How to Talk to Brainwashed Anti-White Whites
“THIS IS EUROPE” recently published a video with tips on how you should respond to people who are anti-White — people who consciously or unconsciously are working against White people’s interests and who support extermination of Whites by mass immigration and miscegenation.
Among other things, the film explains that anti-Whites in most cases are brainwashed since childhood, and therefore are often difficult to reach with pure facts — but that by asking critical questions you can get these people to, hopefully, see the contradictions in their own opinions and thus begin to question their Politically Correct world view.
Asking questions puts the other party on the defensive and lets you decide what will be discussed. Here are some examples of questions recommended by “This is Europe”:
• Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, but White countries for all?
• If color does not matter, why is racial diversity so important? And why is it just all White countries?
• If multiculturalism is really something that people want, why do we have “White flight”?
• If so-called “anti-racists” do not care about race, why do they have a problem with White schools, White workplaces, White towns, and White countries?
• You accuse me of being “racist” because I do not want my people to be a minority in my country; when was the last time you accused the Chinese of being “racist” for not wanting Chinese people to become a minority in China?
It is also said in the film that many immigration critics, instead of discussing the most important issues — demographics and the issue of the White race’s survival — are cowardly and choose to only criticize mass immigration’s effects on short-term economic and social problems, because they think they will not be accused of “racism” if they focus only on these less important issues. But the race issue is paramount and it is our strongest moral point, so we should steer every even tangentially related dialogue toward a forthright discussion of race.
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Source: Nordic Resistance
Anti-Whites hypocritically condemn the past dispossession of non-Whites by Whites, but celebrate the current dispossession of Whites by non-Whites. When Whites protest their dispossession the anti-Whites will say “but we’re all equal” because “we’re all descended from Africans” so “what difference does it make if Whites become minorities”. I wonder if anti-Whites would come out with similar crap when Amer-Indians, Australian Aboriginies, Tibetans, Uighurs, Palestinians, and the Ainu lament their dispossession? I think we all know the answer to that!
We need hospitals, or sweat lodges, or psychedelic regimens; or some kind of counter-kibbutz roller coaster ride, to get the much overused liberal moral exception out of its present state of abuse, of fatuous overuse. The unsanctified claims that all moral relations with the white race are of self-annihilative moral exception are; too easy, over rewarded, and intensely stupid group behaviour.
I have 2 grandkids same parents. One is very white and the other has color. When all the “racist” accusations were hurled at Trump the day he announced his candidacy by the media my grandkids were hurt by it. I spoke with both of them and tried to explain how divisive and inaccurate the accusations were and the logical reason for putting a cap on massive immigration. It’s my word against the rest of the country but hopefully they took something away from it. Since then the family moved to the most anti-white state in the union. Once again they are exposed to pure ignorance. If we could go back to pre-Obama race-wise we’d be better off. Sadly the next generation is being formed by their teachers and media no… Read more »
A problem for mixed race people is the difficulty in finding tissue matches if they need an organ transplant. As I understand it, a paper written for the Mayo clinic mentioned that it was possible to find suitable donors for 97% of Europeans but almost impossible to find them for people of mixed race. An important consideration.