The Naming Commission
by Douglas Mercer
A NATION THAT REVILES its past has no future.
What’s in a name? Quite a lot, actually. Have you noticed that all of our great names have been coming down at a breakneck speed? They keep taking them off and changing them, and pretty soon you won’t even know we were here at all. The fame of all those dead men’s deeds will have been banished.
And that was the point all along.
Slavery was a blunder and not a crime, but the men of the Confederacy did about as well as they could have done with what they were given. Slavery was the demon child of transatlantic oligarchs with Jews at the center. The generation who fought the war was bequeathed millions of Africans and, as the saying went, you had to continue to keep the wolf by the ear. We all see well enough what setting them loose among us did.
But now they want the Confederacy to be a dead letter. Even as late as the Ken Burns’ Civil War documentary, a word or two of good could be said of the Confederacy, and the scenes of reconciliation around 1900 were played up as harbingers of a unified nation.
No more. No more at all. Now anything having anything whatsoever to do with the Confederacy must be vilified, demonized, and expunged from the record. In the end, they want those great Southern men to be no more than a rumor.
You know they are serious when they dig up Nathan Bedford Forest’s corpse several times and melt down a statue of Bobby Lee and turn the material into an image of a Negro.
Whatever else Jews do, they play for keeps.
A nation that reviles its past has no future.
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Could there be a more sinister-sounding, baleful, or Orwellian name than the Naming Commission?
The Naming Commission.
It’s as if some perverted Jesus sent out his anti-White followers to erase and eradicate White names wherever they might be found. In this case, that perverted Jesus is a big fat frog-faced Black male named Lloyd Austin, who commissioned this desecration. A lot of so-called conservatives are getting in on the anti-“woke military” bandwagon, but as they do it they’ll celebrate some “Indian code talker” from World War 2 or tell us how good it was to “integrate the army.” If you can’t defend the Confederates, you are the problem, and you have no standing to call out the “woke military.”
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022, directed senior defense leaders to begin changing the names of military bases and assets honoring the Confederacy, including nine Army bases. The bases named for Confederate generals are Fort Polk in Louisiana, Fort Benning and Fort Gordon in Georgia, Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort A.P. Hill, Fort Lee and Fort Pickett in Virginia, Fort Rucker in Alabama, and Fort Hood in Texas.
After the Confederates, the deluge; they were the hill to die on, and in not defending them, you die.
It’s really the re-naming commission.
Say his name, they say.
But in this case, they say: Don’t say his name.
We now have the USNS Harvey Milk (no, really), and it is of the John Lewis class of ships (no, really).
Wait until those trannies start to defend Taiwan. That’s going to go well.
How long until we have the USS Nat Turner, so those sailors can be under no possible illusion about what they are fighting for?
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Go to the Naming Commission Web site, and you see that nine bases that used be named after noble Southerners are going to be named after a few “patriotic” White men who fought for the Jews, and a large assorted allotment of anyone who isn’t a White man. This man’s army is now these womyn’s tar monster.
A nation that reviles its past has no future.
The commission tasked with reviewing Confederate-inspired names of military assets has recommended in its final report to Congress that the Defense Department rename or remove hundreds of items.
Hundreds! It’s a clearance sale, though the only thing being sold is us being sold out.
In the wake of the killing of George Floyd and a national conversation about race in America, Congress’ 2021 defense bill mandated a new entity, the Naming Commission, to identify whether hundreds of military assets, including US military bases, memorialize the Confederacy and should be renamed.
It’s an “entity” all right; it’s a remorseless Moloch designed to destroy us. Change the name, you change the people and you change the plan. It seems that a drug-addled Negro got the life justly snuffed out of him by a cop doing his duty, and the relentless and remorseless effort by Jews to destroy White America hit critical mass and passed the point of no return. And what they think is a “conversation” about race is an unholy stew of lies slandering the White race; wouldn’t you love to have a real “national conversation about race”? About how Whites are genetically, culturally, and civilizationally superior, and how it’s touch and go as to whether we can survive due to an unbridled and unnecessary pusillanimity.
Earlier this summer, the commission recommended the US Army rename nine bases that originally honored Confederate leaders. The commission suggested new names for the nine bases to recognize more diverse heroes, like Gen. Richard Cavazos, the Army’s first Latino four-star general, and Lt. Col. Charity Adams, the leader of the all-Black, all-female 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion in World War 2.
Charity Adams brought in the mail. They really are bringing in the heavy hitters here. Who’s next, the Black guy who cleaned the latrines at Yalta? The Congoid who shined Eisenhower’s shoes? The one who said “yassir” to Omar Bradley as he subverted George Patton?
The commission estimates it will cost about $21 million to rename the nine bases.
Being replaced is expensive.
A nation that reviles its past has no future.
