Remembering Dresden — 77 Years After the Terror Bombing
77 YEARS AGO today the RAF and USAAF began their terror-bombing of the historic city of Dresden, incinerating countless civilians including many women and children who were fleeing the advance of Stalin’s Red Army.
RAF Wing Commander Hubert Raymond Allen wrote:
The final phase of Bomber Command’s operations was far and away the worst. Traditional British chivalry and the use of minimum force in war was to become a mockery and the outrages perpetrated by the bombers will be remembered a thousand years hence.
Four years ago Lady Michèle Renouf was arrested for her impromptu speech at the 2018 Dresden Commemoration. As reported in H&D, Dresden prosecutors eventually abandoned Lady Renouf’s scheduled trial in October 2020, fearing embarrassment in front of the international press.
This afternoon German patriots and international guests will gather for the annual memorial march in tribute to those who died on 13th-14th March 1945.
We are sorry that for unavoidable reasons we cannot join the Dresden Commemoration today alongside our German friends and international delegates. However, be assured that your British comrades will be thinking of you today and remembering the horror and shame that was brought on our nation 77 years ago. We look forward to standing together with our German and other European comrades in the continuing struggle for the True Europe.
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Source: Heritage and Destiny magazine
At one of the remembrances for the holocaust of Dresden, Antifa showed up carrying banners saying “Do it again!”. Absolute scum.
And people wonder why the Brownshirts used to stomp people like this.
Antifa is a group of psychopaths that are going to make the Brownshirts necessary again. History is repeating. I am over 70 yrs. old and I would gladly smash those sissyfags.
In my experience it’s not easy to get those sissies to fight, even when it’s ten of them versus me alone. However the minute someone appears as easy prey, they pounce. This is usually how I end up stomping them, when they gang up on an individual belonging to our race. When I did some work as a bouncer, I’d watch them closely waiting for an opportunity. As soon as they began to congregate around the smallest guy who came alone to drown his problems, like clockwork they’d start pushing him, etc. The problem came when they did this then complained to the bar owner “that I was picking on them & was too rough.” I was told to never come back although it was clear as day on video… Read more »
It seems no one is cognizant of this violent genocide of over 1/2 a million innocent, beautiful souls. Deliberate, wholesale murder.
It seems that there must be a parallell answer to such raw brutality and evil. The pigs descendant’s will too burn in their styes, the rocks they hide under to protect them, will become their tombs.
Lady Michèle Renouf has for many
years suggested that our North
American Jews be relocated in
Birobidzhan – which exists in
Russia’s Far East. I would
like to add my voice to that
of Lady Michele’s.
She is on track for a solution
to the Jew problem. Once political
power is achieved, American Jews
should be rounded up and issued
an ultimatum. Go and voluntarily
relocate to Birobidzhan, or stand
trial for treason. Just speculating
here, but if I were an American
Jew, I certainly would consider
the former.