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The Laws of Manu and Whiteness: a Very Short Primer
by H. Millard OUR VIEWS OF RACE are not new. They go back thousands of years and, among other places, are found in the Indian Laws of Manu (aka Code of Manu) written by the ancient (and then White) Aryans of India. A major purpose of the Laws of Manu was to help keep Whites separate from other races and this developed…

Straight Outta Hollywood: The Jacinda Ardern Humiliation Show
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern participates in a Samoan ritual humiliation ceremony in Auckland on August 1, 2021. Its defamatory purpose was to denigrate and humiliate Whites, not her. by Andrew Hamilton National Vanguard contributor Douglas Mercer recently profiled White-hating,…

Cuck Island: The Genetic Miracle
Thus endeth Britain: Shepherd’s Bush, London. ASIDE FROM our desire to ensure justice in every case and assign human characteristics to things that clearly aren’t human, the biggest weakness we as Whites have is a desire to avoid conflict at almost any cost. This failing is relatively…

The Utter Alienness of Our Jewish Overlords – Part II
Note: See Part I of this series here For those of us schooled in the Jewish Problem, it gets extremely tiresome to hear civic nationalists and kosher conservatives co-opt Western identity by speaking of the alleged “Judeo-Christian” foundation of the West as if the West’s origin…

Eugenics, for a Better Tomorrow
A reconstruction of Homo habilis: Was it “morally wrong” for the forces of Nature to eugenically mold human beings to evolve beyond this? Eugenics has nothing to do with “prejudice,” as our enemies allege. by David Sims IT isn’t prejudice that made the European eugenicists…

The Great White Genome
by H. Millard WHAT IS the Great White Genome? It is God’s recipe or formula for making a White person. We have not been created to save mankind, but to replace it. Homo sapiens has failed to live up to God’s expectations and must now be allowed to go extinct as a new Whiter than white species emerges.…

Evangelical Lutheran Church Creates Child-Grooming App
iPhone app incentivizes children to create and “marry” non-White and “LGBTQ” characters. THE Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) has created an app (application, or program) for the iPhone which targets White children — Whites are the dominant demographic…

Ode to a Mudshark
by A.D. I WANT to be free of you but I can’t. There is a connection between you and me that transcends time. It transcends life. It transcends the conscious human experience in ways that we cannot understand with our limited minds. I can’t make it stop no matter what I do. And, one way or another,…

“There Are Good People of All Races” — So What? That’s Not the Issue
by H. Millard “DON’T you know that there are good people of all races?” Yes, of course we know this. However, even saying that is a distraction from what some of us believe and is a red herring. At any rate it is not our responsibility to sort them out. In the long run, there is nothing to…

Racial Mixing is a Death Sentence
“Boyfriend” and “girlfriend” James Terry and Kelly O’Keefe, who in 2011 became stabber and victim. Racial mixing’s long-term consequences, however, are far more dangerous to us than even fatal violence. BIOLOGICALLY, the disappearance of a people, an…