David SimsEssays

Never Forget

by David Sims

ELBERT C. Sims was born in 1830 in Bryan County, Georgia to Jacob Sims and Martha Brown. He married Mary Ann Hughes and had five children. He fought in the American Civil War on the Confederate side, with Hardwick’s Mounted Rifles.

He died on 17 February 1865 — from trauma and hypothermia — in Point Lookout POW Camp, Maryland, United States.

The Union forces had Negro guards — all of whom were extremely strict and easily provoked: Officious Black sadists looking for any excuse to shoot a White man, deprive him of food, or cause him to slumber to his death in the snow — running the military prison, which had the worst reputation for prisoner abuse following the battle at Gettysburg.

The Blacks guarding the prisoners were from the Union’s 36th US Colored Infantry Regiment, the 5th Massachusetts Colored Cavalry, the 3rd and 4th Maryland Colored Regiments, and the 24th and 28th Colored Infantry Regiments.

Elbert Sims was my great-great-grandfather.

If he had not had a short time with his wife near the end of the the Civil War, before his capture and the mistreatment that led to his death, then his last child, Winfield Washington Sims, would never have been born. And, consequently, neither would I.

Never forget.

* * *

Source: Author

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Peter K.
Peter K.
9 October, 2019 12:58 pm

He died on 17 February 1865 — from trauma and hypothermia — in Point Lookout POW Camp, Maryland, United States. Elbert Sims was my great-great-grandfather. If he had not had a short time after the war with his wife prior to being arrested, then his last child, Winfield Washington Sims, would never have been born. I’m confused by this line: “If he (Elbert Sims) had not had a short time after the war with his wife…” After the war? But he died before the war ended (in a POW camp) so he never lived to be with his wife “after the war”. Also, the phrase “prior to being arrested” is also confusing. I thought Elbert Sims was captured by Union forces and sent to a POW camp, where he died… Read more »

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Peter K.
9 October, 2019 1:25 pm

In the “Reconstruction” period after the war, Federal military rule was absolute, arbitrary, and murderously vengeful — and White former soldiers (or simply Whites who “talked back” to their new overlords) were often arrested and held on bogus or no charges at all. Many died.

See https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/04/the-shame-of-reconstruction-part-1/

and https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/04/the-shame-of-reconstruction-part-2-the-whites-fight-back/

In Sims’ case, though, you are right — it was pre-Reconstruction. I defer to David Sims, if he joins this thread, but it appears that Sims’ contingent was defeated before Lee’s, explaining that the war was over for him, and he then had a brief period together with his wife before Union forces arrested him as a wicked “rebel” against sainted Washington.

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
10 October, 2019 8:55 pm

Ghost Dancing In Darkie Town
That’s right, play the regionalism hate card.
When you have rewritten the War of Northern Aggression, you can always try your hand at Stalingrad 2.0. LOL!
PS. Where did all dem coloreds come from anyhow?

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
Reply to  AlternativeAryan
12 October, 2019 11:52 pm

What does this comment even mean ?! Are you mental ?
Can you not communicate properly ?

David Sims
David Sims
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
10 October, 2019 9:16 pm

Elbert Sims might have been on leave and arrested during a sweep past his home by union troops. Thanks for pointing out the confusion in the timeline.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  David Sims
11 October, 2019 3:28 am

Thanks for clearing that up, David, and thanks Peter for helping us make our site better. Mr. Sims and my editor have reworked the penultimate paragraph.

9 October, 2019 2:33 pm

That the Black Republicans unleashed ultra modern Negro armies on the North American continent to kill and occupy White people is a horror story that can never be explained away. The malignant rage of a sectional party. The Federal tradition continues. Germans experience it every day.

11 October, 2019 1:52 pm

The Reconstruction Project was a failure. The main goal was to eradicate Southern nationalism–Confederate nationalism. The Federals did manage to cover the Southern country with Federal courthouses. The brazen Klan ran ads in local newspapers alerting Carpetbaggers to leave town or else. Illustration below:

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