
Deceptive Practices of Those Around Us

THE QUESTION of deception within the movement is of the utmost importance, as we who have chosen to carry this burden and fight the good fight must always be aware that those around us may be agents of the government (this may include police, police informants, co-workers, family members etc.). This creates an enforced situational awareness, which colors our perception of the world and those we find in it. As we truth seekers are inherently honest, seeking justice in truth, we often do not see that those around us are often inherently dishonest seeking domination through deception.

In fact, there are more than a few individuals in this movement who strike me as naïve and gullible, often drawing erroneous conclusions based upon their singular and narrow world-view. It is to one’s own peril to entrust your life with the whispered ‘sweet nothings’ of an anonymous individual on the Internet, as only a fool would trust a stranger. But, what do we do when we meet these people in person? How about the person one meets at the local coffee shop, the gym or the guy who shows up at your work and strikes up an interesting conversation? Remember, the police do their homework on all potential targets and that conversation may be interesting because a police officer with a PhD in psychology made it so. We must always be wary in this movement, in both our public and private lives because the government makes no such distinctions, nor is the government ethical in its actions.

This essay will discuss a few key evolutionary components with regard to deception. It is up to you to further research this topic and become a talented individual in the field of ‘calling bullshit’. Intuition (instinctual wisdom) and microexpressions are two excellent methods of detecting deception. Trusting one’s gut or emotions when detecting lies allows the individual to get a good ‘feel’ for the overall flavor of the conversation taking place. We evolved excellent internal lie detection modules via domain specificity over hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years of evolution. To outwit one’s competition included the use of deception to advance one’s own agenda, thus the need to develop effective countermeasures against potential dishonesty was equally important. In evolutionary terms, deception or the process of misleading could prove advantageous if an organism could induce others to perform nonreciprocated acts of altruism. Does this definition of deception sound familiar? I bet it does.

Evolved Knowledge and the Unconscious Mind

An individual has two first-rate countermeasures at his disposal when defending himself against deceptive behavior; they are the conscious and unconscious mind. The unconscious mind can be defined as mental processes which occur below one’s conscious awareness. In fact, evolutionary psychologists argue that the vast majority of what drives our thinking and behaviors occurs below our level of conscious awareness; thus most of our evolved mental endowment resides unconsciously and manifests itself emotionally. The unconscious countermeasures against deception, which we are to make use of, evolved as instinct and feeling (emotions). Feelings evolved and manifested as mental solutions to adaptive problems because ‘feeling’ is one of evolution’s oldest mechanisms for attracting an organism towards beneficial stimuli and repulsing it from harmful ones.

For example, single-celled life forms from approximately 3 billion years ago used a process called ‘chemotaxis’ to sense chemicals in their environment, from which they could move away or towards. As primitive nervous systems evolved into more complex forms, internal attractive and repellant states (primitive pleasures and pains) evolved to manipulate organisms. We humans with our relatively large brains experience these attractive and repulsive states as ‘emotions’. Thus, emotions may be positively defined as ‘evolved knowledge’, having evolved to inform the organism about how to adaptively relate to their environment. Therefore, the entrusting of one’s ‘gut feeling’ with regard to a potential hostile individual is of paramount importance, as we are literally speaking of billions of years of natural selection coming into play. Do not ignore this ancient wisdom. It may literally save your life one day, especially if the government decides to target you or those around you.

Honest Signaling

Emotions perform four important functions:

1. They filter and amplify the fitness-relevant information from one’s environment.
2. They serve as honest signals about one’s internal state.
3. They regulate social interactions.
4. They direct specific behaviors.

Let’s focus on honest signaling. Humans find it very difficult to not express emotions. This is a part of the human condition for which we all find ourselves immersed, as we are social creatures, having evolved within complex group paradigms over millions of years within the Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness (EEA). People may struggle mightily to contain and conceal their emotions, but they are often betrayed by an involuntary quiver of the voice, blush of the face or a dilation of the pupils (this is why professional card players wear sunglasses indoors). When people lie, microexpressions often escape to the surface, threatening exposure of one’s deception. A microexpression may be defined as a brief, involuntary facial expression displaying the emotion experienced.

