The Capitalists and Their Pet-Poodle Philosophers
by David Sims
I’VE BEEN contemplating capitalists and their pet-poodle philosophers, like Ayn Rand and Stefan Molyneux. The imagery here goes like this:
Capitalist: “Capitalism is the best. It always works. Isn’t that right, Fluffy?”
Fluffy says “Arf!” while the capitalist pets his fur.
The only thing that is certain is that capitalism endures time somewhat better than Marxist socialism does. It doesn’t mean that capitalism is morally righteous or that capitalism will ever reward anyone who tries hard with any degree of success. It doesn’t even mean that, while it endures, capitalism will do what an economic system ought to do. Capitalism is merely better than Marxism.
I like to use the metaphor of an overcrowded lifeboat, adrift at sea. Capitalism has the character shown when the bullies in the boat deny a place on the boat to some, so that occupancy of the lifeboat is reserved for favored others. This keeps the boat riding high, preventing the water from sloshing in, which keeps the capitalists safe from the sharks, and that is the whole point. They are selfish actors, and they will behave selfishly — even to the point of watching their fellow humans be killed by adversity.
Occupancy in the lifeboat, in the metaphor, is having a job, earning an income: “keeping your head above water.” And while “favored” might mean “the most productive,” the more accurate meaning is “the most pleasing to the capitalists,” and there are other ways — political ways, sexual ways — of pleasing capitalists.
Marxist socialism isn’t even that good. Marxism keeps everyone (except political dissidents) in the boat — as equals: The navigator, for example, is no more worthy than anyone else. The lifeboat, you will remember, is overcrowded. Its gunwales ride just above the level of the water in which the boat is floating. If anyone rocks the boat, or if a storm comes along, then the boat will sink and everyone in it will die.
Everyone. Not just some.
That’s why capitalism is better than Marxism. That isn’t to say that capitalism is particularly good. It only means that it isn’t the worst sort of economic system that can exist.
If anyone has ever devised an economic system in which there is no unemployment, yet the boat nonetheless rides safely high in the water, so to speak, then it isn’t capitalism. The idea that capitalism affords opportunity to all, if they will only seek it hard enough, is false.
As Robert Heinlein once mockingly observed: “If you pray hard enough, you can move mountains. How hard? Why, hard enough to move a mountain, of course!”
Likewise, the capitalists are either deluded or they are lying about the ubiquity of opportunity under capitalism. “If you try hard enough, you can get a job that will pay a living wage. How hard? Why, hard enough to find a job, of course!”
(I must admit that, while I was living in Huntsville, Alabama, during the 1990s, I did hear about a homeless man who was taken up on his offer to work for food. His “employer” put him to hard labor for two days, then paid him with a bologna sandwich. One bologna sandwich, and it was reportedly the cheapest sandwich that anyone could possibly put together and still call it a sandwich. The homeless man had burned up more calories while working than that sandwich gave him back.)
What capitalist system ever has 100% employment? None. The threat of unemployment is used by the capitalists to control the greater number of people who must earn wages in order to live. The persistence of unemployment in capitalist economies has the purpose of making that threat credible.
Government gets in on the act, too, of course. Political conformity can be enforced through the simple, easy mechanism of presenting a credible threat of disemployment and subsequent unemployability. No secret police required — though the government might have them anyway.
The notion, which capitalists ceaselessly put forward, that unemployment exists only because there are, among the jobless, a few persons who are unqualified for any sort of work and many more persons who won’t look for jobs (with sufficient diligence) is false. Under the state-sponsored, corporate capitalism that always evolves out of its laissez-faire beginnings, unemployment would exist even if every person were qualified for a job and even if every person looked for work continually during his/her waking hours.
And the capitalists have those pet-poodle philosophers for the primary purpose of obscuring that truth.
I am not interested in how any particular form of economy “should” work, in the theories of its proponents. The capitalists do a wonderful job of explaining why Marxist socialism does not work as a national economy, so I need not elaborate on that here. But someone needs to disillusion the proponents of capitalism in a similar way.
