Posts Tagged
U.S. Demographics

Asylum America, part 3: Too Many People
This chart ends in the year 2000: Now, we’re well on our way to 8 billion nominally human inhabitants of Earth. Population control will be necessary, one way or another — the laws of Nature demand it; but we must not let it be used as a weapon against us. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 22 July, 2023…

Who Cares?
Welcome to historic, beautiful Philadelphia. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 October, 2021 2021-1016 Who Cares.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY NASA launched its Lucy Mission to explore the Trojan Asteroids. It’s the beginning…

Out in the Open
Jennifer Rubin: One cannot help but wonder if, perhaps, there are both slaves and slave-traders in her woodpile. In any case, she hates Whites, and that makes her superplusdoublegood in the unreality of the mediasphere. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 28 August, 2021…

Minority White European
by Saxon Day APPARENTLY THE Pope told Joe Biden that the number one problem in the world today is “racism.” Not Christian cucks like His Supposed Holiness. Not priests abusing altar boys. Not leaders in high places who intend an evil end for us. No, not any of that. Racism. As they say, it’s…

Falling Toward Zero
American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 11, 2017 by Kevin Alfred Strom WE STYLE OURSELVES Homo sapiens, from the Latin meaning “wise man,” but this hubristic and grandiose christening of ourselves is either plain…

Don’t Celebrate Too Much Yet
by Hadding Scott THE ELECTION of Donald Trump as President of the United States represents a temporary reprieve for the United States of America as a majority-White country. It could become much more than that, but it is not yet evident that it will. While Trump represents a move in the right direction,…

Whites Are Being Replaced
Although this Brookings Institution article by truckler William Frey doesn’t admit it, Jewish-led social policies and agendas (such as mass immigration, racial mixing propaganda, promotion of abnormal sexual behavior, and moral condemnation of “racism”) are leading directly…

The Donald Deception
A FAVORITE MEME of opposition Twitterites these days is the #cuckservative classification for limp lamestream “conservative” stalwarts like Lindsey Graham, Glenn Beck, Jeb Bush, and John Boehner. So eager are many on the race-realist Right to see the Overton window expanded to include such characterizations…

New California: Mass Immigration Turning Virginia Brown
As late as the 1970s, Virginia was over 90 per cent. White — but the Jews have successfully turned the Old Dominion into the New Third World. EACH YEAR the federal government prints millions of visas and distributes these admission tickets to the poorest and least-developed nations in the world.…

Muslims Expected to Surpass Jews as Second-Largest U.S. Religious Group
What the Pew Research Center doesn’t tell us is that non-White Muslims, with their far higher birth and fertility rates, will overtake not only Jews but Whites as well — even if all immigration was halted tomorrow. TWO TRENDS THAT are already well underway — the decline of Christians…