Civilization’s Dead End, part 2
by Wolf Stoner
NV Russian correspondent
LET US NOW consider some of Vladimir Putin’s remarks in his recent speech dedicated to the annexation of the new territories. The Kremlin’s strategists are more capable than their military colleagues. Putin’s use of historical examples of America’s unnecessary use of excessive force at the end of World War 2 is of special value. It helps to destroy the existing public perception of that war. He mentioned the senseless destruction of Dresden and Hamburg by Allied bombers, and he even pointed out the fact that Germany and Japan continue to be under American occupation today. Never before has a politician of such stature dared touch upon this sacred cow of the post-WW2 global system. The permanent occupation of Germany is something that no one is ever supposed to question. This remark was clearly intended to gain wider support among Germans and to undermine their internal anti-Russian consensus. And it is sure to work. For more than 80 years, not a single leader of any country has said anything like this. It is sure to be appreciated among Germany’s nationally-oriented circles.
However useful these pokes in the globalist muzzle are, we should never be deceived about the true reasons for using them. Obviously, Putin is not driven by any genuine concern about the fate of Germans and other subjugated nations, but aims exclusively at undermining the legitimacy of the existing Western political order. Nevertheless, this plays into our hands. The very fact that the issue of the unlawful occupation of Germany was raised at such high level is sure to produce further reverberating waves inside European society. Putin and his system, although being mere puppets of China, have done more to bring about the destruction of the post-WW2 order than any other force in the world. In this regard we must fully support their actions (by support I don’t mean public support, but silent approval of their disruptive actions; we should never side with anyone like Putin publicly; such personalities are too toxic for that; especially it would hurt in the long run all those who support Putin now).
What is really important is that both sides, the Kremlin and the West, being in a fighting frenzy, are starting to expose each other’s past crimes — thereby helping to dethrone their formerly believed “elevated moral position” in relation to WW2. Western political commentators, even on CNN and other popular media, have begun mentioning the massive atrocities of the Red Army in WW2 against European civilians. This topic would never have surfaced under ordinary political circumstances. But now, in order to delegitimize the whole Russian political system, the West has begun to use all available tools. So, we can see that the situation is progressing along the best possible path; the former WW2 Allies are destroying the reputations of their own systems. And this process is not easily controlled by Jews or any other self-appointed global rulers. The level of hostility between Russia and western Europe is bound to increase and it is sure to produce even further recriminations and disclosure of dirty historical legacies. As a result, both sides undermine the official myth of WW2, helping us to spread the truth. By seeing this ever-growing discrepancy between different interpretations of that war, the wider public is bound to lose its quasi-religious awe about this subject.
All in all, both the Kremlin and the West are doing their utmost to dismantle the existing geopolitical equilibrium, even if the West claims to be fighting to preserve it (in the same way that Churchill, moved by the desire to “save the British Empire,” was the chief killer of it).
The impasse that emerged as a result of official annexation of Ukrainian lands by Russia creates a qualitatively different situation in Europe. On the one hand, Russia has precluded for itself any possibility to backtrack now; and, on the other hand, the West can’t accept this rearrangement in any form without losing its global position. Therefore, the hostilities are sure to become more intense. The governmental measures for asserting internal control in Russia point to the growing determination to fight to the bitter end. Ukraine and other eastern European countries rely on American military might, and Russia is relying on the Chinese economic giant. Therefore, all prerequisites for an all-out global war are in place. And, if that happens, it is highly unlikely that such a war would be confined to conventional arms. Russia can’t hold on to its annexed territories without eventually using tactical nuclear weapons. And, if it uses them, the whole chain of events becomes unpredictable.
If America becomes fully committed to this war, China is sure to increase its help to Russia and, at some point, will step in to the conflict. Most probably, China would bring her troops into Russia in order to “defend Russian territory from American aggression.” This move would solve many Chinese problems. It would effectively eliminate the Russian historical factor and pave the way for gradual annexation of all Russian territories into a great Chinese empire; it would destroy all American designs of “strategic encirclement” of China. Control over the greater part of the Eurasian landmass nullifies any attempts at external blockade. China would become invincible in the geopolitical sense.
