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You Can’t Say You Weren’t Warned
Understanding today’s state of chaos; and finding a way forward for our race in the midst of state-destroying war by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent EVERYTHING THAT Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels warned about 80 years ago is coming true. The world that rejected Natural…
National Vanguard Russian correspondent EVERYTHING THAT Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels warned about 80 years ago is coming true. The world that rejected Natural…

Tick Tock
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 March, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom I HAVE TITLED today’s broadcast “Tick Tock” — spelled properly, as in the sound of a clock ticking. I’m well aware that “TikTok” — the name of the social media firm founded…

Civilization’s Dead End, part 2
by Wolf Stoner
NV Russian correspondent LET US NOW consider some of Vladimir Putin’s remarks in his recent speech dedicated to the annexation of the new territories. The Kremlin’s strategists are more capable than their military colleagues. Putin’s use of historical examples of America’s…
NV Russian correspondent LET US NOW consider some of Vladimir Putin’s remarks in his recent speech dedicated to the annexation of the new territories. The Kremlin’s strategists are more capable than their military colleagues. Putin’s use of historical examples of America’s…

Civilization’s Dead End, part 1
Russian Army vehicles still have that 1940s-1960s look. by Wolf Stoner
NV Russian correspondent EVENTS OF THE LAST month show signs of an acceleration in the developing situation in Ukraine. It is as yet difficult to say exactly where we are headed, but it is clear that some major geopolitical rearrangement…
NV Russian correspondent EVENTS OF THE LAST month show signs of an acceleration in the developing situation in Ukraine. It is as yet difficult to say exactly where we are headed, but it is clear that some major geopolitical rearrangement…

What’s Up with China?
by John Massaro AT THE BEGINNING of Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? I wrote a page headed “Maybe China can teach us a few things.” It was about a top Chinese public health official named Zheng Xiaoyu who was sentenced to death for corruption on May 29, 2007, and executed shortly thereafter.…

It Isn’t the Chinese; It’s the Jews, Stupid
The Chinese may occasionally — even often — take advantage of the White man’s insane surrender on all fronts, and will probably take further advantage as time goes on, but the main causes of the White man’s abdication are Jewish through and through. based on an article by Russell…

by David Sims THERE’S A LOT of media hoopla just now over a new strain of coronavirus that is more infectious than the original that causes covid-19. They speak, now, of a coming covid-21 pandemic, a new worldwide health emergency that will require more and longer lockdowns everywhere outside…

Jews: Taming the Chinese Under the Guise of “Scholarship”
A small part of the Nanjing University campus As China rises, and awareness of Jewish power grows there, Jews are funding efforts to “tame” and control a significant part of the Chinese elite. “DO THE Jews Really Control America?” asked one Chinese newsweekly headline in 2009. The factoids…

China: A Cold Shower
IN A SORT of distributed Ouija board enterprise, intellectuals these days predict the likely evolution of relations between China and America. These “authorities” do not wallow in consistency. China will take over the world. Alternatively, China will collapse because of a surfeit…

Dopey Joe’s First Diplomatic Triumph
WELL Dopey Joe didn’t fall over during the first debate, nor did he soil himself onstage as did his good buddy Gerry Nadler, nor did he come out with one of his specials, like saying 200 million Americans have died of Covid-19. Or asking his supporters to vote for Trump. Yes, the bar was low. So low…