Israel Officially Aids Third World Invasion
THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT is actively aiding the Third World invasion of Europe — while at the same time making sure that no Third World “refugees” enter Israel, and those who do, are locked up in camps without trial and deported.
The shocking Jewish hypocrisy is evident when two recent news reports are compared: one in the New York Times, titled “Israel’s Chilly Reception for Asylum Seekers” (October 31, 2015), and another in the Jewish news service Israel21c, titled “To the refugees it doesn’t matter that we’re Israeli” (September 20, 2015).
The Israel21c news service (set up by the former head of one of the most prominent Jewish lobbies in America, the American Israel Political Action Committee, AIPAC), article reveals that the official Israeli aid agency, IsraAID, has stationed “dozens” of full time paid staffers along the Greek coast and further inland.
Their only job is to provide material aid and support to the Third World invaders coming ashore, and to help them on into Germany, the article reveals.
Among the Israeli Jews interviewed was IsraAID global programs manager, Naama Gorodischer, who is stationed on the Greek island of Lesbos. The article boasts about how these Jews are, quite literally, dragging the Third Worlders ashore into Europe: On September 13, the article says, Gorodischer “and other relief workers from IsraAID rescued newcomers whose boat had overturned.”

The Israel21c article admits these “refugees” are not all from Syria (“In addition to Iraq and Syria, there are refugees from countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, and Somalia”), but nonetheless specialists have been sent “from Israel to assess the needs of thousands of refugees trying to enter Hungary from Serbia.”
IsraAID also is providing food, water, blankets, and “Journey of Hope” relief kits to refugees in Greece and Serbia, the article continued. At the same time, they distribute “dozens of baby carriers and baby slings donated by Israelis.”

According to the IsraAID website, that agency’s “work” in Europe includes an “Advanced Emergency Team” on the ground providing basic medical and psychosocial support to refugees, as well as distributing “much needed emergency items, including baby slings.”
In addition, the IsraAID website says, the Jews have “sent an assessment and relief mission to Serbia and Croatia to determine both the short-term and long-term needs of both the refugee population crossing through Europe” and has launched a “Mobile Relief Unit in anticipation of Hungary’s stricter border controls.”
Finally, the IsraAID announcement boasts, it has “expanded its work to locations where refugees were being re-routed, on the Croatia side of the Serbian border, in several transit points, train and bus stations as well as in ad hoc camps that sprung up. At its peak, IsraAID was among the first agencies providing relief to over 11,000 refugees crossing from Serbia into Croatia in under 24 hours.”
According to its own website, IsraAID is financed by the Israeli Department of Foreign Affairs, the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the American Jewish Congress, the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, the B’nai B’rith International, the Federation CJA (Combined Jewish Appeal, a Canadian Jewish organization), the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, the University of Haifa, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, the Jewish Federation of Baton Rouge, the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston, the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans, the Jewish Federation Greater Vancouver, the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, the Jewish Federation of St Louis, the Jewish Federations of North America, Jewish World Watch, the Pears Foundation (run by the Jewish billionaire property owning family company in Britain), The Pratt Foundation (an Australian Jewish organization), The Ted Arison Family Foundation (Israel’s largest private family foundation), the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto (United Jewish Appeal), the UJA Federation of New York, and the North Carolina WNC Jewish Federation.
It also lists a number of “partners” who are not donors. Most of these organizations are Christian churches, including the Mormons, and two large Protestant and Catholic aid agencies.
Meanwhile, at home, the Israeli government is actively involved in blocking and deporting Third World “refugees” — a policy which is the exact opposite of IsraAID in Europe — which it directly funds.
The New York Times inadvertently reveals the hypocrisy in its article:
Israel’s policy toward African asylum seekers is to pressure them to self-deport or, as the former interior minister Eli Yishai put it, to “make their lives miserable” until they give up and let the government deport them.
The New York Times goes on to say that the Israeli government officially describes all refugees as “infiltrators,” and that this is the word regularly used by the Israeli media to describe them as well.
Furthermore, a law passed in 2013 mandates that all male asylum seekers are automatically and indefinitely detained in a concentration camp set up specifically for the purpose in the Negev Desert, far away from the Jewish centers.
There they are made an offer of $3,500 to voluntarily return to their country of origin, or a third country, usually Uganda or Rwanda. If they turn down this offer, they are deported without further ado.
The Jews are quite open about the reason for their hardline approach. As the New York Times says, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that the arrival of “refugees” posed a “demographic” risk to Israel: “If we don’t stop their entry, the problem that currently stands at 60,000 could grow to 600,000, and that threatens our existence as a Jewish and democratic state,” he said.
So it is clear that the Jews understand — correctly — that a mass Third World invasion will destroy their country, and they are very clear and open about this fact.
Nonetheless, at the very same time, they are actively funding and aiding a mass Third World invasion of Europe — knowing full well that this will destroy Europe.
This overt hypocrisy cannot be a coincidence: it is the result of a malicious, deliberate policy, designed to destroy Europe and Europeans, while ensuring that Israel remains racially pure.
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Source: New Observer
I don’t understand what Israel and the pro immigrant Jewish lobby hopes to achieve by this action, if Europe falls to islam then Israel will be totally surrounded by hostile nations to both the east and west and I doubt even the US could really do much to help them if the Mediterranean sea and all the land and airspace around it is controlled by hostile nations.
In Europe itself we are already seeing an increase in anti semitic attacks caused by the increasing numbers and confidence of the islamics.
While Israel itself may be taking a hard line against the influx they wont last 5 minutes if they find themselves totally surrounded and cut off.
We are seeing a total remake of the Middle East, where Israel will set the borders, and free themselves from anyone they don’t want within their new territory, especially the Palestinians. Such total remake where a new reality is created and the old reality forgotten, can only be done within a total war. This total war, Europe vs Islam, can only happen when there is an absolute hatred between the two. The destruction of Islamic countries, and the influx of Muslims into Europe will certainly see to it. This will continue until even the most reasonable will shout for war. Israel’s enemies will be Europe’s enemies. I wouldn’t be surprised to see terrorism committed against Jews in Europe to convince Jews that Israel is the only safe haven for them.… Read more »