Regardless of how Ayn Rand (or Stefan Molyneux) describe how “free market capitalism” should work, there is one fatal flaw in their descriptions: It won’t last. It never does. Always, there comes a time when the capitalists can buy themselves state sponsorship, and with it coercive political power. And this isn’t primarily the fault of the state; it is primarily the fault of the capitalist, who instigates the merger.
To use the sexual metaphor, the capitalist is the male, the initiator, of the merger, whereas the state is the female, who responds to the capitalists’ overtures. This metaphor isn’t entirely appropriate, however, since sexuality is positive, the creation of new life, whereas the merger between capitalism and the state is unholy, evil, destructive of life. But that merger will always happen, sooner or later, with the same predictability that Marxist socialism will always fall prey to the tragedy of the commons.
Just as Marxism is incompletely conceived by the Marxist, so also is “free market capitalism” incompletely conceived by the apologists for capitalism. Neither of those economic systems remains what its proponents had hoped it would be. The only difference is that the inevitable devolution of Marxism into tyranny has been thoroughly exposed, whereas that of capitalism isn’t yet fully recognized.
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Source: Author
Rob the Banks ! ! Free Trade
Capitalism. “What’s in a name.” It’s not an invention. Marketing is simply buying and selling. Hyper-aggressive American capitalism is heavy taxes, heavy interest rates, heavy debt. Every transfer of goods and services is monitored. If the money powers can’t compete with products imported from 3d world countries, they fence in their products with tariffs, forcing the consumer to pay 3 prices for whatever. Criminal inflated prices put hundreds of millions of dollars into the hands of the billionaire elite. Meanwhile the hungry shop lifter goes to jail for ripping off a 2 dollar package of hot dogs.
A good article, but one must go beyond the paradigm— beyond capitalism and socialism, beyond good and evil.
It is true that the fat cats want to be the only ones in the boat, but why should there be only one boat?
I made my own boat and I am floating in it quite nicely. That is actually the Aryan way.
Arvin, I’m only guessing, but my guess is that you aren’t yet at a level of disposable financial wealth that would enable you to influence elections with significant donations to election candidates in Presidential or Congressional races. The corruption of capitalism takes place after someone reaches that level, not before, and the people who do it are those who have exceeded that level, not others.
A good up-close-and-personal look at “Randian Capitalism”
can be found here:
Behold the so-called “FAANG” stocks (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, & Google) the combined market capitalization of which represents such an enormous portion of the S&P 500 index that they are able to mediate upward or downward price movements of the entire index. Yet none of them produce anything of any real value to rational humans, or even animals (with the possible exception of Apple, but even that is a stretch.) What’s more, there are many companies now, e.g., Netflix and Telsa, which depend on a negative relationship between net earnings and market cap; i.e., they must actually lose money in order for market capitalization to increase! Hilarious! Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and various other goofy enterprises is the perfect personification of Ayn Rand’s James Taggart, familiar to those… Read more »
Capitalism, Wall Street and the welfare/warfare state from 1861 forward. These interesting quotes by Alexander Hamilton tells me he was the antithesis of the future black republican. His words tie into the subject. “A state cannot be called at the bar of the Federal Court. Sovereignty rest with the states, not the central government. To coerce the states is one of the maddest projects ever advised. A complying state at war with a non-complying state. Congress marching troops of one state into another. Here is a nation at war with itself. A government that makes war and carnage the only means of supporting itself. A government that can exist only by the sword.” The instant the Federals realized the 4 years war was no cake-walk, they went straight to Wall… Read more »
Stefan Molyneux has Jewish heritage – proven. He has admitted that much in his FR podcasts. All that remains is how much of a filthy kike; 50% or 100%.
I hope the ‘suckers’ who supported his life-style to the tune of $10 million ($CAD) will stop giving financial support.
In a recent video, Molyneaux stated there was a Jewish step-parent, but not parent, in his family. I wonder if that had anything to do with his endorsement of disowning one’s own legal parents in certain circumstances.
