Kobe Bryant, Hush Money, and Justice
White woman was paid off to silence her.
by David Sims
LIKE THE Black comedian Bill Cosby, the Black basketball player Kobe Bryant was credibly accused of rape. The following quote is from The Daily Beast:
The Kobe Bryant rape case has, in the annals of popular culture, been reduced to something of a punchline due to the aftermath — namely, Bryant’s $4 million, 8-carat purple diamond apology ring that he gifted to his wife, Vanessa. But what exactly transpired on the night of June 30, 2003, at the Lodge & Spa at Cordillera, in Colorado, may always be a mystery. Despite being charged with sexual assault and false imprisonment — facing life in prison — and tearfully confessing to committing adultery with his 19-year-old accuser, Bryant’s case never made it to trial. On Sept. 1, 2004, one week before opening statements were to be made, the case was dismissed after the accuser, who had been dragged through the mud for months by the media and Bryant’s defense team, informed the court that she would not testify. The [White] woman had filed a separate civil suit against Bryant, and had agreed to dismissal of the sexual assault charge against him provided the athlete issued the following apology to his accuser….
[In the apology, Bryant admitted that the victim did not consent, but that he “thought she had.” — Ed.]
The civil suit was settled for an undisclosed sum of money.
[If the victim had sought justice successfully, Kobe Bryant might be alive today, serving a fully-justified life sentence. Of course, if we were living in a proper society organized on Cosmotheist principles, not only would White girls be taught never to put themselves in any such situation with non-White males, but said non-Whites would not be within a thousand miles of White girls and women.]
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Source: Author
I was never sure what to make of this case to be honest. On the one hand we all know that there’s a sexual predator in many or most black men. On the other hand we also know that the #metoo movement is nothing but a hoax that women use to squeeze money out of mostly innocent men. So who knows? Maybe Bryant indeed raped her and his celebrity status bailed him out. But even if that’s the case, the blonde bimbo should have known that if she brings a black athlete into her hotel room (I think that was the case?) he doesn’t want to talk about Baroque music or theoretical physics with her. Studies show that around 90% of rape victims have known the perpetrator beforehand. Women who… Read more »
” … non-Whites would not be within a thousand miles of White girls and women.” I would make it three thousand miles
“I should have done what Shaq [fellow Negro hoopster/rapist Shaquill O’Neal] does,” adding, “Shaq gives them money or buys them cars, he has already spent one million dollars.” The report added, “Kobe stated that Shaq does this to keep the girls quiet.”
Even Wikipedia details this brutal Black on White rape: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobe_Bryant_sexual_assault_case
These Congoid “heroes” are simply following Nature’s imperative to take what the White man gives them.
HUNTER – Just forget the talk!!!
My daughter attended a school in the Plains States. These small schools bring these 1/2 evolved savages to play a damn game and that should be considered a criminal act. One of these apes wouldn’t leave my daughter alone and actually showed up at her dorm room. Her roommate is a cowgirl and called some of the members of the rodeo team that met the ape in the lobby of the doom as he was leaving. Let’s just say the “talk” he received convinced him to transfer out of the school at semester. Note: The school allows conceal and carry on campus. Hint. Hint.
I like the way this story ends. If one of my daughters was being stalked by some ape, I would lose it. If we lived in a sane society, these high T, low IQ simians would not be allowed anywhere near white females.