Obviously, America can’t allow this to happen. To allow China to swallow Russia is tantamount to defeat in the global struggle for domination. Therefore, the massive entrance of Chinese troops into Russia is bound to produce a Western reaction. Most probably, Russian territory would become the main theater of war between China and the West.
How such a war would end is very difficult to predict. It is highly unlikely that America in its present condition would be able to prevent the absorption of the Far East and Siberia by China. The center of gravity of the fighting is sure to be the European part of Russia, and the bulk of the Western ground force is sure to consist of European armies. This war could eventually be settled with a front line somewhere in the middle of European Russia (either closer to the Ukrainian and Baltic states’ borders, or closer to the Volga and Ural Mountains). In any case, Russia in its present form is sure to disappear.
There is little doubt that Chinese society would hold out in this global war. It is ethnically monolithic and accustomed to harsh conditions of life. The only way to destroy China is to use thousands of nuclear warheads against its population centers. In this case the ensuing turmoil could topple the central government — but in this case, the fate of the other belligerents and their neighbors would also be in great doubt. The resultant uncontrollable population flows and environmental consequences would impact the whole global system extremely hard; it is unlikely that it would be able to remain intact. Any limited use of nuclear weapons against China would only harden its resolve.
On the contrary, even the limited use of nuclear weapons against the USA would produce an assured social collapse. The multicultural American society is sure to Balkanize after the system loses its control over social processes and is unable to supply racial minorities with a certain amount of prosperity. These minorities would start to compensate for their lack of food and goods by plundering the White population, which in turn would finally be compelled to fight back for their lives. Therefore, even a few tens of nuclear explosions in major American cities are sure to produce social collapse. This is why America is the least likely to trigger the use of nuclear weapons. Of all global actors, the US is the least able to withstand the consequences of nuclear explosions.
Russia’s role as an independent global actor is sure to diminish with each passing month. If China decides that the use of nuclear weapons is justifiable, it will order the Kremlin to use them. It would be an ideal situation for China if Russia and the USA mutually annihilate each other. In this case, China could easily occupy the greater part of Russia and use it as a mineral resources base. The fact that it would be nuclear-contaminated and almost unsuitable for permanent living would be considered an advantage, a kind of heightened defensibility from any outside intrusion. In the long run, the nuclear contamination would dissipate and the whole territory would be settled with Chinese. I believe that the Chinese leadership considers the whole situation in this light. In stark contrast to Western politicians who look at events exclusively from the perspective of the electoral cycle, the Chinese outlook is mainly determined by consideration of long-term trends and permanent ethnic interests.
That is the situation as it stands now. Russia was duped into this war — a war that is the very last thing it needs.
America was compelled to react and to redirect its forces into Europe. China manipulates the strings, observes the ongoing events, and prepares to use the situation to its strategic advantage. Its outlook surely spreads far beyond the Taiwan question. Taiwan will be easily occupied when the American military factor ceases to be relevant.
This whole picture seems very dismal for the White race if observed from the conventional point of view. But if we look at these events from a different angle, and look for opportunities instead of bewailing the multitude of coming misfortunes, the situation appears much more promising. As I said, global events can’t be easily manipulated. The fact that modern civilization is far more technically sophisticated than it was 80 years ago, coupled with the fact that Earth’s population is three times greater than it was back then, implies the conclusion that the coming World War is sure to be much less controllable and predictable than World War 2 was.
I doubt very much that, after this global war, the world will remain under control of the same cabal of bankers; that is highly unlikely. The danger of Chinese global dominance, although frightening in itself, should not be overestimated. Yes, if the situation allows, the Chinese would eliminate every single person of different racial origin. That would be quite normal and natural. But the world operates differently. I doubt that they will have an opportunity to accomplish that goal, because they will have more pressing tasks on their hands — fighting against India, Arabs, and other Asian tribes, for example. These non-White masses would not meekly accept Chinese global dictatorship. The mortal struggle that would ensue among non-White tribes (including Latin American mongrels) is sure to exceed in brutality everything that has ever happened in observable history. Excess global population would be eliminated after a few years of this struggle. In the meantime, White remnants roaming the nuclear-devastated wastelands of Europe would be able to coalesce into something coherent and able to defend their collective interests. Natural selection factors would again operate to purify the White masses.
