Corona: Flattening the Curve
by Giuseppe Furioso and G. Michael Burns
THE CURRENT Washington strategy of dealing with the coronavirus is to try and “flatten the curve” — i.e., stretch out the number of those infected so as not to overwhelm the medical system. This approach will not reduce the number of cases but will simply drag out the same numbers over a longer period of time. Think back to your calculus classes; the area under the curve will remain the same. Short of a cure, which is quite unlikely [vaccines are not a cure and, for example, the flu vaccine is notoriously ineffective and dangerous anyway], large numbers of people are going to get the virus and a percentage of those are going to die from it whether at home or in a hospital. My understanding is that medical intervention will only ease the symptoms, but not lower the death rate to any meaningful degree.
Currently the only cure for the disease is to get it and survive it — something that is true for most diseases of this type. It is my understanding that “flattening the curve” will not significantly change the numbers who eventually get the disease and those that will die from it — so why are we disrupting the economy with these draconian measures to forestall a body count that seems inevitable?
“Flattening the curve” will not bring us any closer to developing a cure. Why not let the disease run its course?
The virus will become a significant cause of death, true (mainly for the elderly and already infirm) — not unlike cancer and heart disease for which we have taken no such heroic social or economic measures. But cancer and heart disease are not communicable diseases, one might legitimately argue — but they are to a degree preventable: Why not outlaw smoking, alcohol, and unhealthy agribusiness foods — and save an even larger number of lives than we are likely to save with the coronavirus edicts from above?
The current economic meltdown we are in is a direct result of the strategy of trying to “flatten the curve” — it’s a piecemeal strategy that in the end will solve nothing and produce more harm than good. However, the System producing harm for our people is normal — and good from the perspective of educating our Folk about the nature of that System.
Some of the inevitable takeaways from this situation are good for our people: What is killing some of us and what took our economy down? An externality. Something from outside of our borders that easily came through our open gates. The concept of making things in America, rather than outsourcing almost everything to China, now appears wiser than ever. This crisis is in part a result of globalism. Not only does the economic standard of living go down with jobs going away, national security and the personal health of Americans ends up being put in peril all because of globalism. And the behaviors of non-Whites (the sickening “bush meat” habits of Africans and even the relatively civilized Chinese, worse even than American animal agriculture which is bad enough) are now in play. “Social distancing” is now a term in daily use. As National Alliance Chairman Will Williams says, racial distancing is the next logical step in that train of thought — all to the good!
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Source: Authors and National Vanguard correspondents
And now for something completely different. As I look at the response of local and federal government to this virus, it is starting to look like just another psyop to me to study how society responds to a massive threat. There, are of course, multiple objectives, like ramping up government, making people more dependent, etc., etc. Another aspect is that those who planned and carried out this psyop, shorted the market before doing so, and will be cashing-in big time.
We haven’t been bombarded by virus/pandemic films/videogames for no reason. Maybe next time the komissars come to take you to gulag everyone will be quarantined and oblivious.
It’s yet too early to tell but i bet that after everything is settled, the daily deaths wont be higher than daily flu deaths. But you dont get to borrow billions from jews by calling it flu, furthermore, the amount of small businesses that are going to be forced to go broke are not going to be few. One of the side effects of the financial “crisis” was that many smaller (non-jewish) banks disappeared, this new “crisis” will have similar effects, and it all seems too much cohencidence. Who knows anyways.
I hadn’t thought about that aspect but reflect that is what happened in 1929 and later with the wheat embargo on sales to Russia – farms went belly up and got bought up. It’s like a boa constrictor, every time you exhale the restriction becomes more apparent and before you know it, you’re out of air.
I agree
Hang in there
I think is being exagerated to cover up the financial stock market crashin Wall Street; not saying coronavirus isnt real, just that is not as dangerous as most of the media are trying to make us believe and seems they want to spread the fear so that under the promise of health and security norms and laws will be made for it but at the same time will enpower you know who; very likely 5G, digital money (like the cripto money the International Monetary Fund is preparing and the criptoyuan from China but likely for now will be the Fedcoin in USA), drons, cameras everywhere, restricting people from going outside, etc. And although i do not wish to bring bad news but there is a problem with most medicines is… Read more »
A good picture is worth a thousand words..
Greetings. Two decades ago I viewed a science program that stated all cold viruses can be killed [actually they are not alive] if the sufferer breathes 43 degrees Celsius air for half an hour every eight hours in one day. Unlike a vaccine, this will not prevent someone from being immediately re-infected. Nonetheless, it seems to be a cheap first step to take if you or your friends are infected. Get a heater of some sort and a temperature controller. Are there any physicians out there who can verify that the virus is dependent on cool temperature and does not like summer-time heat?
What kept you from trying this out yourself, truthweed?
“My understanding is that medical intervention will only ease the symptoms, but not lower the death rate to any meaningful degree.”
If I have trouble breathing, I’m going to the hospital where they have oxygen, and I hope everyone else does the same. Proclaiming the above is irresponsible and dangerous — somebody reading this is going to stay home because they think the hospital can’t help them anyway, and die.
Alissa, the author’s statement wasn’t implying no one should seek medical attention if they’re sick. In the context it was written, I believe the statement was indicating that medical assistance for treating the virus could save only a very few afflicted that had insufficient abilities to fight off the virus. Life or death in dealing with this virus is mostly a function of one’s constitution– but not absolutely so.
Also, should a reader misconstrue this quote and act as you have indicated, the responsibility for the act still rests with the decision maker.
Well said, JM. But perhaps it would be
better for believers to die at home rather than doing it at the hospital at others’ expense.
Axis Sally, that’s true for many situations though not all. There’s a certain dignity to avoiding being a burden to others, and I agree there. This topic is one that can have intense emotional content and difficult to speak of for many though.