The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
by Dr. William L. Pierce
LAST WEEK I mentioned a recent attack on me by a Jewish organization, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. I gave this as an example of the way the Jews are able to use the mass media in America to serve their purposes. The specific point I made was that it is not…

Jewish “Anti-Defamation League” Names Celtic Cross as “Racist Symbol”
THE SO-CALLED Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a Jewish group, has named the Celtic cross as one of the “racist symbols” used around the world to “promote hate” in their online Hate Symbols Database.
The ADL believes that versions of the Celtic cross, otherwise known as Odin’s…

This Is How I Really Feel About Jews
by John Massaro IN VARIOUS ESSAYS ON this site, and in one long chapter in my book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?, I have written about Jews and what some call the Jewish Question, others the Jewish Problem, in blunt terms that some readers may find offensive. Especially since October 7, 2023, the day that…

Keep Talkin’ Trash, Donald
by John Massaro SO ALL GOOD Americans can breathe a sigh of relief and look forward to a return of sanity, now that The Donald handily won the election, ending the atrocious four-year misrule of Joe Biden and closing the book on his partner in crime, Kamala Harris. Yes indeed, the American people pulled…

Peter Hotez — One Sick Bastard
by John Massaro ALL YOU HAVE TO DO to understand the criminal nature of vaccines is take a good look at the prominent people who push them so hard. Bill Gates is a fine example. As one of the world’s richest men, who got to where he is purely by luck and connivance, he’s living proof that tremendous wealth can…

WLP91: All His Waking Hours, part 3
William Pierce in the early 1970s American Dissident Voices broadcast of 21 September, 2024 presented and edited
by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY IN PART THREE of “All His Waking Hours,” we continue our classic series honoring the 91st birth of National Alliance Founder William Luther Pierce.…
by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY IN PART THREE of “All His Waking Hours,” we continue our classic series honoring the 91st birth of National Alliance Founder William Luther Pierce.…

WLP91: Images
This week we are celebrating the birth of Dr. William Luther Pierce (11 September 1933 – 23 July 2002), founder of the National Alliance, of the Cosmotheist Church, and of this online magazine. Here we present another of his brilliant ADV radio programs. by Dr. William L. Pierce (2000) I’M THE CHAIRMAN…

The ADL: Born in Blood, part 2
In this year of 2024, on the 111th anniversary of the murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan by Jewish sex killer Leo Frank, we present this classic ADV series on the organization that was founded in large part to protect Frank — who was a B’nai B’rith official — in 1913. This marked…

The ADL: Born in Blood, part 1
In this year of 2024, on the 111th anniversary of the murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan by Jewish sex killer Leo Frank, we present this classic ADV series on the organization that was founded in large part to protect Frank — who was a B’nai B’rith official — in 1913. This marked…

The Attempted Murder of Truth
A Usual Suspect American Dissident Voices broadcast of 23 March, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY I’LL BE talking to you about an important move by the enemies of our people to suppress all resistance to their anti-White agenda, by expanding their well-worn expedient of making it impossible…