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WLP90: Thoughts on Discrimination
This week we honor William Luther Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism, of the National Alliance, and of National Vanguard on the 90th anniversary of his birth by presenting classic articles of his, nearly all of which haven’t appeared on this site since their original publication more than two…
Deprogramming Whites from the Cult of Anti-Whiteism
by H. Millard IN George Orwell’s 1984, the masses are bombarded with slogans such as Freedom Is Slavery, War Is Peace, and Ignorance Is Strength. Now, to our ears these slogans sound absurd and internally contradictory, but in the fictional society of the book these took on meanings that seemed…
by H. Millard IT’S FUNNY, but sad, to read some of the comments from Whites relating to articles about events such as segregated college graduations and various other events demanded by “People of Color” (POC) in which Whites are barred, or are forced to pay “reparations”…
California Makes it Illegal for Students to Skip Anti-White Brainwashing
Universities around the country are following suit. TWO MORE Universities in the US are demanding that students enroll on ‘race and ethnicity’ courses, with the Governor of California signing a mandate for the classes into law. California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill 1460…
Rise of the Brainwashers
I DOUBT IF EVEN his dearest friends pretend that Nick Griffin is still flavour of the month on the nationalist Right, and he certainly has to bear his share of the blame for the collapse of the BNP on his watch. Nevertheless, I still have a sneaking regard for a highly intelligent man who was one of the best…
by Dr. William L. Pierce “TERRORISM” and “terrorist” have been the most-used words on television and in the other controlled news media recently. We’ve heard over and over about al-Quaeda terrorism and Iraqi terrorism and Palestinian terrorism — especially…
Beyond the Futility of Electioneering
by Max Musson AMONG THE VARIOUS nationalist groups in Britain, an increasing number have now turned away from electioneering as the means by which they hope to bring about political change and the salvation of our people. These groups have come to realise that the majority of the electorate are now so…
Those Teens Giving NS Salutes: Is Jewish Brainwashing Starting to Slip?
White students give the Hitler salute prior to the prom. Are there really 60 National Socialist teenagers in Baraboo, Wisconsin — or is something else happening? THERE HAVE BEEN multiple instances reported in the mainstream media in recent months of White teenagers engaging in National Socialist-inspired…
The Holohoax Extortion Racket
The excerpted text featured below is by the Jewish dissident Ron Unz, who has now published an entire series of classic articles on the JQ in the modern West (see here, here, and here) — Dissident Millennial American Pravda: Holocaust Denial by Ron Unz Anyone who has spent much time on the comment-threads…
Diversity is THEIR Strength: The Elites’ War on Humanity
by Dr. William L. Pierce THREE OR FOUR years ago the slogan most diligently promoted by the controlled mass media was “diversity is our strength.” Posters with this slogan and a broad, multi-hued band of stripes representing skin colors of various races were displayed in classrooms and…