitor Branorix Smith, who is actually joining our Alliance rather than deploring and lamenting how awful things are: One courageous truth-teller can back down a thousand cowards and liars and hypocrites. He can send a whole regiment of Jewish media bosses scurrying for cover… — I encourage all readers of this blog to get on Bitchute and give them a good what… Read more »
Didn’t know NA had a Bitchute channel, will be promoting it.
However, you have 600-some subscribers, Lauren Chen has 2000, Mark Collett in the 5 digits, Styxhexenhammer 140,000, can’t remember David Icke’s numbers – that’s where the Normies go when they first start to fell the pangs of awakening, not some tiny echo chamber. That’s where you can rattle them to -hopefully – speed up their awakening.
The media bosses may scurry for cover, but their hired guns won’t. They’ll Ruby Ridge any truth teller, no questions asked.
PrinzEdelhart: Didn’t know NA had a Bitchute channel, will be promoting it. — Go do that if you want to keep hanging around NV, criticizing what we do. Like I said: you have no idea what we do. From what I’ve seen of you, you are not Alliance material. — [Y]ou have 600-some subscribers, Lauren Chen has 2000, Mark Collett in the 5 digits, Styxhexenhammer 140,000, can’t remember David Icke’s numbers – that’s where the Normies go… not some tiny echo chamber…The media bosses[‘] hired guns [will] Ruby Ridge any truth teller.. — Nobody is going to “Ruby Ridge” the National Alliance for telling the whole truth, Prinz. I don’t spend my time frequenting second-rate Normie blogs like you do; instead I concentrate on building the National Alliance, something you will… Read more »
Maybe I wasn’t clear enough. They’re not ‘my’ second-rate Normie blogs, I drop by Styx’s for a few seconds to leave a comment telling his MANY viewers how naïve he is and that’s it. Similar for Icke, Martin Sellner et.al. Haven’t watched any of Lauren Chen – or Southern – in well over a year and you are certainly correct in saying that most of them do not touch the JQ – the Europeans really can’t without risking constitutional court and prison – and most of them are Christcucks to some degree or another. But: That’s where the majority go first. Those are the channels, websites, blogs (like ‘Gates of Vienna’, to name one example, they do have an extensive archive) the vast majoprity of people find when first starting… Read more »
Is it any wonder they were expelled from dozens of countries?
As a hostile, invasive species, it’s only natural that they were despised by the host nations. So no, no wonder at all.
Your call is being heeded, Mr Strom. Sent my application in yesterday.
Branorix Smith: Your call is being heeded, Mr Strom. Sent my application in yesterday. — Good for you, Branorix. That make you a courageous one-percenter among the commentators here at National Vanguard. The other 99% are sideliners who think commentating is enough. I’ll be on the lookout for your application. Courage is contageous. You might enjoy these words from the founder of National Vanguard and our National Alliance: https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/12/brainwashing-in-america-2/ . ..The point is that just a little honesty, a little courage, at the right time could have prevented a great tragedy. Do you think that I’m being naive in asking for honesty, when so little is evident in our national life? You should understand that I’m not asking for courage from people who have none in them. But there still… Read more »
Thank you for the kind and inspiring words, Chairman. I sat on the sidelines too long, naively thinking that it was enough to make a large White family and raise them in the truth. What I didn’t want to do was go out and do uncoordinated actvity that wouldn’t benefit our cause in the slightest. We need leadership, and I am very happy that you’ve rescued the Alliance from the quandary in which it was in, are providing that leadership, and that the Cosmotheist religion is now being given its proper role once again. I look forward to serving the cause in whatever capacity is needed.
The Alliance’s National Office received your membership application in yesterday’s mail, Mr. Smith. You are just the sort of person we like to see joining with us. Believe me, one new member like yourself is worth 100 visitors who frequent NV and do nothing more than read or occasionally make comments under articles.
I’ll give you a call soon. With your skills and positive attitude I already have an idea for something you may help us with.
I await your call, my Leader. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve the Life Force.
as much as i find truth and consolation in NV – this comment on sideliners i do not find very encouraging. it’s kind of contraproductive in my opinion and it even reminds me of the ol saying ‘One Jewish Life Is Worth More Than 10,000 non-Jews’.
being german and over several generations badly affected by the rule of g’d’s darlings i don’t see what i could do from the position i’m in now. i’m not able to financially support NV or the Alliance. i am able to direct people here and that’s what i have done on multiple occasions. if reading or commenting – or directing people to a valuable source of information is considered ‘nothing’ – well, that’s disappointing.
Don’t take my criticism so personally, tolkan, unless it fits.
FYI, donations are made to NA, the organization that pays for NV, its online magazine, not to NV. Maybe some day you’ll be able to support our Alliance’s work financially, even join as a member. I hope so. We have German members.
I meant the 100:1 comment, comparing NV visitors to those who join NA. Truth be known, Branorix is more like one in 1,000,000 because he has actually committed to our cause.
Jewish lives are worthless!
Those not in the arena can commentate, analyze, and try to influence from the sidelines, or cheer from the bleachers, but they are not in the arena.
i understand and i’m sorry for the inappropriate comparison. my respect for the work of NA and NV as well as to branorix joining the NA.
excellent work here KAS.
i won’t even lower myself and disparage this ugly, hideous , grotesque Jew vulture…. Her “ideas” are filthy and murderous. Her writing is complete garbage.
Thanks for the comprehensive , in short form, exposé.
J. Rubin is a living example of what happens when jews get “blacked.”
Living in California, I only very seldom observe Mexicans or Central Americans who could literally “pass for black.” Jennifer Rubin has certain subtle facial features which give her that “high yellow” look. Her appearance is miserly, indignant, selfish, and with a certain dense stare. Quite frankly, something of an “indignant, fussy Mulatta.” I wonder if her deep inner grievance has less to do with being a Jewish political operative, and more to do with something else?

Kevin – I think that this is one of your greatest ADV broadcasts since you restarted the podcast back in late 2013 (I believe). Not only did the wry humor that you have a knack for give me a few good LOL moments, but, more importantly – this broadcast restored to me hope. Thank you, Kevin – thank you!
My response to the jewish-supremacist Rubin was that American Whites have provided more opportunity for non-Whites around the world to become successful in the last half-century than any other racial group in a position of power has – certainly not the jews or the communist Chinese. India(ns) is a good example. White inventions and innovations were enough of a grant, but the wealth transfer from Whites to non-Whites worldwide in that period has been in the many trillions of dollars, as well.
For those on twitter: I posted a reply to J. Rubin for an earlier stupid tweet she made, then logged off of twitter and reviewed her twitter page. I noticed that mine and many other replies to her tweet were not visible. She would never read them. Big Tech social media is a total waste; the game is skewed against Whites in a way that will get the less savvy spinnin’ their wheels. Maybe Will Williams is right about it?
Maybe so, maybe no..
I hear that Gab is useful for spreading our material, at least until it is purchased by (((you know who))) or otherwise becomes corrupted. I have no time for any of it except for Bitchute where our video channel is still up, except in every European nation. Subscribe here to listen to 220 of William Pierce’s teachings: Natall.com/Bitchute. We’ve set up our own video channel at https://video.natall.com/ where everything that’s currently on our Bitchute channel is backed up.