Posts Tagged
American Demographics

Asylum America, part 3: Too Many People
This chart ends in the year 2000: Now, we’re well on our way to 8 billion nominally human inhabitants of Earth. Population control will be necessary, one way or another — the laws of Nature demand it; but we must not let it be used as a weapon against us. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 22 July, 2023…

Who Cares?
Welcome to historic, beautiful Philadelphia. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 October, 2021 2021-1016 Who Cares.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY NASA launched its Lucy Mission to explore the Trojan Asteroids. It’s the beginning…

Out in the Open
Jennifer Rubin: One cannot help but wonder if, perhaps, there are both slaves and slave-traders in her woodpile. In any case, she hates Whites, and that makes her superplusdoublegood in the unreality of the mediasphere. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 28 August, 2021…

Keep It White
by Douglas Mercer I’m simple, man, simple, with a simple view of things: If it’s White it’s right. You got that right.All right?Keep it White. * * * TOO LATE TO do any good, Winston Churchill realized that in World War 2 we “fought the wrong pig,” echoing Patton’s…

The Wall: Such a Really, Really Big Success
IT’S REALLY NICE to have that big, beautiful wall that Mexico paid for protecting us from foreign looters. Wait, it didn’t get built? Well, that’s a disappointment, I have to say. On the other hand, we did dump 100 billion in Federal Reserve kosher counterfeit down the Negro sewer…

Dispatch from Pennsylvania: The Ways of Small-Town Whites
by William Ventvogel I WAS LOOKING for antique buildings and infrastructure: canals, railroads, bridges, ruins of the age of horse and steam and before. There were plenty, but unfortunately I lacked enough time to pursue what I wanted. So I pushed on for the mountains, content to read the iron plaques…

Falling Toward Zero
American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 11, 2017 by Kevin Alfred Strom WE STYLE OURSELVES Homo sapiens, from the Latin meaning “wise man,” but this hubristic and grandiose christening of ourselves is either plain…

The Nomenclature of Ethnic Identity in America
What’s in a name? by Matt Koehl AT ONE TIME, America embodied a racial concept. Up until 1941 the United States was overwhelmingly White, and it was considered a White country, just like all the countries of Europe. It remained such for several more decades, when — following drastically revised…

More White Deaths Than Births in One Third of US States
Studies now show that many White deaths are directly attributable to globalist economic policies. What this article from Britain’s Daily Mail does not tell us is that White births are already a minority in the United States and have been so for several years.
MORE WHITE PEOPLE are dying than…

The Value of Talk
by Dr. William L. Pierce IF THERE IS any good thing to come out of the Clinton gang’s murderous expedition against the Serbs it is the stark demonstration it provides of the total corruption of the political system which governs America. I’m talking about the whole system, not just the…