
H&D Editor Polls 16% in Preston Election

Mark Cotterill (above right) with winning Labour candidate Anna Hindle were the only Ribbleton candidates to attend the count and the official declaration.

MARK COTTERILL, editor of Heritage & Destiny, polled 15.7% of the vote in Preston City Council’s Ribbleton ward at yesterday’s election. The result was declared early this evening.

This was by a long way the city’s best nationalist/populist/Brexiteer vote. In the Sharoe Green ward, the candidate of Reform UK (the rebranded Brexit Party), polled 2.1%, while a candidate from the UKIP breakaway Heritage Party (completely unconnected to H&D!) polled 2.6% in City Centre ward.

This has been a challenging transitional year for our movement, with many of our potential voters opting to ‘reward’ Boris Johnson’s Conservatives for delivering Brexit.

In these circumstances, 16% was a very good result for a racial nationalist independent. Mr Cotterill thanks the many friends and comrades across our movement who generously donated time and/or money to make the campaign possible. We await tomorrow’s Lancashire County Council election count.

Within the last hour we received excellent news that nationalist independent candidate Pete Molloy (already a hard-working and successful parish councillor) has won a seat on Durham County Council, polling 930 votes. This is the best nationalist news so far in what was inevitably a mixed night for movement-linked candidates. Cllr Molloy was also re-elected to Spennymoor Town Council.

While it appears that most candidates who chose to focus primarily on anti-lockdown politics have polled poorly, an exception was veteran ex-BNP candidate Chris Roberts, who polled 8.3% in the county division of South Benfleet, Essex, and 9.3% in a by-election for Boyce ward, Castle Point.

We look forward to playing our part in building the post-Brexit, post-Covid nationalist movement.

Ribbleton Ward Result

Hindle (Labour) 57.2%

Kudi (Conservative) 20.0%

Cotterill (Independent) 15.7%

Phillips (Green) 3.6%

Bosman (Liberal Democrat) 3.4%

* * *

Source: Heritage and Destiny magazine

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
13 June, 2021 11:06 pm

This seems to revert back to a
single issue: can Nationalist
Whites vote ourselves out of
this mess?

Max Musson
Max Musson
Reply to  Walt Hampton
17 June, 2021 12:38 pm

These results, particularly that of Mark Cotterill are surprisingly good considering the current political climate in the UK in which nationalists are routinely persecuted on spurious pretexts under the draconian Terrorism Act 2006, which allows the political police to conflate nationalist activism with terrorism. You ask whether ‘Nationalist Whites can vote ourselves out of this mess?’, and your question is possibly answered by the fact that depending upon your answer, voicing a one word reply to that question in the UK, could result in a prosecution for ‘making a statement in support of terrorism’. In the UK someone might privately hold a view regarding the answer to the question you pose, but if their answer is in the negative, to write that opinion down anywhere where it might be discovered… Read more »

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
14 June, 2021 5:56 am

A fine demonstration of “Democracy” in action. The clueless people, always the majority, get their wish.

Max Musson
Max Musson
Reply to  Patrick Pappano
17 June, 2021 12:40 pm

It is sobering to realise that by definition, 50% of the electorate are
of below average intelligence!

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
14 June, 2021 9:02 am

Call me jaded, but I seriously doubt that the issues facing us can be resolved at the polls.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
18 June, 2021 9:10 am

Mao Zedong stated that politics comes out of the barrel of a gun and he had the political fortunes to prove it. When Stalin was criticized for his violent methods, pointing out that it was necessary to gain the minds and hearts of the people, he answered that threatened with violence, their minds and hearts would soon follow. And Stalin did pretty good politically.