“If the victim had sought justice successfully, Kobe Bryant might be alive today, serving a fully-justified life sentence.” Most of the time I agree with your articles, Sims, but really, you think that rape deserves a life sentence? Dial it back. You’re acting like an emotional ninny. Life sentences should be reserved for someone that, now try to stay with me here, TAKES A LIFE. When a woman is raped, her life was not taken from her. I can’t stand hearing women whining about being “rape survivors” since the statistics show that in the overwhelming majority of rapes the man doesn’t harm so much as a hair on the woman’s head. Much like Holocaust “survivors”, if your life was never in jeopardy to begin with, then you didn’t survive anything.… Read more »
I agree with you in part, Ann. Blacks should not be in our country in the first place. In a healthy White World we would have “correctional” institutions for those of our own who need some correcting, but there would be no Blacks there. Should a Black somehow slip into our living space to rape an unwilling White female, however, an example would be made of him: to dance on air, hanging from a lamppost in the public square with his hands tied behind his back. Should this hypothetical White female engage in consensual sex with the hypothetical Black male interloper, the same goes for her as an example for other females to rule out any temptation for jungle fever. [If the victim had sought justice successfully, Kobe Bryant might… Read more »
I remember one particularly brutal rape of a young Swedish woman Elin Krantz, who apparently was a pro-third world immigration advocate, some ten years ago. I don’t recall the particulars, but somehow he had access to her in a remote location and raped her to death.. mostly involving some sort of beating. His arrogant mongrel face is almost as difficult to look at as the photo of her lifeless body. One aspect of this case overlooked by all, was that Ethiopians have among the very smallest average penis sizes in the world… far down the list with Koreans, Indians, and other non-white peoples (yes, there have been scientific studies of such things). Apparently she knew of him, and it could very well have been that she rejected him for a… Read more »
Shame to see such a beautiful young woman destroyed. Women in general don’t have the best instincts for choosing their partners, which is why most of them should be at home under the guidance of friends and family.
This seems to be the fate of all these liberal types who support unrestricted Third World immigration. Maybe this visual aide will drive home the point that unchaperoned girls of any race shouldn’t be left alone with these “people”.
If she was a “third world immigration advocate” she got what she deserved. Brainless women like her make-up the majority of the hateful “Refugees are welcome here!” movement. In a healthy Aryan society organised along racial guidelines such vermin would not exist.
I remember a few years ago two moronic, liberal young Swedish women went on a trip to Morocco. Guess what, they found their bodies in a ravine, they have been raped and then stabbed. Good riddance!
I found that situation where those Swedish women had been raped and stabbed to be tragic; women such as those lacked good White leadership to educate them to avoid the dangers of being in a non-White controlled area. Our race needs institutions such as schools, media, law, and so on (societal infrastructure) to impart this education to all of us. We in the National Alliance have named these needs within our program explicitly and to accomplish this we must call our people to this duty. The tragedy is that we Whites have lost two females of breeding age due to our lack of people to step up and get our duty done.
True, losing two young women of breeding age is a tragedy in and if itself, but whatever traits led them down this path are probably hereditary and their upbringing is definitely to blame.
Sorry Andrew, the lack of taking responsibility by Whites everywhere to provide the far-sighted leadership that will set the tone for families to bring children along is the culprit. It’s also one that we can control if only enough of us would man up and get it done. Too many of us now wish to point fingers at others; it’s time we point it at ourselves and do what needs doing. No more excuses.
Finger pointing at the jews is the main objective of the Nationalvanguard.org main page. Blaming jews lets Aryans off the hook for their historical fratricidal warfare and lack of sanitary conditions that fed the Plague (e.g. killing cats, like condemning vaccinations today). As gifted as Aryans are, why didn’t they expel the jews from Europe entirely after the Pope made it clear that jews were not to be treated as citizens (Nv suggests that the jews were the flip side of Christianity), as follows: “In 1215, Canon 68 of the Fourth Lateran Council installed racial law in the Latin West by ordering Jews and Muslims to mark themselves off by a difference of dress…By 1290, parliamentary law drove Jews from England altogether, in their first permanent expulsion from a European… Read more »
While your historical views are more or less correct regarding the expulsion of Jews, what you’re way off base about is what National Vanguard (and more importantly, this magazine’s parent organization — the National Alliance) has as a main objective. Jews are presented as they are in reality here: a hostile race to ours in both word and action; but our main objective is to put the ‘fight’ back into our race and organize those of us who will help us reach goals of all time-lengths, short, long, and eternal. Your “finger pointing at the jews” is a common canard that Jews commonly use to fling at us, are you one of them by chance?
In 1290 the Jews were expelled from England and forbidden to return on penalty of death, but apparently there was a secret cabal that stayed behind and worked to undermine the edict and eventually, under Cromwell, reverse it.