The second part of the commission’s report identified items at US military academies that should be removed or renamed, and the third part of its report, released to the public on Monday, lists hundreds of assets like street and building names the commission recommends the Defense Department rename or remove. In total, the commission estimates it will cost $62.5 million to implement the recommendations in the three parts of its final report.
Being replaced is very, very expensive. In the end it will cost you your life.
The second report focused on assets at the US Military Academy and the US Naval Academy. It recommended that West Point take down a famous portrait of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.
Now it’s “anti-racism” on the Hudson and their motto is Duty, Honor, White Genocide.
Retired Army Brig. Gen. Ty Seidule, the vice chair of the Naming Commission, told reporters last week that the commission reviewed around 1,100 assets from across the services linked to the Confederacy.
They will leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of their prey, the White race. It’s enough to get your stomach turning.
The commission specified new names for the nine bases, but for the rest of the hundreds of items, the commission identified what needs to be renamed or removed and is leaving it up to the services to decide on new names. That includes new names for two US Navy ships – the USS Chancellorsville named after a Confederate-won battle, and the USNS Maury, named after a commander in the Confederate Navy.
They will bawl and ballyhoo about how this represents the “new America” and “new values” and the “true values of America.” Conservatives will say the values of America are liberty and being color-blind; the Jews will say the values of America are erasing the last vestiges of Whiteness. There is not a dime’s worth of difference between them.
“The installations and facilities that our department operates are powerful public symbols of our military, Austin wrote in a memo to senior officials. “The names of these installations and facilities should inspire all those who call them home, fully reflect the history and the values of the United States and commemorate the best of the republic that we are all sworn to protect.”
Ah, the ever-present “values of the United States.” At present the values of America are Negro-worship, allowing criminals to go scot free, open borders, cringing before Jews, and bowing and scraping to any “person of color” with any made-up grievance.
A nation that reviles its past has no future.
“The department’s implementation of the commission’s recommendations will give proud new names that are rooted in their local communities and that honor American heroes whose valor, courage, and patriotism exemplify the very best of the United States military,” Austin wrote.
Not the best, but the worst; the justly-reviled offspring of the offscourings of the world.
After decades of being known as Fort Gordon, the post will be renamed after General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The one sop to the conservatives who can’t win for losing; they pick a man who by rights should have been frog-marched into the woods, shot in the back of the head, and left to bleed out. No drumhead trial was necessary for this man whose guilt was so patent.
Let the wolves have their fill of him.
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The retroactive criminalization of the past is a signpost of White genocide. They dug up Nathan Bedford Forest’s bones time after time, and they’ll dig up the rest of them eventually and put their heads on pikes all along the Potomac. They think that will discourage us, though the opposite is true. They’ll melt down all the statues of all the great White heroes and replace them with crude images of that Waukesha killer or that skinny little Negro James Baldwin who hated White people so much, or a lynching “victim” (aka a rapist or murderer); and they’ll take Stokely Carmichael or Huey Newton or Al Sharpton and blazon his name across defense installations all across this land; there won’t be a fort or a ship or a nuclear silo that doesn’t bear the name of Rosa Parks or those Black females they say sent us to the Moon.
All of this is nothing more than a harbinger of collapse. And, when we build from the ruins something better and stronger and more lasting than all that has come before, we will know with certainty that a nation that reveres its past has a bright future indeed. Then the fame of those dead men’s deeds will live forever.
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Source: Author
It’s not a signpost of White genocide, it is White genocide plain and simple. As usual, Whites relish the harbinger of total collapse, apparently from which they will finally develop a sense of self preservation and fight back. Don’t count on it. The “now that you’ve raped my Wife, I’m really mad” strategy is more feckless than the “just wait until Q gets here strategy”. In many ways, we deserve our fate..
You have penned yet another concise, cogent and prescient article, Mr. Mercer. And while the innocuous-sounding Naming Commission is at it, it should fully complete its mission by renaming the U.S. military the Israeli Foreign Legion, which is a much more apt description of its true master and of its role in today’s world.
How long will young, White men and women continue to serve an institution (and a country) which is dedicated to their subjugation, degradation and ultimate extinction?
You highlighted the fact that “1865 To Present” is a work in progress. Robert Lee and Jefferson Davis were famous in Texas before the war. We have Robert Lee, Texas, Fort Davis, Jeff Davis County and the Davis Mountains. Add to that Stone Mountain. Confederates honored in Texas is too long to list in a single letter.
North and South America were dubbed slave continents from day one. The first slaves were sent to Brazil about 1508. The Dutch West India Company were heavily involved in transferring slaves across the Atlantic.
That slavery existed for 200 years in New England has gone down the Orwellian memory hole. With or without slavery, there was no congeniality between the sections. Latin America and Canada had the sage manner to end slavery peacefully.
Statue of Robert Lee. Richmond, VA. Fiendish malignity. BLM