There will be no option to remain neutral then. You will either fight or die. No free stuff, no mercy to weakness and cowardice. The original White type would start to re-emerge, displacing the White curs that were so predominant in the decadent epoch.
Therefore this looming, seemingly awful and all-incinerating, global catastrophe has the potential to become the saving event for the White race.
It is impossible to predict the actual chain of events. But it is possible to discern the underlying logic of the events. Understanding this logic helps us to see what is to come.
Maybe the current ongoing war will become stalemated after a military impasse. Some kind of shaky Korean-style armistice could be arranged. But it is highly unlikely that such an arrangement would hold on for long, because the whole set of underlying causes of the conflict would remain intact and would push the opposing sides to renew fighting when the opportunity arises. Yes, battle lines can be frozen but not for more than a few years. The magnitude of the renewed conflict would increase. Therefore, regardless of whether or not a temporary armistice will be concluded in the coming months, it is likely that this war will grow into a world war at some point. The multitude of global problems that have accumulated since WW2 have grown to such an extent that a peaceful solution is out of the question. The whole rotten nature of the post-WW2 global system stands exposed; everyone can see it. The world cannot remain as it was; it must change; and this change is bound to be radical.
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Source: Author
This is a very upsetting article, I sure did not see things that way, I mean Russia completely corrupted by China who is the real master behind it all. I saw China as a faithful ally of Russia and Putin as the least corrupt politician in the world. These countries have no imperial ambitions, they just want peace and security and to be able to live as they wish. I hope you are wrong but thanks anyways for this insight.
The Chinese have already a firm grip on Africa, the Chinese companies are exploiting Africa’s resources and they actively recolonise Africa for many years. They do it in a smarter way, though, by using their native, Chinese workers. Moreover, China has over 60% share of rare earth metals production. These metals are crucial in our high-tech society and the Chinese have plenty of those minerals on its territory (and they do not care about environmental destruction as rare earth metal production is turning the surrounding area into a toxic wasteland). As I see it, this is the last chance for the USA to save its positions while Russia and China realise that they need each other if they want do defeat the USA. Just like Wolf Stoner said, the end… Read more »
The idea that China holds the strings behind the Kremlin isn’t a confirmed fact; it is only my hypothesis. But, regardless of whether China directly influences the decision-making process in the Russian government or not, it is definitely uses the present situation to its own advantage. In relation to corruption of the Russian government I can confirm it without hesitation. It is soaked with corruption from top to bottom. It is impossible to do anything in Russia without paying bribes. If you don’t want to pay a bribe, you are blocked with all kinds of innumerable laws and regulations to the point that you can’t do anything. The facts of Putin’s personal involvement in corruption schemes back in 1990es are well-known and documented. There are plenty of English sources on… Read more »
China will sit back and be rewarded with a weakening of all enemies, all without having to make the slightest effort. That is the future that is shaping up at the moment.
Exactly how I see it! Just like how they were handed (on a silver platter) western technology and all our industrial and manufacturing apparatus without having to do the heavy lifting. There’s NO doubt about the fact that jews are the authors and architects of communism, therefore it stands to reason China is a jew creation/monster.
Communism is jewish in origin, but the Chinese formed their own version of it. In fact, Chinese communism has basically morphed into the Chinese version of National Socialism at this point. The West and White people are total fools…we gave it all away because we got called names. I don’t blame the Chinese, they are just being smart and sitting back watching White people completely destroy themselves. And they will not fold because some lowly scum points a finger at them and calls them racist.
