
Dopey Joe’s First Diplomatic Triumph

WELL Dopey Joe didn’t fall over during the first debate, nor did he soil himself onstage as did his good buddy Gerry Nadler, nor did he come out with one of his specials, like saying 200 million Americans have died of Covid-19. Or asking his supporters to vote for Trump. Yes, the bar was low. So low that his supporters have seized on his telling a sitting President to ‘shut up’ as a triumph. They’re even getting sweatshirts made up to celebrate this achievement apparently.

Joe has of course an unalloyed record of gaffes and failures, which nonetheless enabled him to fail upwards throughout his career. I remember being amused many years ago when the then Vice-President took it upon himself to improve Chinese-American relations. Selling out American manufacturing to them wasn’t enough, Joe wanted more. And he had a plan. Bring over a team of ghetto thugs from DC to play basketball against the locals.

With predictable results. Anyone with the remotest knowledge of the Chinese people — which obviously excludes Joe and his team of expert advisors — knows that they hate and despise Blacks. They, like the Indians, operate a rigid pigmentocracy, pale at the top, dark at the bottom. As Nature intended. You can therefore imagine the Chinese team’s reaction when they ran onto the court and found the ‘American’ team to be made up entirely of the despised ones. Things were niggly (ahem) from early on, apparently, and boiled over when one the Georgetown players kicked a Chinaman. Cue for the locals to explode into action and administer a good whacking to the thugs.

Now I’m not saying who’s to blame for the fracas although it must have been the ’hood rats. I have two points really. First, as I said, how daft was it of Joe to send a team of Blacks to China to foster sporting relations? The second was the way the thugs responded. It seems to me that a group of non-Blacks fighting back, vigorously, took them completely by surprise. They were too used to 5:1 odds in beating up defenseless Whites back home without retaliation. They ended up fleeing the arena without even finishing the game (or the fight). A happy ending.

Can’t wait for the day the Chinese take over Africa. The locals will pray for Whitey’s return.

* * *

Source: Irish Savant

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11 October, 2020 1:31 am

Los asiáticos orientales tienen una nariz muy buena.

Reply to  Panadechi
13 October, 2020 7:34 pm

My city is probably majority east Asian. The county commissioners tried to put a homeless shelter in a residential neighborhood near schools and playgrounds. The Asians chartered busses to take protestors to the county commissioner’s meeting and the proposal was killed. Whites would never have gotten away with this. I think the white liberals pushing this idea were shocked that there wasn’t unity in diversity. The state has a ballot measure to reinstate affirmative action in state universities. We’ll see what happens.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
11 October, 2020 9:47 am

When the Chinese take over Africa, the blacks will flee (or flee even more) into the welcoming arms of Europe and America, turning our great cities into cesspools even quicker.

Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
12 October, 2020 9:22 am

So Arvin, how would you like to prevent this prediction from happening to Europe and North America?

11 October, 2020 10:33 am

“Empire of Dust” was a documentary made several years ago about the Chinese project manager for a project to restore a long neglected road originally built by Belgium in the early 20th century in the Congo. The project was trying to use Congolese produced materials and Congolese labor. The Chinese project manager had to contend with workers who don’t show up, don’t deliver needed materials, disappear after getting paid, ruining machinery due to careless operation and have no sense of schedule. There is one scene of the Chinese guy telling one of the Congolese about how shiftless and lazy they are. He asks how could you neglect to maintain all the infrastructure left by the Belgians. In frustration he declares “It’s all so tiresome”. I think the documentary was produced… Read more »

Mr. Fahrenheit
Mr. Fahrenheit
11 October, 2020 6:37 pm

As someone who was involved in numerous sports, whether as an actual athlete or a manager or statistician, I can attest to the black propensity for dirty playing, poor sportsmanship (bad losers), goofy antics, huge egos, and most of it directed at white players. Just one example: Once our zero black basketball team played on the home court of a mostly black high school. No one expected us to win, but we beat them in a very intense, double overtime game. Our coach suspected there would be trouble and told everyone just to go grab their street clothes and other stuff and get on the bus as quick as possible. We did so, made it off the school grounds, and thought we were home free. Wrong. While driving in the… Read more »

Oppressed Nolonger
Oppressed Nolonger
Reply to  Mr. Fahrenheit
23 November, 2021 11:32 am

The world does need more honest accounts like this Mr Fahrenheit. Bravo for your telling of this truth story.

12 October, 2020 9:17 am

What I see here is that those who will fight for respect as well as their lives when assaulted have a better chance of getting respect and/or keeping life than those who won’t.

Rockford Rick
Rockford Rick
12 October, 2020 7:50 pm

I played small college football, but got very little playing time, partly due to one of our two nigra coaches having a bias against me. All blacks on our team got plenty of playing time, as did certain talented or popular white guys. Out of an entire season I only saw action for about half a dozen plays. In those few plays I experienced the dirty play of opposing black players twice. A forearm to the back after the whistle, and a late hit after whistle on a kickoff return play. Of course neither incident was seen or called by the refs.

Mencken's Ghost
Mencken's Ghost
14 October, 2020 1:52 am

It’s quite ironic that in a basketball game between the U.S. and China I’m rooting for the Asian team b/c as a white man I’m genetically closer to them than I am to the negro “American” team. And needless to say, the members of the Chinese team don’t hate their own country while earning millions.

6 July, 2021 6:07 pm

Which Biden is being discussed? Is it the original one with ear lobes or the impostor one without ear lobes? It’s all so confusing.