There is a very detailed recent video on the question of Molyneux’s possible Jewish heritage: French Canadian Jean-François Gariépy’s “Is Stefan Lying to Us?” on “The Public Space” #214 (Nov. 7, 2018) (49 mins.). It consists of more than a half dozen statements on this matter (in the form of audio clips) that Molyneux himself has made in talks or online over the years. Gariépy dissects them with great care. I highly recommend it as a case study in how painstakingly one must go about determining Jewish or other racial hybridity in people who “look White” (like Molyneux), or are some kind of “mystery meat,” as a friend of mine who lives and works in a heavily multiracial milieu calls them. Both types are ubiquitous now. Molyneux’s statements have… Read more »
One must always rely on facts but during my years as an agent of the system I developed a good nose for sniffing out liars. In interviewing people it was more important to note gesture than the actual words spoken. When watching many of Stephens’s podcasts I noted things that disturbed me – subtle gestures and phrases. I also noted inconsistencies in what was said by Stephen from time-to-time – things just did not add up. Above all I knew Stephen was a charlatan and a total piece of filth. I hope one day to put my skills to good use as a “Jew-finder” General. You see not all Jews look like Jews, and it takes a good nose to sniff the bastards out. I was happy that one researcher… Read more »
Warrior, I also have studied body language as part of my artistic study of human anatomy.
I have noticed similar disturbing gestures, especially the nose-touching gesture, with Alex Jones. He has not done this just once, but many times.
If you going to jew-hunt by researching activists who have a nose-scratching tic, maybe you’ve lost sight of the big picture?
The character of “James Taggart” in “Atlas Shrugged” was intended to demonstrate that there should be NO state-aided connection between the free enterprise system and government. Ayn Rand, Jew or not, did not believe the government should assist real-life companies like Elon Musk’s “SpaceX” or his other enterprises. Or do “bank bailouts” like what happened back in 2008. She believed businessmen like Musk (and his companies) as well as failing banks, etc, should perish, rather than be assisted or “kept afloat” by the government. That was one theme of her novel, “Atlas Shrugged”. As for “capitalism”, America has never had true “laissez faire” capitalism (which Rand advocated) – whereby there is a hands-off approach to the free market. This “hands-off” policy does not mean companies could sell poisoned food to… Read more »
Very well said!
I’ve always thought of Atlas Shrugged as, “the first and only National Socialist manifesto written by a Jew.” I believe the central character, Dagny Taggart, was Rand’s fantasy of what it would be like to be a beautiful, powerful, Aryan woman, instead of the frumpy Jewess she was. Note how she is ravished by all the “Aryan-looking heroes” of the novel in turn: Francisco d’Anconia, Hank Reardon, and finally the superlative John Galt. (Missing-out on my favorite, Ragnar Danneskjöld–oooh la-la!) Strangely, she never conceives as a result of any of these trysts–perhaps another quirk of the Jewish racial nihilism. An interesting project would be to rewrite Atlas from a canonical National Socialist point of view. It wouldn’t take much editing. As you have pointed-out, all the heroes are Aryan, and… Read more »
@AS: I agree with your observations. And here’s the irony: Over the years, I’ve discovered that a great many of the more intelligent white nationalists (those who read books) have read Ayn Rand’s two major works, which essentially portray whites as the progenitors of all that is worthy of human existence. Despite being one of The Chosen, Rand was utterly hated by the Left, including her fellow Jews. In many ways, she was a social outcast, and even now still is, decades after her passing. That said, she wrote the most “Nazi-like” characters of any novels I’ve ever read, and I’ve read quite a few. And it is this aspect, I think, that causes many WN’s a certain “cognitive dissonance”, since “Nazi-like” characters in novels written by a Jew results… Read more »
Gunpowder was invented by Gandalf s magi…his ilk used to roam China in pointy hats and brought the chariot and many other inventions to the Chinese, which is why they underplay the Aryan mummies they unearth in Zinjiang Uigur and elsewhere.