As far as Putin is concerned, this allegation of corruption seems totally out of character. If you follow this guy and see how he behaves and reacts in his dealings with the press and Russians in general, like I have been doing for at least twenty years, it doesn’t make sense. Putin is the most respected statesman in the whole world. People would not trust and deal with him like they do if he was really like you say he is. He would be such an hypocrite as to be able to fool everyone even himself and Pope Cyril as well. Come on man, I don’t believe a word the mass media says about him. He looks straight at the camera when he speaks to his people or the world.… Read more »
One can look at Putin through your lens, Pierre, as someone who can put on an act before a camera and use his practiced tongue on the ears of paid presstitutes. On the other hand I look at what Putin’s actions say. And what do those actions say? Importing non-Whites into Russia, imprisoning or otherwise disenfranchising Russians (and by that I mean Whites) if they object, and warring against other Whites as he brown-noses the Jews infesting Russia whose interests (destroying Whites being chief among them) he serves.
If Putin were actually a great leader, at the very least he’d say how he views the advancement and protection of the White Russian people as his only purpose in this life — and act the part as well. Is that happening?
I agree that Putin is a philosemite and he is not a racialist, I did not know though that he was importing brown people to Russia. I heard him say once on RT, when asked about immigration, that Russia was for Russians, so I’m a little surprised to hear that he is pushing brown immigration. I also know that he is using nazis as scapegoats instead of blaming the jews who are the people responsible for all his problems. I have written a long article on Putin’s double game in this conflict, I proposed it to NV, but no one has answered, so if you are interested check your mail. That being said, you don’t see ever on Russian TV brown people like in the West or mixed couples. Russia… Read more »
Approving articles is our Media Director’s responsibility, mine is moderating comments, so I’m not able to assist in the publication of your article.
Putin may not be Adolf Hitler, but to my eyes he is far better than any American president since before WW II. Look at the troops Putin assembles for Kremlin guards and public parades. Tall, blond and handsome. Hitler would be pleased with them. Take a look at the children you see with Putin, the ones who belong to the Russian elites: All look totally Aryan. Granted, a lot of Russians have Asiatic mixtures in them, but it seems the Kremlin much prefers to push an image of Russia that looks a lot like 1936 Germany. And we see no racially mixed couples. No gays. No blacks. No perverts. Regarding the claim that Russians have lost their sense of ethnic pride and loyalty, that is a relative thing. Perhaps there… Read more »
I think the puppeteers pulling on Russia’s strings are a mixture between China and the jew oligarchs, either way it’s not good.
The only evidence I needed to see that Putin wasn’t all he was cracked up to be was the pictures of him at the wailing wall wearing a yamika.
Might be just me but I don’t think the internal Chinese factor is all there. Especially among the youth the “Let it Rot” philosophy is becoming prevalent. The population doesn’t seem all too thrilled about being chained to their homes and micromanaged on and off for the past two years. With the upcoming party conference that may see Xi have himself made president for life the internal faction wars might take a different route. Xi does what he wants but there are other players who would be more than willing to maintain a sort of status quo with the west in order to get Xi and his faction out of power and maintain the lucrative, kleptocratic, system that has existed for many decades but Xi has been disrupting. I’m only… Read more »
Fully agree with your assessment of Turkey’s role. Turkey always was an enemy of Slavs. It uses the situation to its own ends. Ultimately it wants to restore its might on Black Sea. In relation to China I partly agree with your assessment. Yes, the population of modern China is susceptible to the same moral corruption as all other countries under influence of Hollywood pop-culture. But these questions must be considered in their interrelation. The degree of moral corruption of European and American society is much greater. But the most important question is the ethnic/racial homogeneity. On this point China is far ahead of all other competitors for global dominance. In any case, it is hardly possible to assert that American or European society is more able to withstand long-term… Read more »
