
Our Inclusive Values

McDonald’s came under fire this week after one of its branches in China displayed a sign saying that “black people are not allowed to enter.”

SUM TING WONG. “Ghost slaves” are not welcome in the 365 Yellow slop house located in virus central. Without decades of steady Jewish attacks on freedom of association, the coughing insects are free to enforce common sense Negro control. The obesity and heart attack industry isn’t happy, but what are you going to do? It’s not like Mighty Cathay is going to be devastated by a new kind of flu or something.

In a widely circulated video on Twitter, the sign was put up at a restaurant in Guangzhou, in China’s southern Guangdong province.

You must have at least this much human genetic material (picture of mongoloid) to use this establishment.

McDonald’s said in a statement to NBC News that the sign is “not representative of our inclusive values” and was removed.

We still love the tar monster, but we need all those infected Ding Dongs and their shekels. We have to remove all the miscegenation, Negro worship and sodomy from our Oriental advertisements because those ant people haven’t been sufficiently demoralized by kosher infiltration to meekly absorb these Semitic attacks. Let this semi-human inferior into your gulp and blow. It’s the right thing to do. This obviously failed evolutionary dead-end with alien genetics is your equal.You don’t want to hurt their 70 I.Q. feelings, Wei Tu Lo.

The restaurant has since been temporarily shut down to “further educate managers and employees on our values, which includes serving all members of the communities in which we operate,” McDonald’s said.

We’re going to “educate” the yellow peril in all the delusional kosher weaknesses of our time.

Racial tensions between Africans and locals in Guangzhou have escalated since Chinese officials recently warned about the rising number of imported coronavirus cases.

The sky is still falling, in case you forgot. The invisible Ming Mauler is being brought (back) here by the garbage people. We must defeat the African Flu.

Despite many reporting having had no recent travel history or no known contact with COVID-19 patients, hundreds of Africans in Guangzhou have been forced to quarantine for 14 days, evicted from their homes, and denied services at restaurants and hotels, local Africans told CNN.

In America we lost all our rights and are being treated like prisoners. Pretty much the same thing happened in our great trading partner, but they also used it as an excuse to remove the Negro. We just don’t win anymore.

African nations and the U.S. have decried the racist treatment of Africans in the city, The Associated Press reported.

The land of the flu and home of the Jew might as well be an African nation.

The chair of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, told AP that he had summoned the Chinese ambassador to the union, Liu Yuxi, to express “extreme concern” over the reports of discrimination.

These concerns were communicated by Muhammad with a series of clicking noises.

On April 13, the Chinese Embassy in Zimbabwe released a statement on Twitter, saying that Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Faki had a phone call addressing the racist treatment of Africans in China.

If there’s one place known for avoiding “racism,” like, for example, the murder of White farmers, it’s “Zimbabwe.”

Wang was committed “to protecting the health and safety of all Chinese and foreign nationals in China and treating them alike,” the statement said. “China is against any differential treatment targeting any specific group of people.

Me so solly. Me rikey ghost slaves. We treat dark animal well long time.

* * *

Source: Modern Heretic

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22 April, 2020 12:41 am

Why would China mistreat their communist brothers the Africans? How can Chinese perceive the Africans as a threat? Chinese are as bad as the African, they have infested other nations, especially places like Canada and Australia. If you go to Montreal, Canada all you will see is Asian, at this point we don’t care for a specific nationality, you see one you see them all. If you go to Sydney, Australia all you see is Chinese people walking about, white people are few and far apart. Australians are very outspoken of their disdain of Asian people and the open knowledge that they have bought up all the properties at the harbor. Brisbane is heading in that direction, I see a few more blacks than I recalled back in 2007. The… Read more »

26 April, 2020 11:44 am

“Why would China mistreat their communist brothers the Africans? How can Chinese perceive the Africans as a threat? Chinese are as bad as the African, they have infested other nations, especially places like Canada and Australia. …”
none of this would happen if we promoted racial SEPARATION as I’ve tirelessly advocated for time and time again.