AS: “Note how she is ravished by all the “Aryan-looking heroes” of the novel in turn: Francisco d’Anconia, Hank Reardon, and finally the superlative John Galt. (Missing-out on my favorite, Ragnar Danneskjöld–oooh la-la!)”
The reason Dagny Taggart “missed out” on “Ragnar Danneskjöld” was because (of the four mentioned) “Ragnar” was a married man – in this case, married to beautiful and talented “Kay Ludlow”.
Then again, “Dagny” got it on with “Hank Rearden” and he was a married man! (albeit to a Cultural Marxist named “Lillian”). So perhaps that was a mitigating factor.
Ayn Rand had a tendency to lecture the reader. I mentioned awhile back that a member of the ol’ White Peoples Party in the late 1960s at Los Angeles sent Rand a letter asking why she believed in equality. She responded. He opened the envelope and saw his letter torn to pieces.
CC: “Ayn Rand had a tendency to lecture the reader. I mentioned awhile back that a member of the ol’ White Peoples Party in the late 1960s at Los Angeles sent Rand a letter asking why she believed in equality. She responded. He opened the envelope and saw his letter torn to pieces.” Whatever else Ayn Rand was (Jew, ugly, etc) she did not believe in “equality”. Among other things, she was stringently opposed to “affirmative action” and “racial quotas” on jobs and university admissions. She also believed that business owners had the right to exclude anybody from their premises for whatever reason: homosexuality, being a negro, one’s religion, even the brand of corn flakes one eats, etc. As for the letter sent by the White People’s Party: 1 –… Read more »
I read an excerpt I think from a biography of Rosenbaum by Nathaniel Branden, where she specifically denounces, like any Torah Trotskiist, racism…that she might include her (un)fellow Juden under that charge is no better for us than a Communist who hates Zionism and ‘Nazi’s’…it is Juden who firstly engineered the competition and privileges of ‘Minorities’ in employments in the first place, given their centrality in the presence and consequent promotion of same…she was a Conservative Liberal,not a national-Socialist.
21st Century WN: 21st Century WN: Your reckless, hyper-aggressive lecture tells me that you’re a hard case authoritarian. It’s not working.
It’s remarkable that you know more about the personal letter sent to Ayn Rand in 1967 than the author, Herr Norris. A personal letter that was not written on official White Peoples Party stationery. No letter-head.
Ayn Rand was anti-racist.
Kevin Strom, I recall that Dr. Pierce mentioned equality and Ayn Rand in a text. Please let me know if you come across it.
CC: “Your reckless, hyper-aggressive lecture tells me that you’re a hard case authoritarian. It’s not working.” Not “hyper-aggressive” at all, but certainly puzzled by YOUR hyper-aggressive response. I’ve been very civil the whole time. CC: “It’s remarkable that you know more about the personal letter sent to Ayn Rand in 1967 than the author, Herr Norris.” Information you failed to supply the first time around. Also, who is “Herr Norris”? Never heard of him. Besides, who cares whether a letter to Ayn Rand was ever sent or not? Especially over half a century ago. What possible significance does it have? CC: “A personal letter that was not written on official White Peoples Party stationery. No letter-head.” My psionic (mindreading) powers are a little bit rusty. Besides, you left that information… Read more »
21st Century WN: Another megalomaniac response with scary bold letters. The vulgar mind of the self-righteous authoritarian. Your reckless statements profess that you have the operation of the mind of Rand and Norris. How old are you? What is your level of maturity? A letter to Rand repulsed you.
Anti-racist is code word for anti-White. –Bob Whitaker
Okay, “CC”, whatever.
Libertarianism in one picture (the characters):
What a stupid Meme. You could find this in ANYTHING. Libertarianism would be GOOD for the white race because it allows total free market capitalism with zero government social constraints. Realtors could literally refuse to show houses to blacks seeking to move into (see: destroy) white communities. Cafes could offer smoking sections again. Businesses could allow or refuse serve to ANYONE they want. Private Schools could be for whites only. There would be ZERO taxes severally limiting the governments ability to destroy whites in every way possible. The government would be small and solely focused on life liberty and property.. You could drive without car insurance. Wars would be voted on . The social benefits to Libertarianism to the white race and white society are many. Water would seek it’s… Read more »
Jack, are you always this obtuse? Libertarians love open borders, free movement of peoples, an don’t think those who cross the border illegally should be charged with a criminal act.