I still think you have to allow that the strings are being pulled by globalist Jews, not Chinese. With the Chinese playing a “wait and see and play their part to their own advantage” game, rather than directing events. You see Jews have a history of happily throwing the nations they have infested under the bus when they have sucked them dry. They DESIRE the destruction of the West, and so turn events to that end. Nuclear war in Europe, and USA ripped apart, results in the maximum extinction of White lives, and so, to them, this is infinitely desirable. It would also result in a scenario where they could, for instance, release pathogenic anti-White viruses into the population, specifically targeted to wipe out Whites, and find no nation interested… Read more »
The last century was, definitely, a “Jewish century”. But it is no more. The secret of Jewish power was in their ability to successfully infiltrate into European society. But they destroyed it; there is no more European society. And with European demise the Jewish power is bound to decline. I think that we can now witness the crucial events that mark this global shift. Whatever the successes in defeating Putin’s armies, it was only a tentative attack. By goading Russia into this war, China absolved itself from any responsibility for any future consequences. Yes, it waits on the side, seemingly unconcerned and totally neutral. But it is not. China has torn out Russia from the hands of western elite that since 1991 considered Russia as its war booty. This fact… Read more »
My conclusions after studying history and reading into current events are more or less the same as yours. As a result I have been focusing on learning survival skills, exposing myself to discomforts that would be normal in a low tech world i.e. (no heating house in Winter or cooling house in Summer, fasting, abstaining from tech…), and I am in the process of starting a family to try and do my part on the breeding front. Regarding survival strategies, perhaps small scale farming in mostly White areas away from industrial centers or heavily populated areas in general if one can afford to purchase the land. But then you lack mobility. You better have serious defenses or remain hidden…Anyways, the survival discussion is probably best left for another time but… Read more »
You are on the right path.
As always, a remarkable article for european readers of national vanguard. Thank you W. Stoner and NV.
I am certainly not an expert on geopolitics, so I can’t comment. But you seem to underestimate the interests of the Jews in Russia. Their influence in Russia is as great as that of Western Jews in Europe or the USA. Do you think that the Jews let anyone get the better of them? The Chinese would hardly be likely to eat out of the Jews’ hands as the Russians, the Europeans, the North-Americans do.
Therefore, I imagine that East and West Jews are setting the White Race against each other – as usual. The aim: a new great war will further wipe out the white race.
Yet 10 years ago I would think the same. But now the hard facts compel me to change my estimates. I can clearly see that Putin’s Russia, although being under substantial Jewish influence, becomes ever more tied to Chinese interests. We should neither underestimate Jewish factor not overestimate it. Both extremes are harmful. Yes, Jews were the most influential ethnic group on Earth but their power is in decline. Yes, Jews once were instrumental in creating Chinese monster (when Stalinist USSR provided Mao with weapons and economic assistance in order to recreate Chinese Asiatic empire) but it frequently happens that some wild pets, having grown up, devour their hosts. China is obviously on the loose; and American Jews are in panic about this fact. Don’t overestimate Jewish mental abilities. They… Read more »
Wolf, what do you think, why did Stalin turn against some Jews after World War II? It is described by Solzhenitsyn in “200 year together”. Why did the Jewish media turned against the USSR, despite being pro-Soviet and anti-German in World War II? Did the Jews really become the main driving force in the Cold war? Why the World Jewery wanted to destroy the USSR? After all, it was their project. It’s mentioned even by Dr. Pierce in “Hunter”. Thank you for the response.
It is well known fact that gangsters fight each other. Yesterdays buddies become mortal enemies overnight. Jews brought Stalin to power thinking that he will always be their obedient servant. But Stalin, being a typical Asiatic tribesman, was too obsessed with personal power and ambitions to remain a simple puppet in the hands of “dirty intellectuals” (loose translation of the derisive Russian expression for people engaged in arts and other non-productive activities). He outsmarted all major Jews in the well-known party struggle in 1920es and became an Asiatic tyrant of Russia. He purged some Jews from the party, all those who could compete for power. But almost all middle-level Jews remained ensconced in their comfortable administrative positions and totally dominated arts, media and social sciences. This bulk of average Jews… Read more »
Wolf said: “There is a good Russian proverb: “the Jewish love is worse than a noose” (Любовь жида – хуже петли).”
And yet folk of European descent have willingly let the Jew throw the yoke on them decade after decade. They welcome the love that *always* leads to slavery — and the overwhelming majority don’t care.