Honest signaling or honest signals are emotions which signal to others your internal state. This signaling held a distinct fitness advantage, as it signaled one’s internal state to other members of one’s in-group. For example, emotional displays provided a window of thoughts and intentions, thus making it difficult to use deceptive practices amongst one’s own people (cuckoldry prevention). Thus, honest signaling became a valuable fitness strategy in evolutionary terms, as it allowed others within one’s in-group to easily spot deception (blushing, quivering voice, or pupil dilation). These honest signalers became more valuable as mates because they were in higher demand, as they were easier to read. And it is this uncontrollable emotional honesty which we try to see when individuals practice deception.

Emotional displays also provide valuable information about external circumstances that brought on the internal state. It is to everyone’s advantage if critical information is quickly and efficiently broadcast. Thus, honest signaling increased group cohesion, stability, and survival, which are factors favored by natural selection, as automatic, involuntary expressions led to greater group survivability. For example, excitement while hunting within a group would immediately signal to the others of potential prey.

The Conscious Mind

The conscious mind may be defined as the state or quality of awareness, or, of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. Conscious cues to deception may be learned via trial and error (a deceptive spouse) or psychological experimentation, as human beings have a measurable and definable set of reactions to stimuli present in their environment. To counter honest signaling, hominids evolved the ability to deceive others, thereby creating a greater fitness advantage for themselves. For example, the ability to fake or mask emotions became highly valuable under certain circumstance, such as mate selection (fake desired emotion to win spouse, while feeling an opposite emotion), dealing with rivals or confronting non-group members. Remember, natural selection is no moralist, and rewards those who dare; whatever survival strategy works is likely to emerge. And finally another fitness strategy, self-deception, evolved to combat honest signaling and its potentially disastrous consequences. Self-deception is dishonesty with oneself, which may be an advantageous strategy because those who do not consciously realize they are being deceptive will emit few if any signals revealing their exploitive intentions.


Microexpressions are a brief, often incomplete emotional expression that manifests itself before a person’s conscious processing can extinguish it. They often occur in deceptive situations, where people have something to gain or lose. There are seven universal emotional signals: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, contempt, surprise, and happiness. Although humans have evolved a potent capacity for deception, our emotions retain much of their honest signaling as well. This, of course, is to the detriment of the liar, as even the most skilled liars may signal some form of deception, no matter how faint — because honest signaling is an unconscious emotional mechanism. In one study, Dr. Paul Ekman found that 90% of deceivers produced detectable microexpressions, whilst 30% of truth tellers also produced detectable microexpressions, thus the practice of discernment coupled with wisdom is essential in distinguishing objective reality.

Furthermore, liars produce other observable cues as well. Changes in normal voice tone, such as pitch; deviations from normal eye contact; depersonalization of speech, such as Clinton, who stated: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman…” To pick up on these signals it is best to become familiar with the targeted individual, as the police will often do when befriending or questioning an individual. For example, the police will often take a ‘good cop’ approach to those they are questioning, as this relaxes the individual and sets the baseline via small truthful statements. Once the police know your normal behavior they will change tactics and begin demanding answers to more serious matters. This is why one must never speak to the police directly, but only through a lawyer. Always remember, the police are not your friend, but are there to do a job — which is to lay the foundations for a successful prosecution at the hands of the Crown.

The microexpression can be used to counter an individual’s lies in an effective manner. Microexpressions are the perfect tool to use against the offender because the individual signaling via honest facial expressions is totally unaware they are doing so, which allows one to savor the moment, give pause and use this information against the individual attempting to deceive, whether immediately (calling them out) or at a later date (using said information in a devious manner to confuse and destroy your opponent). The liar may also show subtle signs of glee when lying to you, thus signaling ‘deceptive glee’, which is the joy an individual may feel when lying to you, and it is this euphoric state you are detecting within the liar. Many liars are pathological in nature and thus cannot help but lie often and in strange circumstances, which is a further indicator of their true nature.

