Posts Tagged
Racial separation

Jews, White Supremacism, and White Nationalism
Artist’s conception of sleek antibodies fighting angular disease organisms in the bloodstream: Racial-nationalists are society’s antibodies against invading alien cells; support them! by David Sims I LIKE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS that seekers ask on Quora, a widely read Web site. Here…

Why I Believe the Races Should Be Separated
LET’S START with some harsh facts. The average Black IQ in the U.S. is estimated by various sources as being somewhere in the mid to upper 80’s as compared to the White average arbitrarily set at 100. In Canada, with its large number of immigrants from the Caribbean, the average Black IQ is likely…

Separation Not Segregation!
ONE OF THE THINGS that interests me is looking back at the old episodes of The Dick Cavett Show. People thinking that SJW politics just arrived yesterday ought to watch a few of these. Cavett is the epitome of creamy bourgeois liberal smugness who continually pushed SJW politics in the various talk shows…

Are National Socialist Autonomous Zones Possible?
by Karl Radl WITH THE final destruction of the farce of the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), at the hands of a small force comprised of armed US policemen, that was more a squatter eviction than a battle; we are forced to wonder about the future of such attempts to create autonomous zones within existing…

The ‘Great Emancipator’ and the Issue of Race
Abraham Lincoln’s program of Black resettlement by Robert Morgan MANY AMERICANS think of Abraham Lincoln, above all, as the president who freed the slaves. Immortalized as the “Great Emancipator,” he is widely regarded as a champion of Black freedom who supported social equality…

Our Inclusive Values
McDonald’s came under fire this week after one of its branches in China displayed a sign saying that “black people are not allowed to enter.” SUM TING WONG. “Ghost slaves” are not welcome in the 365 Yellow slop house located in virus central. Without decades of steady Jewish attacks on freedom…

Remembering Walter Plecker
by David Sims WALTER ASHBY PLECKER is a little known American hero. He lived from 1861 to 1947. He was a medical doctor by profession, earning his MD degree from the University of Maryland. He served as the first registrar of Virginia’s Bureau of Vital Statistics. With John Powell and Earnest Sevier…

White Racialism: Natural and Necessary
If the search for truth is sacred, then those with a tropism to seek truth must be protected: Thus White separatism is the essence of morality. by Steven E. Romer WHITES MUST LIVE apart from other races. And we must never share our technologies with them. When you actually grasp this principle, it becomes…

Black Lawyer: Free Anyone Charged with Murdering Whites
The only true solution is total racial separation: Our nations must be all-White once again. IN A NEW WRINKLE in the “Black lives matter” movement, an editor of a top-rated legal website is calling on Blacks to scare Whites by automatically acquitting African-Americans accused of murdering…

If You Tolerate This…
…then your children will pay the price. by Kevin Alfred Strom (2005) download the broadcast (mp3) IF YOU TOLERATE multiracialism, then your children will suffer and die. That is not hyperbole. It is a rational and well-substantiated extrapolation, based on the known facts and current trends.…