I wonder: does the obsessive, bizarre fascination with liberalism (in all its forms — liberal-democracy, communism, Christianity, etc.) sit as the ticking time bomb of European destruction? So few folk of European descent care anything about the things that truly matter: blood, family, race.
At some point, this has less to do with “the Jew” and more to do with the woeful ineptitude and obliviousness of the “White man.”
Shame, we don’t know anything about German guerilla resistance called Werewolf. Historians say that it was ineffective, killing a few Allied and Soviet soldiers here and there, attacking officers e.t.c. They say, that beautiful German girl Elsa Hirsch killed governor of Aachen, who wanted to surrender city to the Americans. Instead, Aachen became American Stalingrad, as Mark Felton said, the mainstream historian on JewTube. I don’t know, honestly is it a myth or not. By the way, it is interesting that some former National-Socialists took American side, like Reinhard Helen, chief of West German intelligence. Obviously because America fought communism at that time. Russian White Guard general-major Turukul, member of Drozdovsky’s army, proposed a blueprint for ROVS (Русский общевоинский союз, Russian All-Military Union) division under NATO command. On the other… Read more »
Here is the part of Nordic Frontier podcast dealing with Russia. The most interesting stuff starts from 25th minute. Very interesting perspective. The whole range of opinions is presented.
That’s great Wolf :) I’ve just recomennded your articles to some guy from Lithuania, whom I encoutered on Gab. I am going to listen to this podcast during the work. I am thinking about your tenet, that we bound to be on Chinese side against the ZOG US Empire. China scares me to be honest, its the most sophisticated and brutal dictatorship on Earth. With social ratings and internet firewall. Maybe collective Klaus Schwab is testing demo version of Jew world order on China. Although, I hope it is imposible to infiltrate China ot such an extent as the West, due to the simple fact that China is not Christian. Maybe mixed race Jewish-Chinese children will try to execute Jewish agenda in China. I am not demading your answers or… Read more »
You raise many important questions. I have no time at present to write on them, maybe somewhat later. I am almost sure that Jews would never be able to infiltrate China. Maybe they have inserted a few agents but it would never be anything comparable with Jewish infiltration of European and American power structures. I don’t like Chinese but in our present situation we can’t choose; we have what we have. The basic tenet from which we must proceed is that Jewish power is the worst what can happen; anything else is bound to be better.
You inspired me to learn Chinese by the “Civilisation’s dead end” series. I have been abstaining from it for years, and focused on European languages. Although, if these Chinese are going to be our compelled allies, we have to communicate with each other efficiently. Just like in the World War II, Pacific front is going to be an important part of the global struggle. Just like 80 years ago, White soldiers will fight for ZOG, and the Yellows against it, and we will definetly have symphaty for White soldiers on the fronlines, when they encounter Asian ferocities. Of course, on strategic level we will be bound to be on Chinese side. I totally agree: there is nothing worse than the Jewish occupation. Even if we will replace it with Chinese… Read more »
I seriously doubt that Han Chinese would consider Whites to be allies, but rather, useful to them until we are not. At the point we no longer serve their purposes, we’ll be as good as Uyghurs to them.
Learn their language to understand them for our purposes, but not to be on their side.
The Biden regime is totally Jewish and non-white. The only white males in the administration are gay or trans. Antony Blinken is the US Secretary of State. He is a Jew. Anyone who has paid attention to the issues and actions that led Putin to declare his special military operation in Ukraine know that the provocations came entirely from Blinken and the US State Department — not from China. The US took control of Ukraine while Obama was president. The US CIA and State Department, with the assistance of the US military and NATO, have built up a formidable Ukrainian military over the past eight years. Ukraine has become a NATO pawn to be used to put considerable military pressure on Russia. Putin and Lavrov have employed diplomacy to avoid… Read more »
Old Aardvark: Nowhere in any of this do I see China playing a part. — Wolf wrote: Putin and his system, although being mere puppets of China, have done more to bring about the destruction of the post-WW2 order than any other force in the world… Wolf says he has no conclusive proof of this, but, if true, the reason you can’t see China playing a role is because you only see their puppet, not the puppeteer. Let the Jew-controlled West puppet fight the hidden Chinese puppeteer’s Russia to a bloody end, then, like Wolf says, China is well-positioned to take on the Jew-controlled West. Anything besides Jews controlling us is better than more of what we’ve had under Jew control since WWII. You conclude: — Rule by Jews is… Read more »
First Thing First : Eliminate Jew Influence
Excellent essay (parts 1 & 2). It’s incisive and, in time, prescient.
