David SimsVideo

Stop Child Abuse: Remove Your Children from All Jewish and Multiracialist Influence

Children — as these videos show — only gradually learn to hide or suppress their natural feelings and conform to the norms of the Afro-Jewish prison that the West has become. Don’t let this conditioning happen to your children. It’s not something to laugh about.

by David Sims

POLITICALLY Correct brainwashing of children is child abuse. White parents who give their daughters Black dolls should be made to see the error of their ways.

In Scotland, the parents of a White girl gave her a Black doll for Christmas. The initially delighted girl tore open the package. The instant she saw the doll, she screamed, threw the doll across the room, and began crying. Her Christmas had been spoiled by her mother’s social conditioning ideas. I say “mother” because in the video the father is heard saying “I told you so.”

Also observe the other video in which two little White girls are given Black dolls for Christmas. The older sister attempts to be stoic about her disappointment. The younger sister begins crying.

This is a natural reaction. This is an exhibition of innate tribal feelings that is often seen in children before their multi-culti brainwashing begins.

* * *

Source: Author

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Walter Green
Walter Green
1 January, 2020 11:00 am

If people really believe that Black is beautiful, there must be lots and lots of
cosmetics that make women’s face as black as possible. And all the women
would have rushed to get plastic surgery which makes one’s nose lower and wider.

I have never seen any thing like that nor heard of it. And never gonna happen.

Reply to  Walter Green
2 January, 2020 1:33 am

Most people believe “black is beautiful” to the exact same degree that they believe Jews are worthy of gratitude and admiration. Meaning they don’t. It’s a forced narrative, enforced by political correctness alone. And what’s more is that the blacks and jews both know this. That’s why no matter how “anti-racist” and pro-jew a White person tries to signal that they are… it’s never enough… because it’s never really believed. Both groups know, deep down that they are generally, with very few exceptions, unlikable. This is especially true with blacks. Most don’t want to live with their own kind; they’d rather live around Whites. But, be that as it is, they also have an abiding hate for us that has its roots in jealousy and an insurmountable inferiority-complex. In more… Read more »

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
Reply to  Walter Green
26 January, 2021 5:25 pm

I think it would be true justice if tomorrow morning, every white person who is romantically linked to a non-white, would wake up to discover that they have literally become that race! Imagine the look on a white male’s face when he hypothetically realizes that he’s going to have to spend the rest of his life as a Mongolian man, or better yet a white female discovering that she’s going to have to make it as a Negro female from now on. That’s my dirty little social fantasy.

2 January, 2020 12:49 am

At least the children are honest with themselves, the adults — not so much. With a bit of activism and dedication, some White adults can be won back to us. Their children are worth it, don’t you think? Natall.com

2 January, 2020 1:15 am

What annoys me most about both videos is the laughter of the “adults”. If these idiots had any idea of the true nature of their daughters’ reactions to the black dolls they’d probably not be laughing. But then if they were capable of understanding that much, they likely would have never given those children them. It breaks my heart that some people are that far gone. Our children deserve so much better.

Reply to  JimB
5 January, 2020 10:25 pm

I do agree with you; the parents are complete imbeciles. In their ignorance, a by-product of Marxist brainwashing, they did not see anything wrong in buying those horrible dolls. Is because of such morons that we are in such a mess. It broke my heart to see those poor little girls abuse in such a horrible manner.

Reply to  Angelicus
6 January, 2020 3:13 am

Yes Angelicus, can you imagine giving white baby dolls to Africans?

What am I ?
What am I ?
Reply to  JimB
6 January, 2020 8:46 pm

True article. Witnessed firsthand over the holidays. My sister gave her kid a mixed- race doll. Presumably Indian/African. The child threw it to the ground. No tears, just disappointment on her little face. I jumped up to the child’s defense and scolded my sister. She accused me of being racist. Typical Marxist response. I explained I date outside my race on occasion, so I can’t be a racist. However, I draw the line on marriage, miscegenation or cohabitation. What am I? Neo-Marxist?

Karen Berger
Karen Berger
2 January, 2020 7:47 am


I discovered Dontell Jackson’s blog while doing some research. It would appear that some members of the black community are waking up to the fact that Jews are their problem, not whites. An interesting read.

2 January, 2020 2:51 pm

Hasn’t the time long since passed where we should be openly discussing having a country set aside racially for completely and only white Caucasian peoples ?? By not openly stating that we as Caucasians wish to have our own country and to have it EXCLUSIVELY and ONLY for Caucasians, we are certainly doing ourselves a complete disservice. You need to put the idea out there and announcing to the world that we are thinking along those lines, and that we are going to start to demand that we need to have a homeland exclusively for ourselves. If we don’t do this then we are laying ourselves for a nasty, nasty time that is forthcoming, which in the end can only lead to our ultimate demise. We need to act and… Read more »

Donald MacMullen
Donald MacMullen
Reply to  Howard
7 January, 2020 5:49 pm

You do realize that this page belongs to the NATIONAL ALLIANCE! and that is exactly what we are trying to accomplish. Please go to the home page, http://natall.com , and read our building a new white world literature. Then print out the application, or just become a supporter. That way you’ll be walking the walk, instead of just talking.

Reply to  Donald MacMullen
9 January, 2020 10:27 am

Well said, Donald. We do indeed want those who will do more than just talk, those who get things done are the Alliance’s type. Certainly they’re considered “winners” by others and are highly respected. Howard mentioned that we need to put out there that we Caucasians need a Homeland of our own. Well Howard, we have been for decades now, to wit: “We can then describe, at least in outline, certain essential features that new world must have. They are, in brief: White Living Space In spiritually healthier times our ancestors took as theirs those parts of the world suited by climate and terrain to our race: in particular, all of Europe and the temperate zones of the Americas, not to mention Australia, New Zealand, and the southern tip of… Read more »

3 January, 2020 11:52 am

The race mixing campaign is reinforced by Federal guns and Federal armies. I witnessed it in my state. Those people destroyed our White establishments in the name of forced amalgamation.

Reply to  fodwell
27 February, 2022 11:15 am

And far too many white simpletons and cucks going along with the decimation of their own race.