Posts Tagged
Civil War

Nathan Bedford Forrest: From Great Bravery to “Positively Disgusting”
Nathan Bedford Forrest Another letter The Tomahawk would not publish by William White Williams
Chairman, National Alliance To: The Tomahawk; Attention: Tamas Mondovics (editor) Sir, please publish this letter (249 words) in the next issue of The Tomahawk: THANKS FOR FEATURING last week the piece…
Chairman, National Alliance To: The Tomahawk; Attention: Tamas Mondovics (editor) Sir, please publish this letter (249 words) in the next issue of The Tomahawk: THANKS FOR FEATURING last week the piece…

Four Wars that We Lost, part 2
The Russian Siberian Rifle Regiment engaging the Bolshevik Red Army during the Russian Civil War. by Wolf Stoner The Boer War ALTHOUGH IT WAS A war of far less scale and geopolitical significance than the American Civil War, the Boer War mattered more than it seemed at the time. It was not the usual colonial…

Four Wars that We Lost, part 1
by Wolf Stoner NATIONS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN at war among themselves. War is an eternal companion of life: The very phenomenon of life presupposes struggle; struggle determines who survives. It is the way natural selection operates; there is no way around it, whatever the futile dreams of various shallow…

Never Forget
by David Sims ELBERT C. Sims was born in 1830 in Bryan County, Georgia to Jacob Sims and Martha Brown. He married Mary Ann Hughes and had five children. He fought in the American Civil War on the Confederate side, with Hardwick’s Mounted Rifles. He died on 17 February 1865 — from trauma and…

Civil War is Thinkable
Introductory Note: We are pleased to present this short, yet poetic and powerful video based on an excerpt from Dr. William Pierce’s “Thinking about a White Future,” the text of which follows. by Dr. William L. Pierce AND SO conditions in America will continue to grow worse and worse,…

Reformers in the Postbellum South: John C. Calhoun II and Alfred Holt Stone
by Andrew Hamilton IN THE CHAOTIC aftermath of the Civil War a struggle ensued within and outside the South between a faction of Radicals harboring animus toward the White race, and sensible men favoring a modus vivendi between the Whites of both sections. Many Radicals hated Whites, or at least Southern…

All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars!
by Michael Rivero
“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the…

Former U.S. Diplomat: “Suicidal” Migration Policies Will Cause Europeans to Flee Their Countries
Muslims set to take over western Europe by 2050
FORMER U.S. diplomat Adam Topolansky warns that Europeans will inevitably flee their own countries as a result of “suicidal” migration policies that have seen millions of Muslim asylum seekers pour into the continent over the last year.
In an article…

It’s Not Your Flag
Some wear the color of the sky in the winter Some were as blue as the night They came like a storm with the light of the morn And they fell through the whole day and night Colors flew high and they danced in the sky As I watched them come over the hill Then to my wonder, sticks that made thunder Such a great number…

Flat Rock
by John Calhoun NESTLED AMONG the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina is a village with an interesting history. This small hamlet is known as Flat Rock due to a local guidepost used by the Native Americans. It is not to the Cherokee that we look for the history of this town, however, but to the important…