This eventual collapse is the only solution, and I think you’re spot on in your assessment of the situation; you clearly have an understanding of the dynamic and tenuous relationship among these original members of the UN Security Council.
The collapse will be hard, but it is necessary for all the reasons you mention. All the collaborators, fat with the contempt and coziness of the post-WW2 world, will disintegrate and be culled.
Myth and Sun: Essays of the ARCHETYPE touches on much of what you write. Highly recommended for all.
The jew mind control is finally beginning to crumble, even if it’s in seemingly insignificant examples. Locally a theatre shut its doors after decades not due to the now typical excuse of some imagined perma-sickness but specifically “hollywood putting out endless garbage nobody wants to see.” Add to that the scores abandoning mainstream news outlets thus rendering them defunct, sick of the endless fear porn & lies. Empires usually fall over time in small pieces, just as the jews have chipped away at European civilization, their filth will collapse. They’re still trying to prop it up forcefully with the mandatory holohoax courses in many municipalities yet I don’t see it taking hold. Most in their early 20s have no idea what a Roman salute is, some only recognize the Swastika… Read more »
Putin the JEW puppet.
I worked in Southeast Asia for nineteen months. The Chinese are hard-headed. ‘Save Face’ holds them back. They are some of the best copycats in the world. And they will gleefully steal White technology when ever possible. Those people are not as advanced as the vulgar masses are trained to believe. Destitute of White technology, and they will fall back to their level. You do not want to find yourself under their military boot. They will make you suffer, if they let you live. I believe White separation will be achieved on the local level. That is where people live. While one river bottom is thriving with fauna, plants and water, another river bottom three hundred miles is dying of drought and disease. Survival of the fittest is another name… Read more »
The Chinese rival what Hitler called Jewish patchwork. Get the answers for free and then add to it. They never begin from scratch. The Jew media promote the Chinese in a manner to scare the masses. . .?
Consider a new order of Whites that have begun something from scratch that’s ours, and ours alone. It does involve getting away from Jewish propaganda in favor of a media that is one of the means of putting our race back on an upward, progressive path:
You can join and practice a positive evolution for our race with us or remain in the Jewed system of decay and death.
I agree with the author.
Whatever the outcome comes is preferable than to keep the current rotten system of today.
After the nuclear catastrophe happens, however, we must acknowledge and remember something.
That it was the western judeo Christian values that originally started all of this.
The “the last shall be first and first shall be last” mantra has been the responsible ideology that created the massive amount of sub humanity today that it is dragging everything down which is strong and beautiful.
Remember what Dr. William L. Pierce once said:
“The greatest threat to the survival of our race is Christianity”
Never forget that sentence, and best luck surviving the incoming Ragnarök.
Have many healthy, white children.
I’m pretty certain that if Biden and the rest of the Western political establishment truly opposed Putin’s self proclaimed Soviet ambitions the U.S. would resume energy production. Thereby undermining Putin’s economic means of waging war. Instead current Biden regime energy policies force nations competing for Russian energy to bypass the dollar as the international standard unit of trade. To the benefit of the ruble. The political establishment on both sides of the Ukraine, staged for primetime conflict, work in orchestration with one another. Innocent people on both sides dying. The rise of true Nationalism in Europe squeezed in the middle. Oddly, many so called Conservatives are buying the narrative that the Azov battalion, while scrounging for basic supplies, and taking on one of the world’s largest and most well equipped… Read more »