On Liars

Over the years I have become somewhat of an expert in dealing with liars and using countermeasures to punish these types of individuals, as the great equalizer for all, father-time, allows one to develop knowledge and skill in spotting and discerning fact from fiction, especially when one interacts with the same individual in a consistent manner — as this allows one to develop a baseline of normal behaviors from which one can then spot weaknesses in said opponent’s mannerisms. Liars often assume wrongly that those they lie to are unaware of the lies being spouted. Therefore, this makes the liar very easy to manipulate, as the foundation on which they stand is mere quicksand, ready to mire and suffocate them.

As I am the son of a notorious Canadian biker who was murdered in the 70s, I have been subjected to decades of stalking, harassment, and entrapment attempts by the RCMP (Royal Corrupt Mounted Police), OPP (Ontario Provincial Police or less fondly, Ontario Party Poopers), Waterloo Regional Police Department, Saanich Police Department, Victoria Police Department, Vancouver Police Department and the FBI (who have worked closely with the RCMP in an effort to entrap me whilst I visited the U.S. and have further attempted to lure me into the U.S. via the White Nationalist community, whereupon I would be entrapped and prosecuted), who all wish nothing more than to see me incarcerated, if not dead. I can honestly state I have become very good at spotting liars, informants, and cops “from a mile away”, as the saying goes. I am not bragging, but stating fact.

I will also suggest that the best defense against these government types is to simply ‘know thyself’ and do nothing, as the police will often attempt to stimulate action on your part, for which they will manipulate the outcome to their distinct advantage. One must always remember, the police and others who would entrap you must approach you and enter your ‘sphere of influence’, which you should have complete control over. It then becomes your choice whether or not to let them in. Are you weak-willed and/or unable to control your appetites? Do you consume alcohol or drugs? What other behaviors do you have, which may be manipulated? Believe you me, uncontrolled personal predilections will allow outside forces to successfully manipulate you into whatever position they wish to have you in.

And finally, there is no greater teacher than those who themselves are master liars and manipulators, and for this I wish to thank the Royal Corrupt Mounted Police (RCMP) of Canada who have unsuccessfully led the charge against me for almost two decades with multiple entrapment attempts thrown in for a little spicy fun. But, I will get to that in a later article.


Kalat, J. W. (2014). Biological psychology. United States: Cengage Learning.

Roberts, S. C. (2012). Applied Evolutionary Psychology. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Rossano, M. J. (2003). Evolutionary Psychology: The science of human behavior and evolution. United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Sherwood L. et al. (2013). Animal physiology: From genes to organisms. United States: Brooks/Cole.


Workman, L. and Reader, W. (2014). Evolutionary Psychology: An introduction. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

* * *

Source: correspondents

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21 January, 2016 9:50 pm

Good comments. I too was an agent of the system (albeit a low level operative), but left the system many years ago when I realised that it was not working for the best interests of white people. My skills were in demand so I was able to find gamely employment in the private sector – actually engaged in interests that occupied my mind and my time when I was a young boy. The best advice my federal government mentor (superior) gave me was “trust no one” and by that he meant not even the people you were working for. He died many years ago, but his advice still guides me in my day-to-day life. The only time my past life caught up with me was back in 2001. I was… Read more »

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
22 January, 2016 4:29 am

Oddly enough, there’s a rather interesting and revealing Salon article dating from 2002 on Israeli “art students” of the kind you met. It’s a shame you didn’t set your dog on him.

22 January, 2016 1:20 am


It is refreshing to see no BS practical know how, that is useful to the everyday activist or supporter.

This is the kind of info, as i am sure the writer knew when writing it, that is so very badly needed by the less experienced or not as skilled supporters in lie detection.

You have inspired me, to make the time, to write an introduction to independent food production for the laymen activist or supporter.

Thank you

Here is to you’re long health and life

9 November, 2019 6:25 pm

Naive people act in a cynical manner, cynical people act in a naive manner.