Beyond the Futility of Electioneering
by Max Musson
AMONG THE VARIOUS nationalist groups in Britain, an increasing number have now turned away from electioneering as the means by which they hope to bring about political change and the salvation of our people.
These groups have come to realise that the majority of the electorate are now so thoroughly mentally conditioned by our corrupt mass media that they are incapable of exercising their right to vote in a rational way. Furthermore, these nationalist groups have come to realise that the electoral system in this country is deliberately administered in a sloppy manner – such a sloppy manner as to facilitate widespread electoral corruption on the part of our current political elite.
When nationalist political parties contest elections, we are grossly and unfairly demonised by the media and portrayed as hateful individuals who are alleged to have psychopathic tendencies and who if we were ever allowed to acquire power are likely to commit genocide as a result of our alleged irrational hatred of minority groups.
In reality however, nationalists are driven by precisely the same concerns and desires as the majority of the British people and if only the public would exercise more effort to get to know the candidates standing in elections, they would realise that nationalists are not a threat at all, that we want only what is best for our people and merely wish to put the interests of our people first, ahead of the minority groups to whom establishment politicians continually pander.
This gross imbalance in the reporting of political issues by the media, especially in reporting at election times, is the first line of defence employed by our corrupt political establishment to prevent the emergence of a radical new and uncorrupted political force.
Virtually every time there is an election the bulk of the public are duped into once again voting for either of the two main establishment parties, either because they are daft enough to think that despite all of the evidence these parties do actually care about us, or that by voting for the least worst of the two, they are at least securing government by the lesser of two evils.
Time and time again, ‘Tweedle-Dee’ is elected to government in place of the out-going and discredited ‘Tweedle-Dum’ by a public who don’t seem to remember that five years previously, it was ‘Tweedle-Dum’ that was elected to replace the out-going and discredited ‘Tweedle-Dee’. The public don’t seem to realise that the policies pursued by both ‘Tweedle-Dee’ and ‘Tweedle-Dum’ are in effect identical, with only cosmetic differences, and that logically they should be looking for a new political party to vote for in preference to the two main parties that have had so many chances, so many terms in office, and who have been utterly discredited every time.
Occasionally, a nationalist political party despite all the odds, has managed to get a handful of candidates elected in locations scattered across the country, and those isolated individuals have then faced systematic exclusion by the elected representatives of the establishment parties, thereby denying them any influence over government policy either nationally or locally.
The nationalist groups that have turned away from electioneering have, as I have already stated, come to realise that our electoral system is deliberately administered in a sloppy manner in order to facilitate widespread electoral corruption on the part of our corrupt political establishment.
So sloppily are our elections administered that it would be possible with relatively limited resources, for the incumbent political party in government to gerrymander election results on substantial scale without anyone knowing outside of a relatively small conspiratorial group. This is the second line of defence employed by our corrupt establishment political parties to prevent any non-establishment parties from ever achieving political power, to prevent us from making sufficient electoral gains to acquire even a toe-hold on political power.
After more than a century of trying to gain political power through the ballot box, more than forty different nationalist political parties have tried every possible permutation in terms of the presentation of our policies. They have invariably suffered either a near total ‘news black-out’, in which they have been completely ignored by the media, or have suffered a withering hail of lies, abuse, smears and denigration, such that we have never had more than sixty local councillors elected at any one time, and never more than three candidates elected at a higher level. It is time we realised that until the balance of power in Britain is changed by some other means, there will be no electoral route to power for us.
If we are to acquire the political power needed to prevent being dispossessed and race replaced, by the traitors at Westminster, we must concentrate our efforts elsewhere and pursue a non-electoral strategy designed to change the balance of power. Once we have achieved this, once we have ‘levelled the playing field’ somewhat, we might then have the influence needed to pressure the establishment into conducting elections fairly, or at least more fairly than today. Electioneering might once again become a viable proposition.
For now however, and in the foreseeable future, electioneering is a futile waste of time and resources — falsely raising hopes among the more naïve among us, only for those hopes to be cruelly dashed – causing widespread disillusionment and wasting both time and resources that we cannot afford to lose.
Community activism is the way forward. Through community activism we will ‘earn our stripes’ and demonstrate the value of our ideas where the public are concerned.
We do not need to be elected — to acquire the ‘badge’ of establishment approval — and the formal title ‘councillor’, before we can engage in work designed to improve the lives of our people. We can do that straight away, and by our good deeds shall we be known.
Of course we cannot effect new legislation, but we can lead our people along the right path — those who have the wit to follow — and through work designed to once again forge a common bond and a true sense of community among our people, we can begin a revolution that will not be dependent upon the capricious support of a largely disillusioned and disoriented electorate. The White nationalism of the future will be a self-regenerating, bottom-up, revolutionary, racial nationalism that will issue organically from our people, immune to the corruption and the machinations of those who currently hold the levers of power. This, is the way forward!
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Source: Western Spring