If you want the U.S. to resemble Mexico and Central America even sooner than it probably will, by all means support Libertarian candidates. And be sure to send lots of money to their futile campaigns instead of WN causes. :-(
Almost forgot this, just as one example of Libertarian philosophy on immigration:
Thatcher of Britainistan also thought Libertarian rabbi’s good stuff…her policies were overtaken in the 1990’s by Jew Labour and we now have a government of 1984 Jews and Asians…even shabbos goy Trumpstein has done nought for the USA because he’s another Libertarian…it’s just ‘Blue’ Communism.
Rand was a hypocrite as can be seen in the link below:
That’s where I learned this interesting fact: Ayn Rand’s real name was Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum, which she changed, honoring her Rand typewriter.
I must’ve been busy around 19 November to have missed this back and forth about this Soviet Jewess’s anti-White collectivism. — 21ST CENTURY WN, responding to CC: CC: “Ayn Rand was anti-racist.” […] CC: “Kevin Strom, I recall that Dr. Pierce mentioned equality and Ayn Rand in a text.” Yes, please produce evidence that Ayn Rand believed in “racial equality” ….can’t YOU search Google yourself and come up with some source for Ayn Rand’s alleged belief in “racial equality”?… — WLP, in “Deliberate Deception” ADV, 12/’99: One listener criticized last week’s broadcast because I referred to Ayn Rand as a “Soviet Jewess” who preached a religion of selfishness. He wrote to me that that was like saying that Ayn Rand was a believer in both communism and in self-reliance… Read more »
That’s exactly the book I could not remember though I never forgot reading that passage-Libertarians are Trotskiist subversives.
I think we need to be careful when using Enemy-coined terms such as “racist.” To our (Aryan) ears, it invokes a sentiment of love and loyalty toward one’s own race; an instinct ubiquitous among all races, and perfectly natural and desirable. The Enemy, however, defines racism as unreasonable hatred by a particular race toward all others, which race usually being defined as the Aryan. (Let the latter=[[[racism]]].) The reckless slinging about of the epithet [[[racist]]] is yet another manifestation of the Jewish racial quirk of projection, i.e., imputing to others one’s own perceived shortcomings. I doubt that Ayn Rand was a practitioner of [[[racism]]] per se. She would/could not have written her novels as she did if she was. Thus she is strictly correct in defining [[[racism]]] as “the lowest,… Read more »
Excellent! Thank, Miss Sally!
Ayn Rand talked more s**t than a 2 dollar radio.
White separation is simple biology. It’s not rocket science; it’s not an intellectual effort.
Multicultural is a euphemism for race mixing/forced amalgamation.
Ayn Rand: self-righteous authoritarian, lecture the reader, par excellence, an opinion on everything.
We don’t have free market capitalism in the United States anymore. We have socialized capitalism and lobbyists rigging capitalism.
Capitalism is the best system we have. Like it or not people act with what is in their best interests and are motivated by incentives.
People are not motivated by collectivism otherwise communism would work as an economic model. But it can’t because of human nature.
That is why free market capitalism – true free market capitalism – is the most proven system.
In spite of all the truths posted here
about the Jewess Ayn Rand, I have to
concede that the concept of “social
metaphysics” does seem to have validity
in the real world. For example, observe
all the millions of brain-dead clowns
clamoring over themselves to get their
kill shots (vaccines), just because they
see their neighbors doing it. The same
holds true for Christianity. Can anyone
really confirm the absurdities of the
Christian mythology? Of course not! So
why do they all accept it without question?
Why of course, the see their friends and
neighbors doing it! The minds of others
becomes their reality, and not the cold
hard facts of the real world.